We just reached the half year mark. Have you accomplished any of your New Year goals? Are they even still goals of yours? We have six months to make a difference and hold ourselves accountable. While the weather is nice and we have more daylight, now is the time to do some self reflecting. Here are 7 journal prompts for self reflection.

woman with glowing eye makeup and lipstick

7 Self Reflecting Journal Prompts:

  1. What do I enjoy doing over and over again without getting bored that I will do for free?
  2. List the 10 most interesting characteristics about yourself. (It could be physical, mental, emotional, talent, dream, desires, or whatever makes you you.)
  3. What are three things I do well?
  4. What is one goal that keeps making it to my list that I start but don’t finish, never start, or too afraid to start?
  5. What do I need to let go of, but having a hard time doing?
  6. List three things I can do everyday to make myself feel better? (If you can write more, then do so.)
  7. What are my favorite ways to unwind?

As you begin to reflect remember to be as detailed as possible. No detail is ever too small. The more in depth you’re able to go, the better your self awareness you’ll become. In result, leading you to your goal of living the life you want. Use the link provided to begin journaling to a better you. https://amzn.to/3xbjxmA These journal prompts are for you to have a deeper dive into who you are now and where you want to go. There aren’t any right or wrong answers here. MENTAL HEALTH AND SELF CARE IS FREE

Journaling for self reflection is a great way to check in on ourselves. This is one way to hold ourselves accountable. Also gives you a mental check on where we are and where we need to go. Furthermore, self reflecting journal prompts gives us an insight on what’s working and where we may need to adjust our self care. These 7 self reflecting journal prompts help me to get clarity on what I wanted to do with my time, who I wanted to spend my time with, and how I show up in certain relationships.

Happy Writing!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


After having the last couple weeks be mild and free. This week we’re going to busy wrapping up end of school year activities, state track meet will begin at the end of this week, and my son 16th birthday is this week. My goal is to stay on top of schedule, keeping the house in order, and maintaining calm.

Sunday: Starting the week off well rested and ready to have a good week. After our typical Sunday morning routine, I began laundry and planning dinner for later and tomorrow. I was also able to get 7 JOURNAL PROMPTS FOR A GOOD WEEK posted. The last three Sundays I’ve been very good uploading and posting as many listings as possible on Poshmark. Therefore, managing and selling through the week is simple and with ease. Mid afternoon I will post a couple more listings and do some admin stuff on my closet. After laundry I have a workout planned and then the goal is to relax after dinner.

Monday: 6 TIPS FOR MONDAY MORNING BLUES I really wasn’t ready for the work week to start. But after a quick pep talk to myself and prayer, I was back in good spirits ready to go. And after all, it was a good day at the office and we had a great evening. The kids are finishing up the end of year activities. We are gearing up for our son’s 16th birthday this week. To our surprise he doesn’t want much or want to do much. After dinner I wanted to try a new hair style so I washed my hair and gave it a good deep condition, then styled. I wasn’t able to get a workout in, because my brother called and of course we ended up having a lengthy conversation.

Tuesday: This morning is going well. The sun is shining and the humidity is low. The hubs had to go into work later this morning and we had a good coffee date. Due to work being slow, I was able to get many proposals sent out and work some contracts. After work, I was in a mood and cleaned while the kids headed to moms for a while. Later in the evening, I had to do some errands because my son wants an old fashion backyard BBQ for his birthday. When I finished the store run, I was tired and ready for bed.

Wednesday: Oh I didn’t want to get up this morning. I think I’m just as ready for the school year to be over with as the kids. But after drop off, I had to do a quick errand for my son birthday before heading to the office. My plans today is to clean and prep for his birthday. But while at the office do administrative work on my contracts and listings. Later in the evening after a workout I decided to do a mid week clean to get ready for my sons birthday.

birthday letterboard with confetti

Thursday: Its my son’s 16th birthday. I took off to prepare so when my husband got off work and the kids get out of school we’ll be ready to have the BBQ. During the preparations I came to a great point where I was able to run out and have a good walk before everyone came home. It was very important for me to take a moment for myself and just be. Early evening my mom came over and we had a great time. It’s always a great night when I can clean and tidy up without feeling overwhelmed.

Friday: Feels weird this morning because the kids are off today, because state track meets starts. We are definitely headed out there this weekend. Therefore, leftovers and keeping up will be my priority. Work day was quiet and we were happy. Our office is transitioning into a new system and ironing out the kinks has been challenging. However, it is very hot and humid today. Which makes for a hot day at the stadium. State track meets have begun and we’re prepping to head out for the evening.

Saturday: After a long and hot humid day we were all tired, showered, and headed to bed. Again today we’re kinda busy. My son has a hair cut appointment first thing, track meets are starting very early, I have a quick appointment, and it’s storming like crazy. At first the meets were postponed due to lightening and thunder. After a couple hours delay they resumed. However, it was cold, damp, and uncomfortable. In the end we were able to make all appointments and oddly enough had a great time at the stadium both days.

Have a great week everyone!!!!!!

P.S. Weekly blog is designed to show the realistic life of a working mom balancing family, career, and herself.


Be you so you can be free.


This week we are going to focus on some journal prompts for inner peace healing. These 7 healing journal prompts helped me identify where I need healing and growth. I also learned how certain relationships and past events show up presently.

woman in gray crew neck t shirt doing yoga

Using these healing journal prompts allows you to take a deeper look into what your triggers are. Also where the triggers come from. Through journaling for healing we’re able to recognize why we gravitate towards certain people. EMOTIONAL HEALING: OPEN YOUR MIND FOR UNDERSTANDING

Here are 7 healing journal prompts for inner peace:

  1. Describe a time when you felt most comfortable or yourself. (when writing about this time describe where you were, who was around, what were you wearing, what the weather was like, what was said in the convesation, this would help you identify or clarify who and what makes you happy)
  2. The first thing I think about in the morning is…(the moment you open your eyes what is the first thing that occupies your mind/thoughts, this prompt gives you an insight on what is causing your stress or anxiety)
  3. The one thing I’m afraid for people to know is…(we all have that one thing that we don’t want people to know, it could be an insecurity, past trauma, or thought, be as specific as possible, this will tell you what you need to conquer to free yourself)
  4. Do I feel stressed or anxious right now? Why or why not? (sometimes we may not want to say exactly what has us jumpy or we want to use an excuse, be honest and specific why or why not you’re feeling anxious or stressed, it could be nothing, something big something small)
  5. My most difficult relationship is…(once I realized what my most difficult relationship was, I was able to get clear on why I did certain things, closed myself off to certain people, and what triggered me. It doesn’t have to be romantic, it could a parent, sibling, coworker, cousin, aunt, uncle, friend, neighbor.)
  6. I am proud of myself for…(when was the last time you told yourself you were proud of you, this is one affirmation I’ve come to love, it could be simple as ”I’m proud of myself for trying a new recipe”, no matter how big or small be proud of yourself)
  7. What is my favorite TV show and why? (what we watch and consume consistently tell us a lot about our personalities and who we are, I love anything on ID Discovery, I’m more interested in the ”why” people choose the extremes that they do)

Try these 7 prompts for healing this week. The goal is to get a point of view from different backgrounds of life. Either way they’ll all come together to let us know how we’re doing, where we need to work, and what we are good at. You deserve healing and happiness.

Happy Writing!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


The weather has drastically shifted and it seems summer has began early. Here are 5 simple and easy healthy tips we all can use this summer.

gray and black dslr camera beside sun hat and sunglasses
    Of course, everyone knows this is my favorite activity. Walking outdoors in the summer time allows you to get some natural vitamin D that we all need to stay healthy. Using the natural sunlight always gives a good natural tan that we look for. Because of the heat and sun, we sweat more than normal, which means toxins are being released from our bodies. It will give you energy, great mental clarity, and an excellent source of emotional healing. Walking is a great self care activity for every area of your life.
    With temperatures high and the humidity making you feel like you’re suffocating, hydration is essential. Making a pitcher of cucumber lemon water is a great way to ensure you have something refreshing at any moment of the day. DIY Cucumber Lemon Water GREAT REFRESHER There are a ton of water infused recipes out there you can try. The more variety you add, the more vitamins and nutrients you are putting in your body naturally. Staying hydrating also includes your hair, skin, and body. Yes, I know it’s hot but keeping lightly moisturized ensures the elements outside doesn’t damage your skin. Opting for water gel moisturizers for your skin is best. They sink into the skin without being heavy or greasy. In shower body moisturizers are my go to for summer months. Finally, a light hair lotion that doesn’t weigh your hair down is a great option to keeping your hair protected.
    The more colors you add to your diet the better. In the summer a great healthy tip is to add as much colors to your meals as possible. Fresh green salads, pasta salads, and fruit salads are a great way to add color. We have an array of content and recipes to pull from to add variety. Incorporate many different varieties of fruit smoothies into your diet. All options allows you to eat fresh, light, and healthy. In return, maintaining a good balance with the walking outdoors.
    Much has changed in the last two years. Therefore, finding new ways to entertain and enjoy family time has to get creative. No matter where you live, how large or small of city you live in, there are a ton of activities each week and weekend over the summer. It’s not so much about the event but about enjoying your time, having great conversation, and communing with others. Just getting out trying events and activities that you wouldn’t necessarily do, breaks you out of your comfort zone. You begin to meet new people. Thus opening and expanding your network.
    It wouldn’t be a great summer tip without using sunscreen. We are going to be out more than normal, so protect yourself by applying sunscreen. There are sunscreens available for hair, skin, and everything in between. We still have an obligation to protect ourselves from the elements. Lotions, sprays, and sunscreen sticks are available to us at affordable prices. Be mindful and protect yourself this summer.

Have a great, happy, and healthy summer!!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


I thought I’d share a fun post list of things I’ve never done that some may consider ordinary or normal. A list of ordinary things I’ve never done has been eye opening to write and also learn about myself. I encourage anyone to sit down and write ordinary things you’ve never done. It may just give you some insight on how your upbringing, family, life, and now adulthood has shaped you. MOTIVATIONAL HEALING: LEARN YOUR SOURCE OF ANGER


Those are just a few things that ”normal” or ”ordinarily most people have done. It was fun for me to sit down and think about. It also gave me an insight about myself on a different perspective. Sometimes growth and healing doesn’t have to be so serious all the time. I’m pretty sure there are more things that I’ve never done that are ordinary.

Have a great day!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


The alarm clock goes off and you instantly get into a mood. The only thing you can think about is what you have to do at work, the coworker that gets on your last nerve, what’s for dinner, and the bills that are due today. You have no energy to get out of bed nor do you have any enthusiasm.

woman in black shirt sitting on white chair

We’ve all had these mornings, probably once twice. The truth is we can’t stop these kind of mornings, however we can do minor things to get us through.

  1. Immediately stop any negative talk or thoughts. Instead, remind yourself of why you took the job or position in the first place. What excitement did you have when you first started? That co worker that gets on your nerves is telling you there is something about you, that they hoped to have. You inspire them. YOU INSPIRE SOMEONE OUT THERE Dinner is hours away, you will have a meal on table.
  2. Stretch. Just about 5 minutes of stretching from head to toe. Wake up your joints, bones, and get that blood circulating. You’ll feel loose and ready to move.
  3. Take a shower, wash your hair, and face. Release all the negative into the drain and renew your spirit. Put some time into yourself. Make yourself feel good and look good.
  4. Put something good in your belly. Have a good fulfilling breakfast. Breakfast is not only good for your physical body, but your brain and emotional wellbeing as well.
  5. Before heading out for your day, take a moment to pray. Gratitude for the vehicle to get to work, the job itself, the home and bed you just woke up in, that nutritional breakfast, and simply waking up. There is someone out there who went to sleep last night and didn’t wake up.
  6. Lastly go have a good day. Expect goodness throughout the day. When we expect goodness and have hope, our thoughts will remain positive. By the evening you’ll forget you even woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Monday morning blues will come and they will go. But be intentional and practice small habits that will boost your mood. Certain things will always be out of our control. What we can control is what we think about the situation, how we respond, and get through. Remember good times don’t last but tough people do. This is temporary.

Have a great day!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


In the last month or so, I’ve decided to journal write every morning. As previously stated, I would journal randomly. Because I really been trying to be intentional about being present and emotionally sound, I thought I’d journal every morning to see where it takes me.

person holding a scrapbook

I can say I’ve been more calm, stable, and aware of myself mentally and emotionally. I can make decisions and not feel guilty. I’ve learned the importance of responding to situations and events as opposed to reacting to them. Furthermore, journaling every morning has giving me peace to not respond to some situations at all. HAVE YOU HAD YOUR ANNUAL MENTAL HEALTH CHECK UP?

I think one of the reasons I didn’t journal regularly before, even though it was helpful when I did, I wasn’t sure if I was doing it ”right”. In this last month I’ve gotten comfortable in journaling my way. Even if you don’t have anything going on, nothing is bothering you, journaling for a specific time is healthy for your own personal clarity. Journaling For Mental Health, TRY IT

Here are 7 journal prompts to try this week:

  1. Today I feel(this three word prompt allows you to be free and express every emotion you are feeling, be as specific as possible.)
  2. The school year is coming to an end and I feel…about it (this prompt is great for you to express yourself as a parent and what the transition of changing routines makes you feel)
  3. This time of year spring/summer is my favorite or least of the year, why or why not? (exploring how you feel about different seasons allows you to determine if you have seasonal depression or anxiety, and a different perspective about your personality)
  4. One thing that will make me more confident is…(be completely honest about the one thing that nags at you that you want to be more confident about)
  5. The one thing I need to stop doing and why…(we all have that one thing that hinders us from getting to where we want to be, verbalize it, express it, and leave it on the paper)
  6. Dream day in my life…(this was my absolute favorite, get as detailed and specific as possible of what you dream a day is like in your perfect world)
  7. If you’re not happy doing what you’re doing, what would you like to do? (be as specific as possible, about your dream career, job, or profession)
a happy woman working from home

These 7 journal prompts allows you the ability to explore every area of your life and where you are. Some fun and some serious to give you balance. The most light hearted can be the most eye opening sometimes. It makes for a fun journaling session. Journal your way, how you want to write, and get out what you need to be the best you. The provided link to this amazing calendar and organizer is the beginning of you prioritizing your self care needs. https://amzn.to/3QchQy3

When setting up your journaling session, clear the table or desk. Then make sure there aren’t any distractions like television, phone, kids, or spouse. Get you a cup of tea, coffee, or water. Allot yourself a set time. You can opt to start at 15 minutes or even an hour. Either way, you’ll come to learn you won’t be able to put the pen down. Have a specific place to put your journal when you’re finish. Lastly, use the same pen each day.

Happy Writing!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


YUP, you read that right. I deleted all my social media apps. I had been contemplating this for a while. There isn’t any incident or specific reasoning. In my gut I knew this was a challenge I wanted to tackle and knew it would be beneficial. For starters, I was never a fan of social media. I am one who feels the less you know about me, the better. Also people share too much now days. And to be perfectly honest, I’m lazy. It takes a lot of time, work, effort, and patience to engage in so many apps.

I wouldn’t say I was addicted to it, but it was a great way for me to ”pass time”. You know, in the doctors office, car rider line at school, or when the commercials come on TV. Even though I only used Instagram to promote my blog and spread motivation, I deleted the app. I knew it was the right thing because I wasn’t consistent, no matter how much people say I need it to promote my blog. I’d rather it gain traction organically and the person who needs motivation will find it. It wasn’t my passion or something I enjoyed so I rarely posted on Instagram.

On the other hand, I absolutely enjoyed reading and listening to others encouraging words and motivation. That is something I enjoyed having at my finger tips. Knowing the courage, confidence, and conviction so many have to want better, get better, and be better. In the end, I know I will still be able to engage and encourage.

Pinterest was my favorite app to be on. The endless inspiration can be addicting. From home decor, to hair, to nails, and holiday decor I loved. My absolute favorite was the quotes I could have at any moment for any emotion. I knew in an instant I could get a quick pick me up or reminder. HAPPINESS ISN’T A DESTINATION

Lastly, I only had TikTok to keep up with my daughter. She enjoys sharing her artwork on that app. However, because of her age, I still periodically check her phone. Also my husband has the app downloaded. Therefore, it was a no brainer I deleted it. I never had a Facebook or the desire to. Never had a Snapchat or whatever else is out there.

The other apps I deleted were gaming apps that I either don’t play or never played. Once again I am trying to get to a place of being present and using my time. To prevent having an urge, I place the phone in another room when I’m watching TV. That way I can enjoy the program and not have to shift my focus. I began picking up a book and reading it. I have so many books that I’ve purchased and never read. Getting back into reading is very important for my mental health. Finally, I purchased some crossword and sodoku puzzles.

As a surprise I don’t feel like I’m missing out. Nor do I have the urge to pick up my phone. I’ve been enjoying reading and doing puzzles. If you are wanting a change or need a break I encourage you to delete your social media apps. If you can’t, give yourself a time limit. You’ll feel more encouraged to be creative and productive.


Be you so you can be free.


It took me a while to learn my skin and create a regimen. However, there are some non product beauty tips for clear skin that I’ve adopted to help keep my skin clear. 5 NON BEAUTY RELATED SKIN CARE TIPS The first thing to do is learn your skin type, then learn what products work for you, and lastly, be consistent. You must be consistent to achieve results.

Tip#1-Limit Alcohol
If you want to dry your skin out, drink excessive amounts of alcohol. Too much consumption, dehydrates the skin, thus leaving the skin to begin sagging, creating wrinkles, and causes breakouts. Also the lack of hydration causes your skin to look dull, grey, and lifeless. Notice I said too much. An occasional drink here and there is ok. If you do have a drink, drink double the amount of water to flush out your system. Another good way to flush out the system is to sweat it out. So a good workout to get you sweaty will help.

Tip#2-Don’t Touch Your Face
This one was hard for me. For someone who works in an office it’s very easy to rest your face in your hands. This causes all the natural oils from your hands and bacteria to soak into the skin. Not only touching your face with hands, make sure to wipe your phone often because it rest on the skin while talking, and don’t let others touch your face.

Tip#3-Keep Hair Out of Face
We use a lot of product in our hair. I know for me, any kind of hair on my face I will immediately breakout. The hair sprays, oils, and serums can effect our skin if we consistently allow our hair to rest on our face.

Tip#4-Change Your Pillow Case Often
I’ve heard some women say they sleep on their back to keep their face off the pillow. But at some point our face will touch the pillow. I’m personally a side sleeper, so inevitably my face will touch the pillow. Once again, the oils from the hair and product will transfer onto the skin. Changing as often as you can, will help eliminate unwanted breakouts.

Tip#5-Limit Sugar and Dairy
This is personal for me. Once I eliminated sugary drinks and dairy from my diet I noticed a huge difference in my skin. Lots of soda, candy, dairy, and sweets can cause breakouts that leave scars and discoloration. Remember whatever we put into our body comes out in our skin. That is with the good and bad.

Tip#6-Don’t Stress and Worry
Yes, I know this is very difficult to do. But stress and worry wears on our skin worse than makeup. Sometimes we can stress so bad, it wears on our pores, saggy skin, redness, dark circles, breakouts, lines, wrinkles, and even swelling. When faced with difficult times it’s most important to focus on our self care more. Spending extra time on ourselves in challenging times, refocus our attention on something we can control.

In addition to these tips keep your regimen simple and listen to your skin. It will tell you what you need. Good all round skin care is in our daily habits.


Be you so you can be free.


This year my spring self care checklist is a little different. SPRING SELF CARE TIPS YOU CAN DO NOW For 2022, this spring I want to focus on some things I’d like to get better at or start doing. In no particular order here’s my spring self care checklist.

I’ve been a little loose lately on my eating habits. I don’t follow a specific diet. However, I try to keep a no carb, low sugar, low sodium, and non dairy diet. This is what works for me and I receive results that I’m happy with it. So to start the spring season, I’m focusing on cleansing my body as well as my mental. Drinking lots of water, making healthy low sugar smoothies at home, high protein, and colorful veggies. It’s been about two weeks since I’ve been sticking with it, and my body is thanking me for the cleanse.

As for my mental, I wanted to take a pause. Sometimes when you have so much going on and working on, you can lose track. For a moment I’m going to not do too much, as I prayed and meditated for clarity and direction. I want to make sure I’m supposed to be juggling my blog, being a freelancer, working outside the home, and other projects I’ve started. I don’t want to spread myself too thin and not enjoy all what I do.

Add Color Accents To the Home
Adding color to the house is something that visually satisfies me and make me want to be at home. First, I have to have some kind of door hanger for every season or holiday. This year I went with a very colorful butterfly in many different shades of blue with accents of all the spring colors. Next, I added some pillows and throw to the couch. Lastly, the spring candles are out and right now my favorite is “Bamboo and Waterlily Bliss” by Glade. The pale green color of the candle along with the pillows adds just the hint of spring to the inside.

Purchase A New Plant
For little over a year now, I’ve been trying to work on my green thumb. So far so good. None of my plants have died on me. The aloe plant is thriving and growing wildly. The baby peace lily has been amazing and is doing the best. My large peace lily is looking ok, but she still a work in progress. However, I want to add another plant. Adding plants has been a great challenge, project for me to focus on, and helping me expand my horizons to step outside my comfort zone to try new things.

Get A New Phone Case
Seems simple enough right. Well something as simple as getting a new phone case can add some style, change of scenery, and personality. This is a very inexpensive way to add color, style, personality, and variety with little effort. Also this will give you a little confidence boost. Sometimes starting with the smallest change can give you the push needed to keep going or go big.

Search New Recipes
There is a ton of content out there. Search for new recipes for the spring. Refresh your weekly menu to add variety, increase the amount of healthy food, and get rid of boredom. Learning new recipes gives you an outlet to be creative. Explore and expand with flavors, colors, and texture with food. In the meantime, you are busy creating, growing, and enhancing yourself.

Motivational Podcast
Podcast are one of the popular mediums to consume content. Search and find an inspirational podcast that speaks to what you are needing or wanting. Seek motivation on where you’re trying to go and how you can get there. Having this podcast can provide you with inspiration and motivation at a moments notice. It’s useful for a nice spring walk, while you’re on break at work, while you’re meditating or praying, waiting for your kid to get out of practice, while in shower or bath tub, or cooking. Furthermore, a great podcast will allow you to keep your mental and emotional tank full. Therefore, help your mental health status stay in the green.

Purge Old Winter Clothes
A good way to say good bye to winter is to get rid of old clothes that you can’t fit or not going to wear next year. This makes room for new spring inspiration for you to spruce your style up. An added bonus is to sell them. My favorite thing to do is list it on Poshmark . Poshmark is very simple to sell old items you no longer want or need. Not only are you decluttering, you’re making a little something off of it. In addition, becoming a seller catapults you into creating a new business venture for yourself.

Those are my spring self care habits for 2022. They are simple, effective, and something that will benefit us in more than one way. It’s a new season, and a fresh start for you to get your spark back, renew it, or switch it up. Whatever you need to do this spring, do it for you.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.