No matter what happens in this world or where you go, you can’t get away from you. Mental note to remember, write down, and never forget is you are the one person that’s going to be around forever. That’s why self care is important. Your mental health check-ins are important because you have to be around you 24/7. HAVE YOU HAD YOUR ANNUAL MENTAL HEALTH CHECK UP?

Let’s think about this. You wake up with you. Every time you eat, shower, exercise, work, laugh, cry and sleep you are with you. You have to answer to yourself. So why not make it a great relationship. If you are stuck with yourself, have the greatest laughs, memories, and fulfillment form within. In the meantime, if you have a great relationship with yourself, you’ll have great relationships with others.

Check-in with yourself every so often. Fulfill your urges to love and receive love by being around family and friends. Mostly importantly love yourself first. Believe you can do whatever you put your mind to. Have faith that you can over come. The good and the bad. When we have a great experience it’s easy to ride a high or wave. But eventually we’re going to come back down. So how do you handle that high wearing off? On the other hand, don’t run from adversity, fear, guilt, or shame. It’ll only come back around to you.

You are the one you talk to the most. Have great conversations with yourself. Ask yourself questions. I know they say it’s not good to answer yourself, but answer yourself. I found it’s the best thing I could have done. Tell yourself the honest Gods truth. You can’t get away from you.

The one person that you inspire the most, is yourself. What you tell yourself you are going to believe. Furthermore, how you motivate from within will show on the outside. Finally, take care of your body, trust yourself, believe in you, and listen to yourself. Mental note: you can’t get away from you.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


Whether we want to believe it or not, there is someone out there we all inspire. You could be going through the toughest of times, but someone is watching you in awe. I know it’s hard to believe. The saying is so cliche but it’s true.

The last couple of months I’ve noticed the smallest influence I had on my daughter. I began to notice every time I repainted my nails or did my manicure, within a day or so, she would change her nail color to match mine. Again on Sunday I decided to do my weekly manicure, and last night she did hers, and without fail, she came downstairs matching me.

Some may think it’s not a big deal. However, even the smallest thing you do, someone is watching. Others would say that is what she’s suppose to do. And they are right in a sense. Of course, I want to inspire her and give her the best example.

But guess what, she’s just not watching me change a nail color. She’s watching my daily routine. How I show up as a woman. My daughter listens and watches how I handle business. Let’s go a step further. She has a front row seat on how I interact with her dad. How I show up as a woman in my marriage with her dad. The way I resolve conflict, how I handle pain, mentally, physically and emotionally, if I process my feelings, and how I communicate. HOW DO YOU LOVE YOURSELF

No matter what you are doing or where you are working someone is out there inspiring to be like you and mimic how you go about your life. You may feel less than your best, or you don’t have anything to offer. But you do. You have so much to offer. There is a special gift that was specifically created for you. The smallest gesture will have the greatest impact.

Someone out there is watching and inspired by your story. That coworker that you think is rude to you or doesn’t like you, they are inspired by you. That lady at the coffee shop sees your strength and light. The grocery store worker that bags your groceries is inspired by you. How you show up and smile everyday for your children is an inspiration. Family members are in awe of your inner beauty and wisdom.

If you’re out there working and grinding yourself to exhaustion but feel like you should give up, please don’t. You are an inspiration to yourself and someone else. You may not know it now, but you are a light for someone. So keep shining bright and being the best version of you. The greatest free gift you can give to someone is hope.

Happy International Women’s Day!!!! Have a great day!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


To trust myself has been a very important part of me maintaining mental health. A great mental health reminder for us all is to trust ourselves. I’ve learned to trust instincts, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and experience.

When you are faced with a decision, trust that first thought or instinct. That usually is the right one. Sometimes it may not be the best or easiest choice for you, but it’s the right one. Trusting our instincts prevents us from second guessing or questioning. Also it eliminates the Monday morning quarter back. You know, when you knew what choice you wanted to make but you backed out to make the easy one. Now in hindsight you wish you could reverse course. Listen to your instincts.

black typewriter machine typing on white printer paper

Trust your thoughts. Remember our thoughts controls us and leads to our actions. If you’re having good thoughts and thinking positive feed that. On the other hand, if you’re having negative thoughts quickly acknowledge the source of pain, hurt, or anger then correct the course and move forward. Either way our thoughts will tell us where we are headed. Be honest with yourself and trust yourself to get through it. MID WEEK MENTAL HEALTH REMINDERS

Trusting yourself and listening to your feelings and emotions will lead you on a great path to healing and understanding. Both our good and bad emotions shows us how we are being. Listen to them, ask yourself why am I having said feeling, and then you’ll be able to heal. Trusting your feelings and emotions will allow you to learn behaviors, triggers, and patterns about yourself.

We’ve all been in the low valleys and highest of the peaks. Trust your previous experiences and how you conquered the highs and lows. Rely on your experiences to pull yourself through and become better for yourself. Your experiences will help guide you mentally and emotionally. Finally trust yourself to be better for yourself.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


Happy Valentines Day!!!!!! How do you love yourself today or any other day? Right now is the best time to show yourself some love before you shower others with love. Make sure your self love cup is filled first. Then let the over flow of love spill over to others in your life.

”If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you going to love somebody else. Can I get a amen up in here?” -Rupaul

multicolor heart shaped candies

How are you going to love yourself today? If you are single, married, widowed, or going through a separation you are loved. Therefore, you should celebrate that. Even if you feel right now, you are alone or lonely, there is someone out there that admires you. For those that are married or in a relationship, don’t forget about yourself. So often those that aren’t single tend to forget about themselves in a relationship. Make yourself a priority today as well. SELF LOVE: BELIEVE IN YOURSELF

I’m Going To Love Myself Today By:

-Glamming myself up before I go to work. I painted my nails red and have a special red lipstick for this day.
-Eating a healthy breakfast to start my day off right.
-Editing a blog post because it’s my hobby and something l like to do for me.
-Tidy up my home to ensure my space is free for me to be comfortable.
-Pray to make sure my spirit is filled and I don’t let any negativity stick to me.
-Workout to increase my overall health and wellness.
-Laugh because it’s good for the soul and it’s the best medicine.
-Tell myself I’m enough and I deserve everything my heart desire.
-Fix dinner for my family because I love being a mom and a wife.

Those are just a few things I will do today to show myself some love. I encourage everyone out there to show themselves some love. Whatever it is you want, feel you are missing, or need give it to yourself. Then you may spread the love around.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


I’ve read many stories and watched many videos on individuals trying to explain their encounters of people questioning if they are really depressed. There are many misconceptions on what depression looks and feel like.

I was reading a comment, forgive me I can’t remember which site, but she caught an Uber ride home. The driver naturally sparked a conversation and asked her about her day. She explained to him she was leaving her appointment with her therapist because she’s battling depression. His response was, ”you don’t look depressed.”

Of course, she felt the need to explain why she doesn’t look depressed. Furthermore, proceeded to briefly explain to him not everyone carry’s their depression on the outside.

That lead me to thinking. There are many people walking around dealing with depression and life and we have no clue. Depression isn’t always ugly, sleeping all day, crying, not eating, and withdrawn.

Depression Can Also Look Like:

The car pool mom that’s always smiling wishing the kids a great day and cheering them on, on the way to school.

That single mother working two jobs, making it look easy, and doing it with hair, nails, and makeup done.

That office worker who make sure the company doesn’t miss a beat. The go to person in the office that make sure everyone is ok.

That coach or teacher coming to school everyday giving all they have to ensure our kids has the best education and chance possible.

That waiter or waitress who is always smiling and looks happy to be at work serving your favorite dish.

The bus driver greeting you on the bus every morning, afternoon, or evening.

The kid that is the star athlete at their school.

The kid who has a 4.0 and makes it look effortless.

That stay at home mom that everyone wish they can have the life of.

And a million others out there, doing an amazing job hiding their depression.

The point is, just because someone isn’t crying, doesn’t mean they aren’t having dark thoughts and emotions. Usually, it’s the person we least expect. It’s important now more than ever to check up on your loved one’s, coworkers, and friends. WELLNESS: EVEN THE STRONGEST NEEDS A BREAK Unfortunately, what depression look like isn’t always the same.

To be clear, there are many forms of depression. If you or anyone you know are having dark feelings or thoughts and need to talk to someone please seek professional help. You are worth it. You are special and you matter.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be fee.


We are a week into February and some may be feeling a little down on themselves. You made all these new years resolutions and they haven’t turned out exactly how you thought. Don’t give up, reset and keep going. KEEP GOING AND PUSH YOURSELF

I know there are many folks out there who set goals on January 1. Unfortunately, circumstances didn’t allow you to stay on track. For some reason finances got in the way of your goals. One slip up of getting off the diet and now you back to eating whatever you want. The weather prevented you from getting to the gym for a couple of days and now you feel like what’s the point of even going back.

Well all of those may be true. But you have the power to reset, adjust, and recharge. Don’t give up on your goals because life happen. Life is going to happen. You have to make a decision and choice to not let life get in your way. Don’t give up, reset and recharge to give yourself a chance.

Make the money saving goal a little smaller until you can save what you initially set out. Instead of setting a 20lb weight loss goal, reset it to 10lbs until you get back in gear. Ok, so what you ate that burger and fries, make it a point to play in the garden to get your eating habits back on track.

No matter what your resolution goals were, or how far you fell off. You can get back on track. Don’t give up on your goals. You can do this. We all fall off the wagon. That is being human. But what’s even more courageous, is not staying down.

Reset this month. Get your journal out and purge all your thoughts. Purge that guilt of eating fast food. Purge that shame of making excuses for not exercising. You spent the money, it’s not coming back, so free yourself of regret.

Next, go to the grocery store and get what you need to eat this week to stay on your good eating habits. Set your workout clothes out at night. Make a budget for you this week or do a little money challenge. Challenge yourself and do a no spend challenge this week.

Remember you can do it. Whatever that it is. Don’t give up. Reset and recharge.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


As I jump in to create the life I want to live, I like everyone else, have fears, hesitations, and questions. But as I do get the courage and take risks, it becomes easier each time. That led me to a little food for thought. I always ask myself, if you don’t take the risk, then what’s the alternative?

The answer is simple. Either I take the risk and follow my heart. Follow the dreams and desires that is burning inside me. And, lastly, do what God tells me to do. On the other hand, I can continue to sit, make excuses, and wonder about all the what ifs.

We never know what’s on the other side of fear. If we take a risk and stumble, so what. We’re still alive to take what we learned and try something new. Even when we stumble, there is a lesson there. It’s how we get to the path we’re trying to get to.

If we don’t take action for what we desire, then we will never get to the life we truly desire to live. No one else can live our life for us. MENTAL HEALTH: YOU ALREADY HAVE BEEN VALIDATED

When I first began my blog, I was terrified. I went back and forth so many times. But one day, I literally said forget it, and jumped on my IPAD and downloaded wordpress. I mean, this was something that had been burning inside me for years. It wasn’t going away. What was my alternative? Always wondering or questioning how far I could be. Every time I hear a quote or someone speak it would spark something in me. Then I’d have to supress it. Worrying about what people would say won’t make the blog happen.

I had this crazy idea of wanting multiple streams of income and being a freelancer was always something I knew I could succeed at. Thinking about the what ifs, didn’t add money to my bank account. The what ifs didn’t postpone my desire to become a freelancer. Time didn’t stop and wait on me. Until one day, I said forget it, I’m going to do it.

Is it a learning process and experience? Absolutely!!!!!!! What’s your alternative? There isn’t a such thing as the perfect time. We will never have everything lined up perfectly how we want. Trying to get all your ducks in a row will only have you saying the same thing next year.

Sometimes we just have to follow what’s in our hearts and let God do the rest. I promise He won’t leave you. If he led you to it, then He’ll bring you through it. Trust God and trust yourself.

So if you find yourself frozen with fear, ask yourself ”what’s the alternative?” What would happen if you don’t do it? Will it go away? Postponing living for you isn’t going to make the time go by faster. Nor will it stop the desires of your heart.

Whatever it is that you want to do start it today. Fill out the application. Create you an account. Post your first item or listing to sell. Call and inquire about what you need to do that project. Contact your bank to see what options are available to you. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

What’s the alternative?

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


So often we think self care has to be difficult. In actuality, self care is all around you. You can go have a bowl of ice cream, because you can. That’s saying I have a sweet tooth and I want a bowl of ice cream. Self care can be as simple as treating yourself to that $5 latte that you haven’t had in a while.

We are expected to wake up to some snow in the morning, so I’m going to self care and find something to binge watch. You can escape for a moment binge watch your favorite show. Laugh and learn something from you favorite character. Self care is all around you.

If you have a favorite lotion, body wash, perfume and you want to purchase it, no matter how much it costs, that’s you practicing self care. Postponing the dishes until the morning is self care. You are giving yourself a break. Turning in and going to bed early is practicing self care. No matter what it is or how small, if it helps you in any way thats self care.

Self care is all around you when you say I’m going to order takeout instead of cooking. When you ask for help you are practicing self care. That phone call you declined, you practiced self care. SELF CARE HABITS: 8 DAILY HABITS TO FEEL YOUR BEST

We all have guilty pleasures, expensive products we like, certain meals we can indulge again and again, and that is perfectly ok. That is our business and how we self care.

So this weekend give yourself permission to do random acts of self care. No matter how small it is, you will have a big reward. Whether it’s mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Yourself will thank you for it.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!!!

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.


In order to grow, heal, and become the person we want, we must endure some emotional and mental pain first. Healing comes through pain. We must first go to the beginning and to the those dark places that we want to forget about. The first step in healing, is to be willing to go through the pain.

Let’s think about this: We are willing to birth children. Why? Because we know those contractions are temporary. The pain of childbirth is temporary. In our minds, we know we are going to heal in weeks or months to come. All while enjoying the fruits of our labor, our new baby. In that same light, we are only revisiting the trauma temporarily. We are only there to see why it happened and how we can move forward. Once we get the understanding of the who, what, why, and how it’s time to leave, heal, and grow.

Once we grow through the pain, the likely hood of going back is slim to none. By this time we’ve learned communication, boundaries, and self worth. In the event, that we do slip up, because we are human, it won’t be as bad as the first time. Our experience, previous healing and pain, allows us to recognize signs to prevent any situations getting as worse as the first. MOTIVATIONAL AND INSPIRATIONAL: JUST LET IT GO

If we think about this in every day life, we are willing to endure temporary pain because we know it’s going to produce the outcome we want. On a daily we get laser hair removal treatments, waxing, tattoos, and piercings. Why? Because it’s going to produce an outcome we want and are willing to endure the pain for. Let’s go a step further when we get surgeries, of all kind. Either to lose weight, enhance features, or to correct an insecurity. Going into the surgery you have prepped, planned, and prepared for the healing process.

Well guess what, we know what the outcome is going to be if we are willing to endure the pain of emotional and mentally healing. Having anxiety, depression, or panic attacks are a result of some insecurities or unhealed traumas. The end result is becoming a happier, self confident, developed, and balanced individual. The ability to begin living the life you desire without regrets or fear is priceless. It would be better than any pain paid for.

If you are holding back or attempting to go around the pain instead of through the pain, then I encourage you to tackle it head on. It’s only temporary. Furthermore, it won’t be as bad as you think. The enlightenment you’re going to receive about yourself, others, family, and friends will be so eye opening. Trust yourself and heal through the pain.


Be you so you can be free.


One sure way to get overwhelmed is to to spread ourselves too thin. The best way to give yourself a chance is to prioritize, manage your time, and workload. You don’t have to be everywhere doing everything for everyone.

Sometimes we get so burned out because we’ve put so much on our plate. We can only handle so much mentally, physically, and emotionally. We have a tank that can only hold so much. Once our capacity is reached, we get anxious, quick tempered, and make irrational decisions. Everything we worked so hard for falls apart because we can’t carry the load.

Mostly, for us women, we try to do everything for everyone. Going into the new year we have to put at least one thing down. Start with one small thing and realize how better off you become.

Attempting to take on more than we can handle is a symptom of us trying to please others, prove we’re worthy, or doing so out of guilt. All of which says we need to look internally and see our worth. To know that if you carry this load or not, you’re still awesome and amazing.

Just check the load you’re carrying around, probably the majority of it isn’t even yours. Therefore, most definitely you need to drop it. SELF CARE: LOOKS AND FEEL DIFFERENT ON EVERYONE

Think of it this way, if you’re on a no carb diet and someone offers you pasta you will politely say ”no thank you.” In turn, if someone offers, asks, or demand you carry their hurt, pain, guilt, or responsibility you can politely decline. Do so without feeling bad about it.

It will be impossible to carry your load along with someone else’s. Although we think we can, we can’t put a 100% into two things. Which means because you’re trying to fix others your priorities get the left over crumbs.

Going into this new year, make it a point to focus on what you can handle without burden. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, losing sleep, and worried about time, then you need to let some things go.

Remember don’t beat yourself up over people who get upset with you because you can’t do something for them that they can’t do for themselves.

Free yourself from others hurt, pain, trauma, and guilt. Just because they are having a moment doesn’t mean you should join them.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.