I wanted to give everyone a quick mental note going into the new year, mistakes are good for you. Learn from your mistakes and never be shamed because you did make a mistake. We often beat ourselves up when we make a mistake. For some it’s very difficult to admit they made a mistake. In the mean time, others won’t even admit they actually do make mistakes. There isn’t anything wrong with making mistakes.

You Are Perfect The Way You Are

The honest to God truth is, we all are going to make mistakes over and over again. It’s all about how we grow and learn from them. Mistakes is how we learn what not to do. Whenever you make a mistake, and learn the correct way to do something, you’ll never make that mistake again. MENTAL HEALTH WELLNESS TIP: ONE STEP AT A TIME

In some situations in life, the only way to move forward is to make that one mistake that will teach us the who, what, where, why, and how.

As we approach the new year, I want the thought of being perfect to leave your mind. Embrace whatever mishaps happened. Figure out how you can learn and grow from them, and leave it as an after thought.

The humility, courage, and confidence you gain from admitting ”I made a mistake” is a power no one can take from you. When we deny, deflect, or dismiss we actually hurt ourselves. We give our power away. Admitting you made a mistake shows character, strength, courage, and humility.

Right now many people are gearing up for the ”new them”. One way to sit in who you are is to acknowledge the mistake that made you a better person today. It could be choosing the wrong partner, career choice, job, move, or conversation. Never regret the decisions or choices. Instead learn from them.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


We’ve heard a million people say set boundaries. But setting boundaries isn’t the hard part. The hard thing about boundaries is keeping them and implementing said consequences if someone crosses a boundary.

I think we’ve all said we’re done with someone or a situation and even knew how we were going to handle it in the future. But when that next time came, we got cold feet. We second guess ourselves. The thought of cutting someone off, give us anxiety. We begin to worry about hurting their feelings. Especially if its a close friend or family member. We begin to question if we’re the one’s being too sensitive or overreacting. Having the guts or courage to let someone know they have hurt your feelings brings you embarrassment. You just don’t want to ruffle anyone’s feather. Or cause a scene. Be the person that ruins the dinner, holiday, or trip.

But guess what, that second guessing is what go us to this point. We know how we feel, we know what we need and want, but refuse to say it out of fear. What if you attempt to implement the consequences and it’s not received? The sad part is we are willing to continue to sacrifice our feelings to spare someone else’s. That’s not ok. Putting your feelings and boundaries first is a for sure way to demand respect in a respectful manner. It’s ok to tell others ”you’ve gone too far.”

The first thing to do when setting boundaries is to let them know if you do this, it makes me feel like this, and therefore I would have to do this to protect myself. Protect Your Peace And Energy Make it clear what the boundary is not to cross. Then be specific of what said consequence is for that boundary being crossed. That way when you do have to take action, it doesn’t come as a surprise.

Next, start with realistic consequences that you feel comfortable implementing and sticking to. As time goes on you’ll develop the confidence to be stronger. We often make the mistake of starting off big because we’re so angry but it sets us up to fall hard. Remember it’s just as equally emotional for you to even create said boundaries with certain people.

In your journey of healing and life, boundaries are necessary. Creating them is easy. But the hard thing about boundaries is implementing the consequence. Start at a place where you are confident to handle and make no apologies for. When setting and implementing boundaries we can’t get cold feet, a shaky voice, or apologize before doing it.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


So really quick, this wasn’t a planned post but getting over fear feels amazing. Fear is a waste of time. And I want everyone to take a leap and go for it.

Recently, I had been making goals for the next year. Nothing too extravagant, but I wanted to add another stream of income. Years ago, I found myself being an personal assistant to a broker and absolutely fell in love with that job. I flourished, the office thrived, and I learned a lot about myself. That position taught me so much about business, time management, multitasking, problem solving, and so many other things.

Fast forward to this year, I created a profile on Uprwork just to have fun. Really quick, Upwork is a place for Freelancers to land gigs. I thought it would be fun to do mini tasks, help others out, polish some skills, learn some new skills, all while making a little extra money. Now I had the profile for a while. I would log in, look at potential clients, and talk myself out of it.

For the last couple of days, I’ve had this urge to kick things into gear, challenge myself, and get things started before the new year. So today while I’m at work, I decided to jump all in, and logged into Upwork, and submitted proposals for potential clients. I didn’t think nothing of it. I thought I’d get looked over, and nothing would come of it.

Well within literally 10 minutes, I had offers and contracts to accept or deny. The disbelief was hard to mask. I began to silently panic sitting at my desk. I literally said “what have I done.” It was exciting but I started second guessing my talents and abilities. Saying things like what if they aren’t satisfied and they give me a bad review. Fear is a waste of time.

Either way, I accepted the contract, calmed myself down, and prayed because I was so filled with gratitude. I was grateful for the opportunities and finally having the guts to go for it. For a milisecond, I was mad at myself, like, why have I waited for so long.

I came home, completed the first task, submitted it, and they loved it. 👏🏾That gave me so much confidence I just started submitting proposals to all jobs I had saved but never had the guts to go forward with.

All that to say, you can have everything you want, when you throw fear out the window. Fear is paralyzing, makes you second guess, and is a waste of time. The first thing I said was ”and I’ve been scared for nothing.” Is it scary stepping out on a limb, absolutely. But we must take that step no matter how small it is, to get closer to our goals. KEEP GOING AND PUSH YOURSELF

Whatever it is, that you have been wanting to do, just do it. You never know how it will turn out if you always postponing, talking yourself out of it, and pushing it away. As I encourage myself to keep going, I encourage you to do the same.

The feeling of conquering fear, is liberating. You feel like you’ve lost weight. Conquering fear is an instant confidence booster. You feel good about yourself and have motivation to keep going. Fear is a waste of time.


Be you so you can be free.


As I’ve grown, there have been many life lessons and takeaways that have stuck with me. The one that keeps coming up as of late, is ”you can learn from anyone.” I think we put ourselves in box when we only focus on those that compliment us.

I had this light bulb years ago when some of my best business advice and life advice came from bosses that may not have had the best regards from their employees. I’ll never forget one time, I was in a meeting and my general manager informed me of a decision he made. In the next sentence he said “it’s not what everyone wants, but I can’t do what everyone wants me to do. I was hired to do a job and that’s what I’m going to do. They have a choice to live with it or not.”

At the onset, you kind of clutch your pearls. But as I sat at my desk, I realized he’s right. EMOTIONAL HEALING: OPEN YOUR MIND FOR UNDERSTANDING You can’t make decisions based off your emotions or others emotions for that matter. Just because someone wants you to make a certain decision, doesn’t mean you have to. Because that’s the best decision for them doesn’t mean that’s the best for you. Your emotions will lead you astray. One day you’re happy, and the next you’re sad.

That is all to say, we can literally learn a lesson from anyone. Some of your best life lessons will come from those who have wronged you, misunderstood you, or neglected you. In a sense, we should give a little more attention to those life lessons. They will teach us what our triggers are, what we’re lacking emotionally, and what we need to work on within ourselves.

Get yourself out of the rut by asking yourself what can I learn from what this person said to me. If someone has wronged you, ask yourself why are you offended, what made them feel comfortable saying what they said, and how did my response escalate or deescalate the situation. What does your reaction to certain instances say about yourself. One great way to see where we need work, is to look at how we respond to offenses. It says more about us, than the person who is giving the offense. On the other hand, watching how someone else responds lets you know where they are mentally and emotionally.

These are all life lessons that we can learn from others. Just because you don’t agree with someone, don’t be so quick to throw them away. Take a lesson, grow, and then move on.

The key is to watch, listen, and learn for motivation. Not to compare yourself to another person, condemn them, or demean anyone.


Be you so you can be free.


We have so much material on how to know we’re suffering from a mental or emotional breakdown. However, there are signs to know when you’ve grown. Here are a couple of emotional wellness tips to know when you’ve grown.

First the things that used to trigger you no longer has an effect on you. You know you’ve grown emotionally when you don’t even realized you’ve experience a trigger that you used to have. The things that used to set you off, get you sad, or make you withdrawn doesn’t even touch you. This means you’ve reached a point to where you acknowledge the trigger, understand it, and let it go.

The second way to know you’ve grown emotionally is you respond with grace. You aren’t mad or upset. The desire to be sarcastic or prove your point isn’t there. You are at peace with the situation or relationship. You can wish them well, be in the same room, and your energy isn’t off. That person doesn’t have power over you. You’ve regained your control back.

Thirdly, your mind isn’t constantly occupied with the what ifs. You know longer think about what could have been. Nor do you think how you should have responded or what you wish you would have said. The idea of being anxious about a situation isn’t weighing you down.

Lastly, you see yourself having more good days than bad days. You find yourself smiling and laughing more. The desire to want to get out, enjoy fresh air, be around people, and move is becoming greater. The feeling of being free and lighter is shown through your body language and smile. Overall, you are happy being you.

The ability to overcome, let things go MOTIVATIONAL AND INSPIRATIONAL: JUST LET IT GO, and be at peace is a great gift we can all give to ourselves. However, it is a process and it takes time. Be patient in the process. We all will get to where we want to go.

Those are just 4 things that could let you know you’re beginning to grow. There are many other signs to know you are growing. But if you’re experiencing any of the above, then you are headed on the right track.


Be you so you can be free.


One easy and instant way to relieve stress is to stop trying so hard. Simply take it day by day, do what you can and forget the rest. I tell my kids that every morning, ”do your best and forget the rest.” You’re not going to be good at everything. We don’t know everything. And that is perfectly ok.

Many times the reason one may feel overwhelmed is they are trying to do everything at once. If you can only get two things done today then you’ve accomplished something. Be proud of that. Don’t beat yourself up because you had five things on your list today, but the universe had other plans for you. It was only meant for you to get two things done today.

I will say that is one thing I’ve learned and mastered. THE LONGER YOU WORRY, THE MORE TIME WASTED Not worrying about what didn’t happen, what didn’t go right, and what else is left to do. Don’t strive to be perfect, appear to be perfect, or to have it all together. Attempting that will, only stress you to have a face full of wrinkles and dark circles. Do what you can and what’s in your realm of abilities. Everything else will work out.

As of late, I’ve had this saying. ”Only answer the question that is asked.” Literally and figuritavely. Don’t give out or give up more than what is asked. Sometimes giving more, sends you down a path you didnt want to go on. Unwanted expectations from others tend to make us feel obligated. They take advantage of your kindness. It may result in them using your words, information, or vulnerabilty against you. We can’t be everything to everyone. That goes for personal life, relationships, and at work.

Do what you can and forget the rest. Throw the guilt, shame, and apologies out. If you are feeling overwhelmed, weighed down, or drowning let some things go. If you aren’t able to fulfill a request, then say it. Don’t twist yourself into a pretzel to do something for someone that couldn’t do it themselves. If you don’t know how to do something that is ok as well. And if you need to ask for help, please do. You’ll make your life a little easier.

Now have a great day. Do something nice for yourself. Give someone a compliment. Lastly, express gratitude.


Be you so you can be free.


lemon photo on person s thigh

No matter how many times you fall, you will get back up. Don’t ever get discouraged because you have a little setback. SETBACKS, REJECTIONS, AND STUMBLING BLOCKS ARE NECESSARY FOR GROWTH That is how we learn, grow, and heal. On your journey have no regrets about the path you have been taken down. Your path and journey was created specifically for you. As you grow through life don’t listen to the negative chatter about how many times you’ve had to pick yourself up.

The beauty is you’ve had the strength, courage, and perseverance to keep getting up. That means no matter what is thrown at you, you have the WILL POWER in you to live and get back up. There isn’t anything that you aren’t equipped to handle.

No matter where you are or what is going on in your life, you can and will get back up!!!!!!!

Have a great day, week, month, and holiday!!!!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


The one thing I know as I’ve grown is that I can’t skip breakfast. My body tells me, you need to eat. Here are some simple and quick breakfast ideas I alternate to ensure I start my day off right.

Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist, scientist, or doctor. I simply do what my body tells me to do. Seek professional advice from a professional if you are having any health or diet issues.

  1. 2 Slices of Turkey Bacon and 2 Fried Eggs
    Simply place two pieces of bacon on baking sheet and place in the oven. I usually cook the bacon for about 10-15 minutes to get them a little crispy. While the bacon is cooking in the oven, I fry my eggs. To do so I spray a little non stick spray, crack the eggs in the pan, and sprinkle a little Miss Dash Salt Free Seasoning. Cook on each side for about 3-4 minutes. Usually the bacon and eggs are done around the same time.
    **Sometimes I would add a little shredded cheese on top of the eggs when I’m finish.
  2. 2 Fried Eggs
    Sometimes I don’t want any bacon. So I’ll fry me two eggs and top it with cheese and bacon bits. Either way I’m getting a quick breakfast that’s healthy and filled with protein.
    **When I’m feeling fancy, I’ll spread avocado on top of the eggs. Then add the shredded cheese, bacon bits, and a little pico de gallo.
  3. Bowl of Protein Oatmeal
    I always keep a box of Quaker Protein Cranberry Almond oatmeal handy. One packet is 10g of protein. Depending on preference and time I mix it with hot water or sugar free almond milk. To add flavor I’ll mix in some fruit. Sliced apples, strawberries, or blueberries most of the time. This packet of oatmeal always keeps me full until lunch time.
  4. Breakfast Smoothie.
    If I’m really in a rush, I’ll make me a quick smoothie. Usually a hand full of spinach or 1 cup, blended with mixed frozen fruit, banana, 1 scoop of vanilla protiein powder, and a liquid of my choice. Sometimes I use coconut water or sugar free vanilla almond milk. I take this smoothie with me out the door and literally sip on it for hours at my desk. This keeps me full and at the same time getting in some good vitamins.
    **A great substitue I use for added thickness is an avocado.
  5. Two Good Healthy Snack. HEALTHY SNACK WITH “TWO GOOD”
    Two good yogurt with a drizzle of honey and dried cranberries takes 2 minutes to prepare. You can have a protein filled quick breakfast in less than 5 minutes. Or, of course a full healthy snack with two good. HEALTHY SNACK WITH “TWO GOOD”

The above is just a couple of realistic breakfast ideas that are quick and simple to get your day started. With each option I always have my DIY NON DAIRY ICED COFFEE. I like to keep my breakfast light, protein filled, and quick. Again I’m not a specialist. I only specialize in me.


Be you so you can be free.


The one thing I know for sure, is we all want to be happy, love, and be loved. The one thing that holds us back is not being our true authentic self. We hear it all the time, to just be you. If we all could live how we want, where we want, and with whom we want, the idea of stress and anxiety would greatly diminish.

To just be you means to not go buy a house because your friend has. Be comfortable in your apartment or living with your parents. Just be you and take small staycations instead of a grand vacation. Own who you are in the style of clothes you like to wear. Just because your friends or family like certain stores, brands, and styles doesn’t mean you have to wear that as well.

Trying to keep up with what everyone is doing, what they have, and where they are is going take your focus off of you and your happiness. Furthermore, why spend money and stress yourself trying to fit in. You being you will allow you to stand out the right way.

If you have a bubbly or colorful personality don’t hide it because you feel no one understands. Be the life of the party if that’s what your heart desire. Secretly, those with quiet personalities enjoy your free spirit and is motivated by you. Happy Sunday AND LET GO

To just be you means don’t put yourself in any situation where you have to compromise your comfort, smile, personality, and energy. Not everyone is going to run to you and love you but that doesn’t mean you have to hide who you really are.

Remember you were created to be specifically you. If that’s the way God wanted you to be, then that is who you ought to be. If God says you’re perfect and enough the way I created you, then you are PERFECT!!!!!!! So go out there and be you. Those who are supposed to love you will, and those who don’t, bless them and keep going.

You will only win at being you. Don’t waste time, money, or energy trying to be something other than what you were created to be. Everyone else is taken. Just be you.


Be you so you can be free.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!! I hope you all have a safe, relaxing, and fun time with family and friends. Use this time to breathe and just be. You’ll get back to work soon enough. Enjoy being off and let yourself be free. EVEN THE STRONGEST NEEDS A BREAK

Whatever this holiday may look like for you, embrace it. There are many changes happening in everyday life, so some may not still get to gather for a multitude of reasons. If you are dealing with grief and loss, remember the good times. Celebrate as if they were still with you physically, because they are with you still spiritually.

If you are a family having financial difficulty, don’t let that sour your mood, weekend off, and holiday. Have a great Thanksgiving with what you have. Just because a million dollars gets spent doesn’t mean it will be enjoyable. You can still have an amazing time with less. Even if you can’t do what you used to, still do what you can and enjoy.

On the other hand, if you’re a family that has distance literally and/or figuratively, gather and send love anyway. Even if they don’t receive the love right away, they’ll have it to hold to for when they need it. Make a choice to do right and love regardless. I know it may be difficult. But remember forgiveness is for you not them. Also making the decision to do right instead of being right may just get things back on track.

Life is short. We can’t get this day back, time back, or holiday do over. Don’t waste it. Be you and take care of yourself.

I am very grateful and appreciative of everyone who has supported, stop by, commented, and like a post of mine. It means the world to me. Thank you all so much.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.