After many years of breakouts and product trials I’m finally comfortable in my “skin”. Just like everyone else, I researched how to get glowing skin a million times. For me, what I figured out was it’s in the non beauty product related details that helps you achieve your goals.

  1. Your diet plays a huge role in how your skin looks. You can have the most expensive products, but if you don’t take care of your skin from within then you’re wasting your money. Having a colorful diet, lots of water, and natural vitamins comes through the skin.
  2. Having the proper amounts of sleep helps you achieve your glowing skin goals. Just like our bodies, our skin is rejuvenated nightly. That night cream won’t work if you don’t sleep. Not to mention, lack of sleep creates puffiness, dark circles, and redness to begin with.
  3. Stress contributes to the breakdown in our skin. The more we stress, the more breakouts we are going to have. When we stressed, we aren’t sleeping, eating right, or keeping up with our routine like we should. Don’t wear the worry and stress on your face. Let things go. Happy Sunday AND LET GO
  4. Using too many products can cause a reaction. Just because every influencer says you need a certain product doesn’t mean its going to work for you. Create a routine for you. What works for your friend may not work for you.
  5. Along with using too many products, using the wrong products can drastically damage your skin. For instance, I thought I had oily acne prone skin. In actuality, my skin is dry. Because I wasn’t moisturizing enough and properly, I was causing my skin to produce more sebum. Also I was using drying products to combat the oiliness, which only made my skin worse. AFFORDABLE BEAUTY PRODUCTS I’M LOVING RIGHT NOW
  6. Lastly, exercise and sweat those toxins out. Sweating out toxins is good for our skin. Let those pores open and release all the dirt, oil, and sweat.

The key here is to learn your skin. Start with a mild cleanser and see how it reacts. Then slowly incorporate another product. When we use too many products we can’t tell which one is causing the reaction. As your lifestyle changes so will your skin. Even from season to season, our skin changes. Having a clear understanding of your skin, will help you adjust accordingly.


Be you so you can be free.

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