Life is going to life!!!!! I can’t control that nor can I control time. As my life and family evolves on this rollercoaster ride, that I do enjoy, it didn’t take me long to realize I had to shift, adjust, and hold on while taking this ride. The biggest reason we get overwhelmed, burnout, and anxiety is because we want to keep the same routine that we’ve had the last 10 years.


It wasn’t easy, but I’ve had to adapt and reprioritize certain duties and aspects of my life. Here are a couple things that helps me keep my sanity.

Simple Self Care Tips

-Don’t worry about money. I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous considering the state of the economy. However, one of my favorite financial gurus “Lynn Richardson” said it best, you make what you make. Until you make more, you have to make the best use of what you have. It’s tough I know. But I have a firm belief no matter what happens I’m going to be ok. Why? Because God never failed me and never will. He’s kept my family and I and he will continue to. FINANCIAL MINDSET: WHICH ONE ARE YOU?

“Do the right thing and everything else will fall into place.”-

-Entertain or engage with those who have their mind made up. It is pointless and a waste of time to speak, have a conversation, or understanding with someone who has their mind made up. Some people are just bent on seeing it how they see it and not opened to another perspective or point of view. In those instances you just have to let them be ok with being closed off and know no matter what you say it won’t make a difference. Save yourself the headache. SELF CARE IS A LIFESTYLE

-Know my limits. After taking a break and coming to some understanding about myself, I know what I am capable of handling. Carrying all those bricks on your shoulders doesn’t get you a Nobel Peace Prize. It tears you down in more ways than one. At home I no longer clean until my back hurts for 3 days. Each day I set a one hour timer. Whatever I get done, that is it until the next day. At work, when I’ve been busy all day, I won’t keep going. I create a stopping point. What can wait til the next day will. That’s not only for my sanity but work output production as well.

Those are my top 3 simple self care tips that keeps me sane. I go through my days based on how I want to feel. Will it require much from me physically, mentally, or emotionally. Depending on what state I’m in, I make my decisions. I don’t want to over extend myself and everyone gets cheated in the process. Take care of you. We live in a world where everything is instant and it’s all about consuming more and more. Be patient and kind to yourself .


Be you so you can be free.


”Self care is how you take your power back.”-Lalah Delia

woman wearing white sleeveless lace shirt

When I took my break, yes I needed a break. I participated in every self care activity that promoted good mental and emotional wellness for me. SOMETIMES YOU JUST HAVE TO UNPLUG However you choose to self care, is your business. Depending on what you need, your self care will change. Not only do I practice self care for myself, it’s for my family and friends. It’s about me being the best for me while also giving them the best and most I have to offer without compromising myself. Self care will always be a journey. There isn’t a destination to happiness therefore, your self care will evolve as you grow through seasons of life. For me I keep my self care simple. Don’t make it complicated. Listen to what your body tells you. Last weekend we had so much on our schedule that we had a few moments to breathe. I found myself walking around getting a little anxious. I knew I wanted to do something until it was time for us to go again . However , I didn’t want to start something and then we had to leave again. My husband said, “what are you about to do?” I said, “I’m going to go outside for a walk to clear my head and regroup”. On some days cleaning will help, doing my hair or nails will help, reading, watching something funny, calling and talking to someone on the phone, or taking a nap. Whatever you need to do to remain calm and clear, do it. You’ll be available emotionally to handle your day. Enjoy the rest of your day!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


Blocking out distractions is something we all have to adhere to at work, at school, or even home. For some, blocking out distractions is a little more difficult. When I was in the 4th grade, at one of my parent teacher conference, the teacher told my mom the only problem she had was every time the door open I’d look up to see who was there. Well, you can say I was curious, nosey, or bored. But if a door opens it’s almost a natural reaction to look up and see who’s there. Well not so much.


Fast forward to now. My youngest son, who’s in the 5th grade, have some kids that seek attention and may disrupt the class from time to time. Well when that happens and the teacher has to give certain students special attention, it throws my son off. He can’t concentrate. He’s upset that they are acting out and interrupting. In the result he has to finish his work at home or it may take a little longer than usual.

“Son you’re going to have to block out the noise.” Simply put. I explainied to him we can’t control other people, their actions, or when some distractions may occur. The only thing we can control is how we respond. We must not let other people actions cause us to lose sight on our task, goals, or job. MENTAL HEALTH REMINDERS: KEEPING MYSELF CENTERED

Is it tough? ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! But mastering the art of focusing on what you’re doing in the moment, completing the work, and staying consistent will allow you to block out the distractions. In every class, at every office, and every store there is going to be a distraction. If it isn’t preventing you physically, harming you, or affecting your mental capacity then it’s not your business to tend to. Every since then he has been able to block out distractions.

Blocking out distractions doesn’t just have to be at work or school. It can be at home. Blocking out negative mental and emotional noise is something we all work towards each day. Those are honestly the biggest distractions. The voices, thoughts, and emotions that we believe prohibit us from functioning on a daily. Block out the noise. Ignore the negative. Don’t feed into the distractions.


Be you so you can be free.


I was watching this video and they were discussing how self care is harmful for mental health. I think the misconception is that self care is this “thing” that you have to go find or get. Self care is a lifestyle of habits, tools, and activities you rely on in times of need. You won’t need every tool in the bag everyday. Self care for mental and emotional health is for everyone to cope with daily life.

dropper and brush on a wooden tray

Also these goals, systems, habits, and activities aren’t just for those suffering from mental illness. If you are a happy and healthy individual, self care is also for you. We all are going to get overwhelmed, drained, exhausted, and burned out. It’s great to have something to rely on and pull out the bag to shake you out of the funk. Sometimes we go on auto pilot and before we know it, life has passed us by and we missed out on some laughter and joy.

These self care activities also doesn’t have to be extreme or expensive. 8 FEEL GOOD SELF CARE ACTIVITIES You have a great tool already, your phone. You can find great motivation and encouragement on YouTube daily, all day. You can journal on your phone. There are many free ebooks and templates you can download. Podcast are great for those seeking motivation and inspiration. A simple self care habit of reading more, can be done on your phone. Download a good book and read instead of scrolling on social media. We can find great exercise videos, plans, and workouts on our phone.

Simply put, self care is for you to have something custom fit for your mental, emotional, and physical health to prevent the burn out or exhaustion. One small daily habit is all some need. One hour of drawing or coloring by numbers is a great stress relief moment for yourself. Rearranging a room in your home is self care. Cleaning your makeup brushes is self care. Self care is endless. Going to sleep early is a self care activity.

There are many great tips, tools, and tricks that many share that has worked for them. Take what you can to help you and leave the rest. Self care is a lifestyle not a one time thing.


Be you so you can be free.


This week is all about love. Love for yourself, love for your family, love for your friends, and love for anything that brings you joy. It’s important to begin with love of self. Once we understand how we want to be loved, need to be loved, and know how to love we are able to have better relationships. No matter what your relationship status is or where you are in life you deserve love and are loved. Here are some love affirmations to see you through this week.

i love you signage

Love Affirmations

  • I am ready to receive love
  • It is ok and safe for me to accept love
  • My heart is open to receive love
  • I am ready to attract loving relationships
  • I am beautiful
  • I have something to offer in a relationship
  • I am love
  • I am surrounded by love
  • I feel love in myself
  • I love myself
  • I am loved in my relationships
  • I am a good partner
  • I enjoy meeting new people
  • I know what I want
  • I know how I want to feel and be loved
  • I am ready to share
  • I love being in a relationship
  • My relationships are healthy
  • I am comfortable being in love
  • Love is a healing force of energy

Those are 20 affirmations of love to begin the week. Love on yourself each day. 5 REMINDERS ABOUT SELF LOVE Then let that love expand to your family, friends, and coworkers. Love is an action that we must decide to do each day. Even when we feel our worst, we are loved and cared for.


Be you so you can be free.


One day I sat back and realized certain comments or phrases I make can be damaging to my mental and emotional health. As I was reflecting one day on the impact of me making a commitment to not complain has truly been encouraging, it lead me to make a commitment to remove some language from my vocabulary . I only want to speak into existence positive goals, values, and affirmations. Also growth. Here are a few phrases I realized I say too often that I need to try to eliminate.

words text scrabble blocks
  • “Is it something wrong with me?” When I feel differently or have a different point of view and I felt it wasn’t received how I intended I would immediately question myself. I had to learn my thoughts, point of view, and ideas are valid, unique to me, and my point of view can help others sometimes.
  • “I’m sorry to bother you.” Whenever I need to ask for help or a question, especially if I feel like I should know it, I would say this. I never wanted to be a burden. But I know that I’m not being a bother, I’m seeking information and clarity on something. It’s ok to ask for help or ask questions when needed. It’s best to ask all the questions you need rather than guess and go down a path of wrong turns.
  • “What I’m not going to do is…” I’ve learned saying this limits my growth. This also puts in the universe that I’m not willing to even think about the possibilities of doing something new, growing or learning. Instead I’ve learned to say that’s something I’ve never done but I can try.
  • “I’m tired.” Along with not complaining, saying I’m tired had such a negative connotation. Yes we all do get drained and just want to collapse. But I do understand at that point my mind and body has done all it could do for that day. Because sometimes I would begin to notice that I wasn’t physically tired but more emotionally or mentally tired from the events of the day.
  • “I know I shouldn’t do this but…” That phrase already sets up for a guilt trip after said event takes place. I’ve learned to make decisions that are good for me. As long as I want to do it, I’m not going to make excuses for wanting to do it.

Those are a couple of phrases that I’ve realized have some negative impact on my thoughts. As we all know our thoughts become our actions and how we feel. Part of healing and growing is realizing what we can do for ourselves to make each day as peaceful and positive as we can. At the end of the day we aren’t perfect but we can try to be as good to ourselves as the day allows. 6 SIMPLE HABITS TO BE GOOD TO YOU


Be you so you can be free.


One of the biggest parts of healing and growing is realizing you have the right to make choices and to not feel guilty about them. Often times, we beat ourselves up for doing things or creating boundaries to protect us because it may not be the most comfortable decision. However, we shall not feel guilty for protecting our peace, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Through my process here are 15 things I had to stop feeling guilty for and give myself some grace.

blur close up coffee coffee cup

Stop Feeling Guilty For…

  1. Eating some ice cream or your favorite dessert.
  2. Not cleaning or doing laundry.
  3. Taking PTO.
  4. Sleeping IN.
  5. Not returning a text or call.
  6. Making a mistake.
  7. Needing help.
  8. Not knowing an answer to something.
  9. Feeling sad or not in a good mood.
  10. Saying no.
  11. Skipping a workout.
  12. Cutting someone off.
  13. Declining an invitation.
  14. Wanting to purchase you something just because.
  15. Needing some comfort or love.

Those are a few things that I had to stop feeling guilty for. I have to remind myself all the time, life is a journey. There will be twist and turns as I travel. With each step I will learn, grow, and become a better person. GROWTH CAN LOOK LIKE… Even on the the bumpy parts of the road. That’s when you learn the most about yourself. It is so freeing to be able to make yourself feel good without worrying if someone is going to feel uncomfortable.


Be you so you can be free.


Over the last six months I’ve made a huge transition in my professional career and it has been a challenge finding balance with the schedule. I envisioned this position for a couple of years and now it’s almost as if I’m not really living in that vision sometimes. Trying to keep balance of being a mom, wife, the blog, and other ventures I had to really think, pause and center myself. Think about this new chapter, where I am going, and what I want to do.

sticky notes on glass wall

But first there are some mental health reminders I had to activate and actively practice to get me to my understanding, self awareness, and peace with myself. As we grow and transition in life our mental and emotional health also transitions. It is up to us to be aware and recognize there are some mental health habits that needs more practice, some needs to be substituted, and others we may have to adopt all together.

  1. There is power in honesty. The immense amount of power that you receive when you are honest with yourself can be overwhelming. I’ve come to know the more honest I am with how I am feeling mentally, physically, and emotionally helps me with the next step in recognizing the why. When you own your truth no one can abuse you or use your truth against you. I began to peel back the layers in why certain things were making me feel uncomfortable or why I may not have 100% locked in. Also being honest about what you want to do in life and not feel bad. My biggest hurdle was speaking aloud, even though I had this amazing position with great benefits, flexibility, and support, my heart was still yearning for the dream God placed in me. I’ve heard it a million times, once God places a vision or dream in you, no matter what you do or have, that dream or vision isn’t going to leave you. So now I am at a place to figure how to deliver on what was placed in me.
  2. My happiness has to come from me. No one person, no amount of money, material things, or event can give me happiness. I have to be happy with who I am at this current moment, in this body, in this skin, in this home, with all the blessings I’ve been given. My happiness has to come from me knowing it is ok to dream big, have dreams no one understands, and that they can happen if I do the work. There is no such thing as I’ll be happy when….Everything that you have right now is what you’ve asked for. Now, is it ok to always want to grow, be better, do better and have better, absolutely. I know I have the right to do what makes me happy and I don’t need permission from anyone to do so. I was speaking to a client earlier in the week and she was a mature woman in her 60s. She was retired but substitute teacher part time and show homes for Redfin part time. In the middle of the conversation she says I can work when I want. I’m a little vain, I like to get Botox. She is happy living her life and doing what makes her happy. You have to be fearless when it comes to your happiness.
  3. There is power in writing. Writing down your dreams. Vision for your life. Your fears. Your wants. Your desires. Whatever comes to mind, there is power in writing. I am an advocate for journaling. However, I now know the power in writing everyday. Sometimes I write 2x a day. An hour before work I sit down and write. No plan. Just pen to paper. The thoughts you can purge is gratifying. The prayers and conversation you can have speaking with God and writing your dreams down is powerful. I’ve heard many say writing is therapeutic, they are right. In the beginning I had no idea how to write, what to say, or where to begin. I purchased these amazing Inspirational Journals from the dollar store of all places and I haven’t been able to put the pen down. They are themed scripture based prompts for you to write. I read the verse at the top of the page and write down my interpretation in the spiritual sense, mental and emotional wellbeing, and in my lifestyle. For only $1, each day I can journal my way to peace and happiness. The themes are Truth, Joy, Courage, and Wisdom.

Those are three mental health reminders that I’ve over worked these last several months. My self awareness has afforded me great understanding and healing. Writing has been the best to get my honest thoughts out without judgement or embarrassment. Fearing no one will understand. And my understanding of knowing each day I am on a journey there is no destination to happiness. HAPPINESS ISN’T A DESTINATION It’s always evolving. Be well!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


“Just a reminder that you don’t have to make resolutions. Or huge decisions. Or big proclamations. You can just set some sweet intentions and take each day as it comes.” Victoria Erickson

letter tiles beside mandarins

Please don’t feel the pressure to make some grand resolutions or major life changes. Typically any kind of lifestyle change or habit has to be developed. You don’t just wake up one day and say I’m going to start this and sustain that resolution long term. Hence, why most new year resolutions don’t make it past the end of January. To begin anything, you have to make a commitment mentally first. Instead create small goals, tasks, and intentions that you can stick to for a while and then add as you go. 10 NEW YEAR SELF CARE HABITS FOR A FRESH START The small daily self care habits and intentions are what builds up to a major lifestyle change. The last couple weeks of December I made a commitment to speak at least 3-5 affirmations aloud to myself in the mirror every morning. Sometimes I will do it in the middle of the day and before I go to bed. This gives me the mental mindset to remain positive, calm, and take action throughout the day to reach my goals. Setting small intentions for the day or week is easier attainable than long term goals. Instead of saying I’m going to lose 20lbs this month, commit to “I will work out 20 minutes 3x a week.” You’ll find that is easier to follow through with. Sometimes we can bite off more than we can chew. Which leads to discouragement, then eventually not doing anything at all. Think about one thing you want to accomplish this year and focus on that. My word this year is self awareness. I had many moments of self reflection and light bulb moments toward the end of the year that enlightened me on how I show up. I want to continue that to ensure my relationships, career, and life is fulfilled with the intentions I set out to achieve and possess. Enjoy each day, each moment, have no regrets, and be the best you, you can be each day. Happy New Year!!!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


I had to take my own advice and pause for a moment. These last couple of months has been a season of change. In order to be in the moment, understand my assignement and what I was supposed to get out of it, I had to give myself permission to focus. Not just focus, but prioritize and make sure my feet were planted.

green sticky note on white surface

As I’ve stated in some previous posts, late August I accepted a position that I’d been wanting and working hard for. With that came the transiton of working remotely full time, a 12 week fast track training, and longer hours. Not to mention this began at the very start of the school year.

Trying to juggle the new postion, transition my home and create an office space, and manage school activities I felt like a hamster on a wheel. Along with that, I was still freelancing and selling on Poshmark. Yes, I know, doing wayyyyyy too much.

Although I asked for each gift, position, and blessing I knew I couldn’t put a 100% into all of them. Plus keep my sanity, be a mom, wife, and maintain my home. So I took my own advice and paused for a moment. I needed to reset my mind and expectations. First on the whole idea of working from home full time. My lifestyle was going to change vastly.

I decided to spend Saturday morning 2-3 hours posting and creating new Poshmark listings. That way throughout the week I can manage and maintain my closet. I use my lunch and breaks to drop my sales off at the post office. Next, I accept freelance contracts that doesn’t take too much of my time. Which ironically I’ve enjoyed and been able to deliver great pieces of work.

But I will say that has been the one ironic thing about this entire situation. My self awareness, self care, and mental health has been great and heightened. I knew it was going to be a change and I had to work at it everyday while on this new path and journey.

Working from home allows me to get laundry done throughout the day and even get dinner done by the time the kids get home from school. Therefore, it frees my time up to be with the family when I get off. I still wake up early in the morning before everyone else and tidy if I hadn’t done so the night before. I’m able to have a moment to myself, get dressed, and mentally prepare for the day.

I’ve added 10 minutes of meditation before starting work. Increased my reading time during breaks and before I go to bed. Maintaining my cut off time of 9p.m. No matter what hasn’t been done or said checking out mentally and emotionally has helped me keep my joy and peace. I’ve noticed I have a great nights sleep when I sleep with the oil diffuser going.

Because I am remote, and we have to be on camera quite a bit, my skin care has also heightened. I take my time on my night time skin care routine to ensure I awake with bright, smooth, moisturized, and glowing skin. In the morning I keep my skincare routine to a minimum while focusing on my eyes and moisture. Working remotely also has me playing around with minimal makeup looks to make sure I am still professional and work ready. Lastly, I still get dressed as if I am going into the office. Outside of my comfy fuzzy socks.

Now my schedule is about to change again this week. I’ve learned to get comfortable with change and I really do enjoy my job and all the blessings I’ve been privileged to have. I am very thankful for the self awareness most of all. The ability to be honest with myself and say you need to prioritize, reset expectations I NEED TO RESET MY EXPECTATIONS, and not over extend yourself has been the best self care I can ever do or have for myself.

It’s the end of the year and holiday season. Before you have a blow up, a breakdown, or get sick, take a break or step away. Ask yourself what is more important to you in this season or journey. What shall you let go of. What is worth putting time and effort into. Have I neglected my mental, physical, and emotional health. Be well.


Be you so you can be free.