I’ve always found the question “What are you doing this weekend?” a bit burdensome. It seems to carry with it an expectation of grand plans or exciting adventures, when sometimes all I crave is quiet solitude or a chance to unwind without a set agenda. It can sometimes feel like a reminder of societal pressures to constantly fill our days with activities. So instead of dreading the question, I’ve learned to simply answer pleasantly, “absolutely nothing.” I’m not ashamed to say nothing, feel like I’m missing out, or not living.

young black lady reading book on bed during skin care routine at home

Let’s talk about the sheer joy of having weekends void of duties and itineraries! Ah, the feeling of waking up on a Saturday morning with absolutely nothing on your agenda except for indulging in whatever your heart desires. It’s a luxury we often overlook in our fast-paced lives, but oh, how rejuvenating it can be!

Imagine no alarms interrupting your precious sleep. No deadlines looming over your head, and no obligations pulling you in different directions. Instead, picture yourself leisurely sipping your favorite brew, whether it’s a steaming cup of coffee or a refreshing herbal tea, as you soak in the tranquility of the morning. I love waking up slowly, taking my time choosing which comfy outfit it will be for the day, and sipping my new favorite tea ginger and honey. 3 SELF CARE REMINDERS FOR THE WEEKEND

With your weekends free, you have the freedom to explore your passions and hobbies without any time constraints. Whether it’s immersing yourself in a captivating book, unleashing your creativity through art or music, or simply spending quality time with loved ones, the possibilities are endless. Or binging on that one show you’ve been recording.

And let’s not forget the joy of spontaneity! When you have no fixed plans, every moment becomes an opportunity for adventure. Maybe you’ll decide to try a new restaurant. After lounging for sometime, maybe you’ll decide to go visit someone, stop for ice cream, or take a walk in nature. The opportunities are endless.

But most importantly, having weekends free of duties and itineraries allows you to recharge and nourish your soul. In a world where busyness is often glorified, taking time to rest and rejuvenate is essential for your well-being. An unpopular opinion is that one of the best luxuries in life is to be able to relax not just body but mind as well. So, embrace the joy of free weekends, my friends, and let yourself relish in the simple joys of life. After all, sometimes the most fulfilling moments are found in the spaces between plans. 🌼✨


Be you so you can be free.