As we now know, self care isn’t just manis, pedis, and masks. You can practice self care everyday anytime of day. TGIF: SELF CARE IS ALL AROUND YOU Here are 5 quick self care tips to refresh and recharge when you need a pick me up.

  1. Make Your Bed
    I know this seems simple. But making your bed everyday is a quick way to make your room feel tidy. You can leave everything as is, but with a made bed, you’ll feel a sense of productivity. It will give you a clean fresh slate at the start of the day. You’ll feel less stressed and thus, boosts your mood. The best thing to do, is make your bed as soon as you get up.
  2. Clean Your Purse
    This is somethings that always gets me in a recharged mood. Throw away old receipts. Get rid of that lose change and start that money jar. Money Jar Saving Method for easy saving Toss old candy and wrappers that’s been thrown in your purse. Bonus Tip: A great way to boost mood and increase confidence is to switch out your purses. I know some women do this daily while others like myself do so seasonally. Either way, it’s a great way to improve overall happiness.
  3. Take Your Vitamins
    We all would love to say we eat 3 healthy meals a day as well as snacks. But that’s just not the case for many. Taking a daily vitamin is a great to boost your immune support and give your body the extra nutrients needed. Set a time and get into a habit where you do it at the same time everyday.
  4. Clean Your Car Out
    As a mom of 3, I would love to say my car is spotless. But that has never been the case since I started having children. Every so often I’ll go out while it’s nice and the sun is shining, and simply throw away any trash, papers from school, water bottles, and anything else my kids left behind. I wipe and dust the inside. Of course, every so often I’ll take it to the car wash and vacuum it out.
  5. Delete, Uninstall, and Clear Phone
    If you really want to give yourself a mental recharge, go through your phone and delete any apps that you don’t use. Or if you’d like a challenge delete an app you spend too much time on. Get rid of all those random photos and videos thats taking up storage. Clear any files or downloads. Delete old contacts, conversations, and numbers that doesn’t serve you.

If you’re feeling like you’ve fell into a slump and need a recharge try these 5 self care tips. Any one of the tips can be done any time and any day of the week. Give you a chance by recharging and refreshing your mind.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


As I jump in to create the life I want to live, I like everyone else, have fears, hesitations, and questions. But as I do get the courage and take risks, it becomes easier each time. That led me to a little food for thought. I always ask myself, if you don’t take the risk, then what’s the alternative?

The answer is simple. Either I take the risk and follow my heart. Follow the dreams and desires that is burning inside me. And, lastly, do what God tells me to do. On the other hand, I can continue to sit, make excuses, and wonder about all the what ifs.

We never know what’s on the other side of fear. If we take a risk and stumble, so what. We’re still alive to take what we learned and try something new. Even when we stumble, there is a lesson there. It’s how we get to the path we’re trying to get to.

If we don’t take action for what we desire, then we will never get to the life we truly desire to live. No one else can live our life for us. MENTAL HEALTH: YOU ALREADY HAVE BEEN VALIDATED

When I first began my blog, I was terrified. I went back and forth so many times. But one day, I literally said forget it, and jumped on my IPAD and downloaded wordpress. I mean, this was something that had been burning inside me for years. It wasn’t going away. What was my alternative? Always wondering or questioning how far I could be. Every time I hear a quote or someone speak it would spark something in me. Then I’d have to supress it. Worrying about what people would say won’t make the blog happen.

I had this crazy idea of wanting multiple streams of income and being a freelancer was always something I knew I could succeed at. Thinking about the what ifs, didn’t add money to my bank account. The what ifs didn’t postpone my desire to become a freelancer. Time didn’t stop and wait on me. Until one day, I said forget it, I’m going to do it.

Is it a learning process and experience? Absolutely!!!!!!! What’s your alternative? There isn’t a such thing as the perfect time. We will never have everything lined up perfectly how we want. Trying to get all your ducks in a row will only have you saying the same thing next year.

Sometimes we just have to follow what’s in our hearts and let God do the rest. I promise He won’t leave you. If he led you to it, then He’ll bring you through it. Trust God and trust yourself.

So if you find yourself frozen with fear, ask yourself ”what’s the alternative?” What would happen if you don’t do it? Will it go away? Postponing living for you isn’t going to make the time go by faster. Nor will it stop the desires of your heart.

Whatever it is that you want to do start it today. Fill out the application. Create you an account. Post your first item or listing to sell. Call and inquire about what you need to do that project. Contact your bank to see what options are available to you. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

What’s the alternative?

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


After tracking my first week, I felt pretty good. Setting my intentions and goals in the beginning and writing things down daily really made me hold myself accountable. We hear so many say write things down, its the best way to filter your thoughts amongst other things.

The one thing I will say is from week to week, I’ve learned to keep things realistic and attainable. What may seem like a small goal or intention is actually an accomplishment. Even sitting down thinking about what I wanted to accomplish this week was very therapeutic. It’s a great way to give yourself an outline or guide. WEEKLY BLOG: RECIPES, REST,& ROUTINE

This week my intentions were to hone in on some financial goals and set things up. We have some plans for this spring and summer so making sure we set ourselves up for success we had to begin now. Also this week marks the one year anniversary of my mother in laws passing and my husband wasn’t doing too good. I knew it was going to be a little rough leading up to the day so I was trying to prepare for that. Lastly, my daughters birthday is next week, and we had been waiting on her to tell us what she wanted to do. Finally she gave us a some hints and ideas.

Sunday: Happened to be a very chill day. We are a sports family, so of course football is always a highlight. My husband and I opted not to do date night out, instead have it inside. We have been really focused on us and our next phase as our kids are teens. There had begun to be chatter about him feeling down dealing with the one year mark. Helping a loved one through grief is very difficult, eye opening for myself, and therapeutic. We both made the commitment to feel every emotion that comes.

Monday: Was back to business as usual. But of course I had the Monday blues. You know? When you have to get yourself back into the mindset of the everyday commute, going to the office, activities, what’s for dinner, and everything else. As my husband asks everyday, ”what’s on the agenda for today.” We made progress in finding my daughter birthday gift. I was super stoked about having dinner ready at a decent time. Without question, we had to watch the National Championship game.

Tuesday: Finally was able to make head way in our financial plans and what we wanted to do. Still trying to cope with grief and give my husband his space. The kids and I are trying to keep him talking, entertained, and help him remember the good times. At the end of the day, he was actually better than he thought. That’s the key, just let the day come to you. Don’t try to anticipate or control how you’re going to respond.

Wednesday: Was a great hump day. Accomplished getting another contract as a freelancer. Really been enjoying my late night time with my daughter. We now have this ritual after both of us shower for the night we spend time together. Of course doing my usual mid week cleaning and laundry because that’s never ending.

Thursday: Really began focusing on pausing for a moment. Things can be so chaotic and you just going like a hamster on the wheel. Me settling in and stopping everything for a moment is a great way for me center myself. Today I had my moment at work. It’s been very quiet and you feel like you need to be doing something. I’m trying to plan things for my new contract, still working on my daughters birthday, and oh prepare to be shut in this weekend because of an expected snow storm. I found myself being very anxious. So I closed out of everything on my computer, put my phone down, and just looked out the window at the sun. Soaked in the quietness, prayed, and gathered myself.

Friday: It was a little busy, but accomplished. Went to the grocery store for the long weekend my kids will have. It was crazy busy like Christmas eve out there because of the anticipation of the snow storm. Had a very quiet week at the office, but grateful for the down time. I knew we wanted to have a chill day in as the kids were tired, and everyone just wanted to relax.

Saturday: Was an amazing cold snow day. We actually woke up early to watch to pretty snow fall and had coffee. It was a great way to start the weekend. I finally finalized my contract and began working on that project. We found the perfect gift for my daughter and made her dinner reservations to the restaurant she wanted. Of course, we are a sports family so we enjoyed football. We ended the night binge watching ”The Secret Life of Zoo”, it is very interesting to see how animals relate.

Well that was my week. I enjoyed it very much. At the beginning of the year I wanted to set weekly intentions. These last two weeks I have enjoyed and not once felt like I was overwhelmed or couldn’t get something done. These weekly intentions allow me to maintain some balance. Life is a roller coaster and its all about how you respond and handle those highs and lows.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


So often we think self care has to be difficult. In actuality, self care is all around you. You can go have a bowl of ice cream, because you can. That’s saying I have a sweet tooth and I want a bowl of ice cream. Self care can be as simple as treating yourself to that $5 latte that you haven’t had in a while.

We are expected to wake up to some snow in the morning, so I’m going to self care and find something to binge watch. You can escape for a moment binge watch your favorite show. Laugh and learn something from you favorite character. Self care is all around you.

If you have a favorite lotion, body wash, perfume and you want to purchase it, no matter how much it costs, that’s you practicing self care. Postponing the dishes until the morning is self care. You are giving yourself a break. Turning in and going to bed early is practicing self care. No matter what it is or how small, if it helps you in any way thats self care.

Self care is all around you when you say I’m going to order takeout instead of cooking. When you ask for help you are practicing self care. That phone call you declined, you practiced self care. SELF CARE HABITS: 8 DAILY HABITS TO FEEL YOUR BEST

We all have guilty pleasures, expensive products we like, certain meals we can indulge again and again, and that is perfectly ok. That is our business and how we self care.

So this weekend give yourself permission to do random acts of self care. No matter how small it is, you will have a big reward. Whether it’s mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Yourself will thank you for it.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!!

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


Just like everyone else I had plans to get back into routine and start the new year off ”right.” So I thought I’d start doing a weekly blog roundup to track my progress to hold myself accountable. One of the things I wanted to begin doing is expressing or verbalizing the positive. After a conversation this week, I wanted to challenge myself.

If we think about it, it is easier to point out what we don’t like about ourselves. But if someone asked you what are three things you like about yourself, you’d have to think. So instead of saying what’s bad for mental health lets talk about and do what’s best for mental health.

Starting the week off Sunday into Monday I was under the weather, really bad. No I don’t have C****. But my throat was raspy and I began to lose my voice. Thank God I was off on Monday to recoup. So I began drinking tea and kind of relaxing. I knew I’d be able to relax because the kids started school back Monday.

On Sunday I did my weekly weekend routine SELF CARE HABITS: 6 WEEKEND HABITS FOR A GOOD WEEK and cleanup. Also I began working out again, because over the holiday I didn’t get to workout as much. In my mind, I was thinking I could workout and sweat this mucus out.

On to Monday, I took the kids to school and literally laid down until it was time to pick them up. I had all these plans on what I wanted to get done but my throat and sinuses had other plans. It ended up being a good thing because I laid down the entire time. Normally I would be up cleaning and working from home on my own projects. But I’m proud of myself for doing nothing.

Tuesday I made plans to perfect my baked sweet potatoes and mashed sweet potatoes. I accomplished my goal. They turned out really well. I was still feeling under the weather but pushing through. Had a really good day at the office after being off a couple of days.

Wednesday I did my midweek cleanup. As a family of 5, laundry, dishes, and clutter happens fast with everyone going to school and work everyday. I’m still a little hoarse and coughing but nothing to severe. All this time I haven’t had any other symptoms. The working out hard and sweating seems to help greatly. Also accomplished some goals on some other work I’ve been trying to do.

On to Thursday I had to refresh my manicure for some reason my polish began to chip. Usually when I do my manicure on Sunday it will last for about 10 days. I took another day of rest. After working out for several days I like to give my body a break. Also going everyday it’s good to just sit and be. I made a pasta dish that didn’t take long and relaxed the rest of the evening.

The weekend finally arrived and Friday was much better for me. I felt much better but not quite 100% yet. My work week wrapped up quietly by surprise. After the holiday season and being off, I was expecting a busy week. But it turned out to be the complete opposite. I really don’t have much plans for the rest of the weekend. Rest and relaxing will be the priority.

Saturday was a bitterly cold day. We all slept in as there wasn’t much going on. I had a couple of errands to run but nothing too major. I’m not quite a 100% but close to it. Still have a little congestion but its taking its course. My husband and I didn’t get to do our weekly date night because he had to handle some business for work. I don’t know maybe we’ll do it tomorrow. Either way I am happy with this week.

**My goals were to begin taking breaks. I have so much I want to do that any free time I get, I feel like I have to be doing something. I’m proud of myself for doing that.

**Also at the first of the year I made a decision to give my hair a break from heat styling. So I’ve been wearing my curls and been loving it again. I want to take this break and focus on health instead of aesthetic. My hair isn’t damaged, right now it’s the best thing to do for my lifestyle. I’m proud of myself for doing that.

**Lastly I love my manicure. I have perfected it to the point some think I go to the salon. It’s a great time for me to do something for me and have time to myself.

P.S. Another moment I’m proud of is I had a very rude and demanding client that took up an hour of my time and not once did I let them change my mood.

What are three things you did great this week? What are three things that made you proud of yourself this week?

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


I am one of those that believe if you want to do something you can. Specifically if you want to write, then you can write. Someone asked, ” how do you get the motivation to write and where to start?” For so many they have a story they want to tell but don’t know where to begin, if they should tell it, or how to tell it.

The first piece of advice I could give to anyone, is to journal. My 7th grade teacher once told me just pick up the pen and start writing. Journal writing was something we did the first 15minutes of class everyday. Don’t think about what you’re going to write or if it even makes sense. Once you begin writing, your true feelings, thoughts, and emotions will give you motivation to continue. The ideas will begin to flow and you’ll start to find what makes you want to keep going.

Next, I would say, whatever it is that you want to say just say it. Your story is unique and someone in this world will relate to you. Your experiences that you may be afraid to share will give someone else the confidence to open up. The more authentic you are the better.

Another piece of advice I would give is to not put yourself in a box. If you want to talk about more than one thing then you can do so. Don’t feel like you have to follow anyone else’s path on becoming a writer. Take chances and risks. The more you write the more you’ll find your style and flow. You can get creative, try new styles, and figure your own way. No one ever has it all figured out.

When you’re doing your research make sure to pull inspiration out of it instead of trying to follow all the rules that you’ve researched. Remember those tools and tips is what worked for them. Some may work for you and some may not. The motivation to write will come from many different sources.

I know for me I wrote as a guest writer for years on several different topics. But I always had this burning desire to write for myself. Of course, fear of stepping out is what took me so long to step out on my own. But I can write what I want, when I want, and how I want. As long as I stay on my goal of inspiring others. I don’t limit myself on where I can get motivation to write. It could come from the least expected source.

Another tip, is to not get discouraged. Not everyone is going to like every post. You can spend hours researching, drafting, and editing making sure it’s the ”perfect” post, and no one will find it helpful. But sometimes you could have a thought that may spark something you want to share with others and do a quick post and people would love it.

I get a lot of inspiration from quotes. I love a thought provoking quote. One that makes you think and question. Also having the desire of always wanting to be better to be of service to others. A good question can inspire me. REMEMBERING WHY I BLOG, Motivation

For example, I was having a conversation with someone and I mentioned to them I haven’t heard them say they had a good day at work in a year. It’s always what’s on the agenda, what didn’t get done, or what went wrong. Then I asked are happy with where you are? That led into whole long thought provoking conversation.

Either way, make sure you have a purpose or mission. Then whatever topic or post you want to write ask yourself will this support my mission or goal.

Just follow your heart, know your why, and stay true to you.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


In order to grow, heal, and become the person we want, we must endure some emotional and mental pain first. Healing comes through pain. We must first go to the beginning and to the those dark places that we want to forget about. The first step in healing, is to be willing to go through the pain.

Let’s think about this: We are willing to birth children. Why? Because we know those contractions are temporary. The pain of childbirth is temporary. In our minds, we know we are going to heal in weeks or months to come. All while enjoying the fruits of our labor, our new baby. In that same light, we are only revisiting the trauma temporarily. We are only there to see why it happened and how we can move forward. Once we get the understanding of the who, what, why, and how it’s time to leave, heal, and grow.

Once we grow through the pain, the likely hood of going back is slim to none. By this time we’ve learned communication, boundaries, and self worth. In the event, that we do slip up, because we are human, it won’t be as bad as the first time. Our experience, previous healing and pain, allows us to recognize signs to prevent any situations getting as worse as the first. MOTIVATIONAL AND INSPIRATIONAL: JUST LET IT GO

If we think about this in every day life, we are willing to endure temporary pain because we know it’s going to produce the outcome we want. On a daily we get laser hair removal treatments, waxing, tattoos, and piercings. Why? Because it’s going to produce an outcome we want and are willing to endure the pain for. Let’s go a step further when we get surgeries, of all kind. Either to lose weight, enhance features, or to correct an insecurity. Going into the surgery you have prepped, planned, and prepared for the healing process.

Well guess what, we know what the outcome is going to be if we are willing to endure the pain of emotional and mentally healing. Having anxiety, depression, or panic attacks are a result of some insecurities or unhealed traumas. The end result is becoming a happier, self confident, developed, and balanced individual. The ability to begin living the life you desire without regrets or fear is priceless. It would be better than any pain paid for.

If you are holding back or attempting to go around the pain instead of through the pain, then I encourage you to tackle it head on. It’s only temporary. Furthermore, it won’t be as bad as you think. The enlightenment you’re going to receive about yourself, others, family, and friends will be so eye opening. Trust yourself and heal through the pain.


Be you so you can be free.


One sure way to get overwhelmed is to to spread ourselves too thin. The best way to give yourself a chance is to prioritize, manage your time, and workload. You don’t have to be everywhere doing everything for everyone.

Sometimes we get so burned out because we’ve put so much on our plate. We can only handle so much mentally, physically, and emotionally. We have a tank that can only hold so much. Once our capacity is reached, we get anxious, quick tempered, and make irrational decisions. Everything we worked so hard for falls apart because we can’t carry the load.

Mostly, for us women, we try to do everything for everyone. Going into the new year we have to put at least one thing down. Start with one small thing and realize how better off you become.

Attempting to take on more than we can handle is a symptom of us trying to please others, prove we’re worthy, or doing so out of guilt. All of which says we need to look internally and see our worth. To know that if you carry this load or not, you’re still awesome and amazing.

Just check the load you’re carrying around, probably the majority of it isn’t even yours. Therefore, most definitely you need to drop it. SELF CARE: LOOKS AND FEEL DIFFERENT ON EVERYONE

Think of it this way, if you’re on a no carb diet and someone offers you pasta you will politely say ”no thank you.” In turn, if someone offers, asks, or demand you carry their hurt, pain, guilt, or responsibility you can politely decline. Do so without feeling bad about it.

It will be impossible to carry your load along with someone else’s. Although we think we can, we can’t put a 100% into two things. Which means because you’re trying to fix others your priorities get the left over crumbs.

Going into this new year, make it a point to focus on what you can handle without burden. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, losing sleep, and worried about time, then you need to let some things go.

Remember don’t beat yourself up over people who get upset with you because you can’t do something for them that they can’t do for themselves.

Free yourself from others hurt, pain, trauma, and guilt. Just because they are having a moment doesn’t mean you should join them.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


Before we say “Happy New Year” I wanted to remind everyone of how strong and resilient they are. Remember back at the beginning of this year or further back, you were going through the most difficult time. In the dark shadows of this time you couldn’t breathe, think, eat, walk, or even talk at times. You came out the dark shadows more brave and wiser.

You Are Stronger Than You Think

While in this dark time you felt alone, scared, angry, sad, and worthless. There was no end in sight. The idea of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel was laughable. You absolutely had no idea how you were going to make it the next moment, day, hour, or week.

Well, well, well!!!! You made it. You are here living, breathing, walking, and talking. Whatever had a hold on you, didn’t break you. Guess what that means? You are powerful, strong, and courageous. Give yourself some credit, you are stronger than you think.

As we approach this new year, I want you to have the mindset of Why Mindset Is Everything strength. No matter what is thrown at you, you can over come. There isn’t anything that could hold you down. You did it before, and you definitely can do it again. Darkness doesn’t last forever.

We will have obstacles. But remember you’ve overcame what you thought was the worst. So in the new year, when a bump in the road comes, that is minor. You will leap over that bump with speed, knowledge, and confidence. Each time you will conquer and be happier than ever.

We don’t want to relive the past, but we can draw strength from it. Positive mindset going into the new year, will set you off right.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


As the end of the year approaches many people are making their visions boards, setting goals, and making their new year resolutions. All of those are great to have and implement, however there are 10 self care habits that I do behind the scenes.

In no particular order, here are 10 self care habits I do before the start of the year. These habits help me clear my mind, spirit, and home for a fresh start.

  1. Laundry Clear Out
    This is something we did growing up. At the start of the new year we couldn’t have any dirty clothes in the home. On New Years Eve, all laundry was to be washed, folded, and put away. As a bonus tip, as you are washing clothes, throw out any items that are too little, old, or you haven’t worn in the last couple of months. It makes no sense to carry baggage into the new year. If you haven’t worn it in the last 3 months then you probably won’t be wearing it anytime soon. If the clothes are too little, we don’t save it for when we lose weight. Once you’ve lost weight it’s time to get some fresh new clothes that fits your new body.
  2. Rearrange Furniture
    To give you a new perspective visually rearrange your furniture. If you are able to do as many rooms as possible. This will give you a new spunk about starting the new year with a fresh outlook. Start in your living room, move to the bedrooms, and if you can do your kitchen or dining table. This also forces you to take a different route when walking through your home.
  3. Organize and Declutter
    When you begin to clean up those Christmas Decorations make sure everything has a place and there is a place for everything. When putting your home back together if there are some items that you don’t use or have a space for get rid of it. You can donate it, sell it, or trash the item. Decluttering is great way to get your mental into a space for new ideas, energy, and make room for something new.
  4. A Day of Good Hygiene
    Before the new year do a good day of self care. A nice long bath or shower. Wash and condition hair. Get a hair trim if you can. Don’t forget to shave, wax, or laser. Have yourself a good simple mani and pedi. The goal is from head to toe make sure you are clean, fresh, groomed, and feeling good to start the new year.
  5. Spring Clean Your Home
    Yeah, it seems weird to spring clean your home in the winter. But self care is taking care of your home. Before rearranging furniture, wash windows, vacuum, mop floors, wipe down everything, and add some fresh scent to your home. Open the windows, curtains, and blinds for some fresh air and sun light. Even if its cold where you live. Just for a few or as long as you can stand it, let some fresh air in and filter out all the bad.
  6. Keep $1 In Your Pocket
    This goes back to when I was a little kid. My family always stressed everyone having at least $1 in their pocket, savings, or bank account. The thought process was to never ring in the new year broke. Even if you had $1, you can turn that $1 into more through out the year.
  7. Get A New Plant
    Starting the new year with a new plant, gives you something to focus on. Even if you don’t have a green thumb. You have to repot it, water it, and keep it healthy through the year. As you learn and grow your plant, you have to refresh your soil throughout the year. So every time you walk past your plant think of yourself and take care of yourself through the year.
  8. Shred Old Mail
    This is apart of my weekend self care tips SELF CARE HABITS: 6 WEEKEND HABITS FOR A GOOD WEEK but go through your home and get rid of any old mail. Clear out your purse and wallet to make room for new blessings to come.
  9. Clean Fridge & Cabinets
    Start fresh by cleaning out your fridge and cabinets. So many have weight loss goals for the first of the year, however decluttering the fridge gets rid of temptations. Make room for the healthy food. You won’t feel like you can’t start your weight loss journey until that food has been eaten.
  10. Pray, Meditate, Cleanse Your Spirit
    Before we can start any kind of new journey we shall pray and meditate. Get your spirit ready to start fresh and anew. If we aren’t centered and have clear mental space then anything we try will seem difficult. Get into a space, vibe, and energy. That way your physical and emotional being will begin to align with whatever you are trying to do.

These are 10 self care habits that I do starting the week of New Years. I know it may seem like a lot. But starting at the beginning of the week prepares me mentally, emotionally, and physically. That way by the time the 31st rolls around I’m ready to continue. The process takes time, so after having 5-7 days of being in a new mental space it will be easier for me to continue. So often we make the mistake of starting on the 1st.

The goal is to get you prepared mentally, emotionally, and spiritually before you begin your goals. Having a good thorough cleanse makes us ready to receive new. Out with the old, and in with new.

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!! Be Safe!!!!! Be Well!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.