Again, I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. It’s a cycle of mental and emotional abuse. Large goals are set and within a couple of weeks a setback happens, and we forget what we set out to do. Each year, instead, I set small goals and habits I’d like to achieve.

person legs with motivational words on papers on white background

Last year my focus was self awareness . What I needed to do to remain emotionally focused and in control of my emotions. One of the most repeated quotes, scriptures, and advice that found me was to remain calm when you’re in the eye of the storm. That storm could be someone berating you, a tragic loss, unexpected circumstance, or anything that may cause a negative reaction. Next, I wanted to be intentional on how I communicated. One simple, but effective solution, was to be honest when someone asked me how I was doing. Often the response is “good and how you doing?” Answer the question honestly if they are asking. Also learning how to accept compliments, gifts, and appreciation without minimizing my own work. Just saying thank you is good enough. I would say I did well with those.

Small Habits I’m Focused On For This Year:

-Keeping my doctors and dentist appointments. Going to the dermatologist. If something doesn’t feel right make the appointment instead of waiting.

-Reading more. I have a ton of books purchased but haven’t read. I did well last year reducing my screen time. Now I need to be more intentional about picking up the book.

-Accept invitations. My husband and I are horrible about not accepting invitations. During the end of last year, we began to challenge ourselves and step outside the comfort zone and accept invites.

-Eating with more color. Unexpectedly I found myself on a vegan diet after I had some dental work done. I was trying to find tasteful, good, healthy, soft foods to eat while I healed. Thanks to Pinterest, I found many recipes to try. I noticed a difference in my hair, skin, energy, and body after that month. I’m going to keep it up through the year.

-Being more consistent with going to sleep. Many nights my kids want me to watch programs with them before bed. It’s great quality time and I’m happy they want to spend time with me, but mama needs sleep.

-Being consistent with my blog. I am very grateful for those who read my posts and follow. I still do love to inspire. I have pages of notes and articles. Staying motivated, balancing everyday life, and trying not to get burned out is my goals for this year. 3 SIMPLE SELF CARE TIPS THAT KEEPS ME SANE

-Being patient. No matter what it is or what’s happening I want to get better at practicing my patience.

-Provide a safe space for myself, family, and friends. I know what it feels like to need or want to talk things out. But having the safe space to do so often is the reason many people don’t reach out. Allowing others to vent, talk through their feelings, and feel heard is vital. It will help them, myself, and the relationships.

-Living intentional as my life transition. My son is graduating high school and I want to give him what he needs mentally and emotionally without hovering over him.

-Be good to myself. Towards the end of last year, I began to accept what was. When my hair didn’t turnout how I anticipated, I still said it was good. When my skin reacts I compliment how good it looks in the midst. My goal is to do more of telling myself good things.

-Saying “I love you”, instead of “Love you”. Seems miniature. But if I feel it when I say “I love you” instead of love you, it means more to the recipient.

Those are my intentions for the year. Will I have peaks and valleys? Yes. But that’s life. I’m going to give myself permission to take a break, pick back up where I left off, and adjust as needed. What are some of your intentions?


Be you so you can be free.

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