I heard this while watching the basketball game the other day and can’t get it out of my head. The reporter asked the coach what was the advice given to the players in the highly intense game. “Your normal is good enough.” You don’t have to do anything extra or different. Do what got you here. When you try to do things differently or switch your game up, you lose your authentic self. Those talents, gifts, knowledge, and experiences is what makes you great.

colorful dots around question text

Thinking about this, this also applies to this long game we’re all playing called life. However, for us, we only get one life. There isn’t another chance like those players have another game. So to understand that you’re normal, whatever it is, is good enough. ALL THE TIME!!!!!

As I adopt this mantra, your normal is good enough, I encourage you to explore your “normal”. What exactly does that mean to you and for you? It means embracing your authentic self. What you’re great at. What you have challenges with. The small things that makes you unique, quirky, different, and fun. It’s knowing how you show up is good enough and more than enough. Knowing your normal is good enough means you lose the idea of perfectionism. MARCH TO YOUR OWN RHYTHM

Along with losing the idea of perfectionism, it means sticking to your game plan. Don’t try to adopt anyone else’s game plan. Just because it works for them doesn’t mean it will fit into your scheme or your end goal. You can be encouraged and inspired to tap into your own and grow within yourself.

In the office, your relationships, and within yourself your normal is good enough. Do what you’re great at, ask for help when needed, and know that what you possess is good enough. No one on this planet will have it all, be it all, do it all, know it all , or even be able to attain it.

Each day do what you normally do and see how much better your mental health becomes. Your confidence will grow. Giving you the ability to become the person you envision. How much at ease you’ll feel. The need to please is released. Thus leaving room for growth and development. Acknowledging your normal is good enough doesn’t mean we don’t challenge ourselves to greater heights.

Embrace your imperfections, celebrate your uniqueness, and live your life authentically, because in the end, it’s the journey that matters most, not the destination.


Be you so you can be free.