Before the beginning of the new week or work week for some, it’s important to resolve everything that happened last week. From work, to family, health, plans, and what you didn’t get done. Write it down, talk about it, adjust, and learn from last week. One of the biggest mistakes we make is dragging Friday into Monday morning. That’s how we get stuck and trapped into a dark cycle. YOUR MIND AND BODY GIVES YOU ALL THE ANSWERS YOU NEED

white and black weekly planner on gray surface

First starting with work. Whatever happened, leave it there. Try not to bring work home. Once you leave don’t revisit until you go back the next day. Even if you work from home. You can’t change what happened or go back and get a redo. Figure out how you can manage yourself and your expectations going forward to give you the opportunity to succeed. Not just succeed in the functions, but mentally and emotionally as well. Create 2-3 goals for yourself professionally this week. Find a plan to eliminate some stressors, if you have them, to have a better days work.

If you didn’t get to take care of yourself like you wanted this week, again, create a plan to carve time for you to exercise. Sit down on Sunday and create a meal plan for the week. Look at your schedule and see when you have some free time to carve out. Make a commitment to focus on yourself for one hour each day.

Sometimes we need to connect and have a good conversation. If there is a family member or friend that you’ve been meaning to reach out to, schedule that in. Often we feel so much better when we talk out what’s been going on with us and just to release our thoughts and feelings. Purging and hearing someone else’s point of view may help us navigate our daily life.

We’ve heard the cliche, “make sure you close one door before opening another.” Close out this week to prepare for a clean slate. Don’t carry baggage over for it to just pile and stink up the week before you can create any new trash. Do what you have to do to be in safe space emotionally.


Be you so you can be free.


I was watching this video and they were discussing how self care is harmful for mental health. I think the misconception is that self care is this “thing” that you have to go find or get. Self care is a lifestyle of habits, tools, and activities you rely on in times of need. You won’t need every tool in the bag everyday. Self care for mental and emotional health is for everyone to cope with daily life.

dropper and brush on a wooden tray

Also these goals, systems, habits, and activities aren’t just for those suffering from mental illness. If you are a happy and healthy individual, self care is also for you. We all are going to get overwhelmed, drained, exhausted, and burned out. It’s great to have something to rely on and pull out the bag to shake you out of the funk. Sometimes we go on auto pilot and before we know it, life has passed us by and we missed out on some laughter and joy.

These self care activities also doesn’t have to be extreme or expensive. 8 FEEL GOOD SELF CARE ACTIVITIES You have a great tool already, your phone. You can find great motivation and encouragement on YouTube daily, all day. You can journal on your phone. There are many free ebooks and templates you can download. Podcast are great for those seeking motivation and inspiration. A simple self care habit of reading more, can be done on your phone. Download a good book and read instead of scrolling on social media. We can find great exercise videos, plans, and workouts on our phone.

Simply put, self care is for you to have something custom fit for your mental, emotional, and physical health to prevent the burn out or exhaustion. One small daily habit is all some need. One hour of drawing or coloring by numbers is a great stress relief moment for yourself. Rearranging a room in your home is self care. Cleaning your makeup brushes is self care. Self care is endless. Going to sleep early is a self care activity.

There are many great tips, tools, and tricks that many share that has worked for them. Take what you can to help you and leave the rest. Self care is a lifestyle not a one time thing.


Be you so you can be free.


Ironically in the last two days my daughter and I had the same scenario of letting fear keep us in a box. Yesterday I only spoke to my husband about my situation after I worked it out. Then when the same scenario arose with my daughter I was able to give her the same pep talk I gave myself.

light inside chest box

After a meeting this week with my supervisor going over a coaching plan he said this is for you when you become a supervisor. Before I knew it I said, “I don’t want to be a supervisor.” He said it’s a very rewarding position and I can see you being a supervisor. I didn’t say anything and we moved on to the rest of the meeting. At the end when we were wrapping up he said again, this is for you down the road when you’re a supervisor. I froze and awkwardly smiled while gritting my teeth at the same time.

Now, I had been very vocal and outspoken on where I wanted to go and the type of position I wanted. But he’s the third person that has referenced me moving into a supervisor role or position. When I got off I had to think to myself. Am I holding myself back? Have I been putting myself in a box? Am I stunting my growth and potential on what I can become? Then I realized I had to stop saying what I don’t want and truly trust God’s plan for me. I said I want to be in support role. He said you’ll be very supportive in this position for your team.I finally said to myself, I’m going to stop saying what I don’t want and what I’m not going to do. CHANGE IS UNCOMFORTABLE

Fast forward to my daughters parent teacher conference and her writing teacher was explaining to us that they really wanted my daughter to enroll in an honors course, but she opted out. After many conversations and counselors telling her how good she is and the support she’d have, my daughter still opted out. The teacher and I discussed how we understood the fears a student may have in enrolling in an honor course and may not be ready for that leap.

While on the ride home, I had to let my daughter know what I had just said to myself. I explained that sometimes we allow our fear of failure or not succeeding as we have been hinder us and stunt our growth. We have to believe in the talent, gifts, and greatness that is in us. We have so much potential and can do great things but we put ourselves in a box. Step outside our comfort zone, expand our mind and open up to new opportunities, allow our horizon to expand, and be the great person that we are and everyone sees.

Just because it’s not something you visioned yourself doing or wanted doesn’t mean that isn’t for you. Each step on the journey is preparing us for the next.


Be you so you can be free.


”The silent treatment is a normalized form of emotional abuse. Part of maturing is learning how to communicate, rather than using silence as punishment.” Dr. Nicole Lepera


Just like not forgiving someone, giving someone the silent treatment hurts us worst than the other person. We think we’re hurting them by not talking. But we truly are hurting ourselves more, by not telling them how they made us feel. Thus resulting in repeated behaviors. If they don’t know how they hurt us, then they won’t know how to avoid it or preventing it from happening again. In turn when receiving the silent treatment we hurt ourselves by trying to prove, over compensate, or reverse the silence. When someone gives you the silent treatment and not communicate how you may have hurt them, it has everything to do with their conflict resolution skills. Instead of lashing out, they’ve probably had to cope alone as a child and navigate things on their own. EMOTIONAL HEALING: OPEN YOUR MIND FOR UNDERSTANDING Also the silence can be interpreted as the person or relationship isn’t valued enough to talk it out. Even if you’re so angry that you need to cool off before discussing something, at least inform them of that. Let them know you need to cool before having a sensible conversation. Either way communication skills and conflict resolution is key when having disagreements. Have a great day!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


white and red heart print cloths

Love conquers all.
Love wins.
You deserve love.
Love is a powerful thing.
Love is action.
You are loved.
You are beautiful.
You are amazing.
You are special.
You are a light that brighten up the day.
No one could ever replace you.
You bring joy to your family and friends.
You are talented beyond measure.
You are an inspiration to others.
Love is all around you.
You have the right to experience love.
You are enough.
Love always wins.
Love heals.

Have a great day!!!! Love on yourself today. Give love today. It doesn’t have to be on a grand scale either. 20 LOVE AFFIRMATIONS


Be you so you can be free.


Most of the time we’re frustrated because we’re seeking answers to problems only we can solve. Every answer or validation we’re looking for is already within us. Our mind, body, and heart has already given us the validation, ok, and go ahead to pursue whatever it is we we’re confused about. If we really think about it, we have the right answer we just don’t have the confidence to take the leap.

brain inscription on cardboard box under flying paper pieces

When we get those butterflies about a certain person, that is our body’s way of letting us know somethings there. If your heart races, you get nervous, and you stumble over your words, then you have all the answers you need to pursue said relationship. On the other hand, if you get tensed, your mood changes, and you’re not yourself when a certain person comes around that is also your body letting you know it’s time to exit.

If we want answers to know if we chose the right position, our body and heart will let us know. No matter how much money you make, it will only sustain the excitement for so long. If it’s truly not what you want to do then eventually your excitement to go to work, perform high, and motivation to learn will diminish over time. The truth is, what’s truly in our heart will always show up no matter how much we suppress it. Our dreams, goals, and desires are ours and no one else’s, it will stay with us for an eternity.

Even when we don’t feel well, our body and mind will let us know. When you have a headache the first thing we have to do is figure out why. Is it a tension heaadache? Are we stressing? When was the last time we ate something good. Do we have a caffeine headache. In other areas, such as our scalp, when I have a sore scalp my stress and tension levels are up. Do you have aches and pains in your belly out of no where. Our bodies are constantly letting us know we need to rest, slow down, practice self care, and take care of our mental.

The next time you have that ache or weird feeling that you can’t describe, don’t ignore it. Or, if you are feeling a little “off”. Don’t ignore it. You know, when something just doesn’t feel right and you’re not quite yourself. Pause for a moment. Take the day off if you can. Do you need to relax? If you’re aren’t physically tired, are you mentally and emotionally exhausted. Do you need to take a break from work? Have you been feeling a little unappreciated lately?

No mater what is going on, your mind and body will let you know where you need to focus. Think of it when you hear a new born baby cry, you have to figure out which cry it is. Hunger, wet, or comfort cry. Listen to your body, you have all the answers already.


Be you so you can be free.


This week is all about love. Love for yourself, love for your family, love for your friends, and love for anything that brings you joy. It’s important to begin with love of self. Once we understand how we want to be loved, need to be loved, and know how to love we are able to have better relationships. No matter what your relationship status is or where you are in life you deserve love and are loved. Here are some love affirmations to see you through this week.

i love you signage

Love Affirmations

  • I am ready to receive love
  • It is ok and safe for me to accept love
  • My heart is open to receive love
  • I am ready to attract loving relationships
  • I am beautiful
  • I have something to offer in a relationship
  • I am love
  • I am surrounded by love
  • I feel love in myself
  • I love myself
  • I am loved in my relationships
  • I am a good partner
  • I enjoy meeting new people
  • I know what I want
  • I know how I want to feel and be loved
  • I am ready to share
  • I love being in a relationship
  • My relationships are healthy
  • I am comfortable being in love
  • Love is a healing force of energy

Those are 20 affirmations of love to begin the week. Love on yourself each day. 5 REMINDERS ABOUT SELF LOVE Then let that love expand to your family, friends, and coworkers. Love is an action that we must decide to do each day. Even when we feel our worst, we are loved and cared for.


Be you so you can be free.


”I will never fit in.That’s one of my best qualities.”- Terri Willingham

woman in long sleeve shirt holding a paper

I will always go against the grain. I learned in my early teen years when I was going to an all girl high school, that it is better to stand out than fit in. I will never forget that piece of advice. How you dress, talk, where your hair, what you watch and listen to, and everything in between has to be you. Even your view points on life, social, political, and economic issues. It is ok to have a different viewpoint. It is ok to think differently or want different than the masses. Sometimes we give in to the norm in fear of standing alone or seeming out of bounds. But when you stand alone, you are the strongest, toughest, and most courageous. You had the strength to stand firm in who you are, what you believe, and what’s best for you. Because of that, you will unknowingly inspire others. YOU INSPIRE SOMEONE OUT THERE The best thing I heard all week was this woman in a store having a conversation with her coworker about exercising and trying to look good for her newlywed husband. The coworker told her she should want to workout to keep him. She said “I love the fat on my body. It’s in the right places and I don’t care what no one thinks of me. I love my body.” She said it with so much confidence and made her coworker think. No matter what you’re faced with in life it’s important to always think for you, make decisions for you, and live for you. Everything else will fall into place as they should. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Be you so you can be free.


”Things have a miraculous way of working out. Trust that.”- Idil Ahmed

close up of objects

If I don’t know anything else, the one thing I do know is everything works out just fine. What do I mean by just fine? Well it probably won’t work out how you thought, expected, planned, or wanted but it works out how it supposed to. How the universe aligned it to. How God meant for it to work out for you. Also, it not only work out how it supposed to but when it supposed to. Most often it will come at a time we’ve given up, stop trying, or forgot about it because it didn’t happen when we wanted it to. That’s because we don’t know what’s best. When things doesn’t work out how you wanted or when, don’t get discouraged. Be grateful that you were protected from something you had no idea was around the corner. Sometimes the pain, frustration, and delay in our plans comes from us wanting to be in control so much. Trust the process. Trust yourself. Trust that no matter what, it will work out for the better. MENTAL HEALTH REMINDER: TRUST YOURSELF Embrace what you didn’t see coming and let go of what you thought was best. Too often our expectations let us down and prevent us from realizing the gifts we are given. Trust that everything will work out how it supposed to for your benefit. Enjoy the rest of your day!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


You ever have that feeling when you wake up something is just off? You know, you do everything as you normally would. Nothing in particular happened to you or no one said anything, you just feel blue. 12 THINGS TO GET RID OF FOR A BETTER MENTAL HEALTH Before, you know it, you’re an emotional mess. Well, those days are normal. We all are going to have those days, more than once. It’s called life. For many reasons such as, lack of sleep, lack of healthy eating, being overworked, packed schedule, not feeling appreciated, lack of exercise, lack of time for self care, and many other factors can cause this “sudden” feeling of emotions. The good news is, once this day is over, that’s it, it’s over. You start fresh tomorrow. The important thing is to live in the moment, have the breakdown, don’t run from it, and release. Here are a few reminders for those overwhelming emotional days.

close up photography of a cellphone
  • Have the breakdown. Cry like a baby. Release the hurt, anger, pain, and frustration. Don’t deny yourself the ability to release. The power is in the release. Feel every emotion and allow them to process.
  • Talk it aloud, to yourself. While having the breakdown ask yourself why am I feeling like this, what has me crying and hurting, how did I get here, what have I been feeling and ignoring, why have I been acting like nothing is bothering me. Make sure to answer the questions honestly. That’s where you’ll get the courage, wisdom, and knowledge to grow.
  • Wash it away. Have a good hot shower and release it down the drain once you feel you’ve let it all out. This prepares you for the fresh start and good nights sleep.
  • Sleep and eat. Although you may not feel like it, prepare yourself a good nutritious meal. Get your belly full and enjoy your favorite meal. The act of preparing you something to eat will redirect your mind to something positive and get your creative thoughts flowing. Don’t forget after that shower, sleep. A good nights sleep recharges the body, mind, and spirit.
  • Make a plan. After the breakdown, you’ve released, and washed it away, by now you have some understanding of where you need to clear things up, get better at, or work on something new. Make a plan on how you’re going to reset and recharge. This gives an instant boost of confidence and self esteem.
  • Give yourself a pep talk. Tell yourself you got this. You are a conqueror. Motivate and affirm yourself before going to bed. Remind yourself how confident, smart, loving, and healthy you are.
  • Forget about it. Tomorrow is a new day. You did what you had to do today to break through. Now it’s time to move on, grow, and learn. This emotional day has prepared you on how to better yourself days going forward. Go laugh and enjoy yourself.

Those are just a couple of reminders to help you through the emotional day and after. The most important is to acknowledge it and don’t run. When we run, we lose ourselves even more. We get further away from who we want to be, how we want to live, and where we want to go. Be well.


Be you so you can be free.