Hope you had a great weekend. It’s a new week and time for some simple, quick, and easy mental health reminders. Whatever happened yesterday or last week, it’s done. Stop dwelling over it and focus on the new opportunity this day or week is offering you.

dry branches on brown paper with text

Weekly Mental Health Reminders

  1. Celebrate and focus on your progress. Something could have broke you, but you didn’t let it. Focus on your journey and don’t compare yourself to others.
  2. Go to the doctor. Make that dentist appointment. Get that lab work done. Take care of your physical health. It has a great impact on your mental wellbeing.
  3. Set small goals you can achieve. Starting big leaves room for disappointment, lack of motivation, and easy to let go. Starting small allows room for growth and improvement.
  4. If you didn’t break it, it’s not yours to fix. If you can’t do anything about it, stop worrying about it. Release what’s out of your control. GENTLE REMINDER ABOUT SELF CARE
  5. Set a time daily to unplug and disconnect from technology. Give yourself periodic social media detoxes. This will enhance your productivity.
  6. Mistakes, setbacks, and challenges are all apart of growth. They are going to happen. They need to happen. How you learn, respond, and grow is the test.
  7. You grow when you step outside of your comfort zones. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself to do different.
  8. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. It’s better for our mental health to let the grudges go.
  9. Take time to unwind each night. Put a period on the day. Each day is a new opportunity.
  10. Therapy is a good thing. If you aren’t getting what you need with what you’re doing. Seek additional resources when needed.

Take care of yourself. You owe it to yourself. You can’t get a redo on any given day. Keep it simple and enjoy this one life you’ve been given.


Be you so you can be free.


What is on this weekend self care list? Declutter, spring cleaning, renewing the energy and refreshing the spirit in the house. Cleaning closets, getting rid of old clothes and shoes, shredding mail, cleaning junk drawers, cleaning the deep freezer, and refreshing the linen for spring. 3 SELF CARE REMINDERS FOR THE WEEKEND

woman in brown jacket and blue denim jeans standing beside white wooden shelf

Have you been feeling overwhelmed, chaotic, anxious , can’t remember your to do list, and not with it? Well, take a look at your surroundings. Your home, car, office, closets, junk drawers, and any other space you occupy may have something to do with it. If those places are cluttered, messy, and everything is out of place, well it’s no wonder you are feeling stressed.

It’s no secret that a cluttered, disorganized space can leave us feeling overwhelmed and uninspired. However, by taking a time, day, or weekend to clean, declutter, and donate old items, we not only refresh our homes but also rejuvenate our spirits.

Declutter Your Space: Clutter has a way of weighing us down, both physically and mentally. When our homes are filled with excess belongings and disorganization, it can be challenging to focus and find motivation. That’s why decluttering is such a powerful tool for refreshing our living spaces and our spirits. Start by tackling one area at a time, sorting through items and deciding what to keep, donate, or discard. As you clear away the clutter, you’ll create space for clarity, creativity, and renewed motivation to flourish.

Tip: Give yourself a time limit based upon your lifestyle. Ex. If you haven’t worn it in a year or six months get rid of it or donate it. If you can’t fit it, donate it if possible. Don’t keep things for “just in case.” If that “just in case” hasn’t happened, then it won’t. Everything should have a place and there’s a place for everything. Too much STUFF can be overwhelming.

Donate Old Clothes to Charity: As you declutter your home, consider donating old clothes to charity. Not only does this act of kindness benefit those in need, but it also lightens your load and refreshes your wardrobe. When we let go of items that no longer serve us, we make room for new opportunities and experiences to enter our lives. Knowing that your old clothes will find new life with someone else can bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose, motivating you to continue decluttering and giving back to those in need. Self Care: Declutter and Make Room for Growth

In donating old clothes, this will give the push or confidence needed to step outside your comfort zone and dry different style ideas. Open your mind to new ways of living and being.

Refresh Your House: Once you’ve decluttered and donated, take the opportunity to refresh your home with a thorough cleaning and organization session. Clear away dust and grime, rearrange furniture for a fresh perspective, and add small touches like plants or artwork to breathe new life into your space. As you transform your home into a clean, inviting safe space, you’ll find yourself feeling more motivated and inspired to tackle whatever challenges lie ahead.

Cleaning, decluttering, and donating old items may seem like simple tasks, but their benefits goes far beyond a clean home. By clearing away physical clutter and refreshing your space, you create room for mental clarity, creativity, and renewed motivation to think and just be. So, the next time you’re feeling stuck or uninspired, consider taking a look at your surroundings and embark on a journey of cleaning, decluttering, and donating. You’ll be amazed at the transformation that unfolds – both in your home and in your spirit.


Be you so you can be free.


Hello there…

I thought I’d pop in here and remind you to continue to plant yourself with seeds of faith, hope, inspiration, love, and joy.

white printed paper with four white roses

We’re four days into March and spring is quickly approaching. As the days grow longer and the world begins to awaken from its winter slumber, let this be a reminder that just like nature, we too have the power to bloom and flourish.

March signifies a fresh start, a chance to shed the old and embrace the new. The flowers are pushing through the soil, the trees are budding with new life, and so can you. Push your way out of whatever is holding you back. Take this opportunity to plant the seeds of your dreams and watch them grow.

In the gentle warmth of spring, find the inspiration to spread your seeds of potential. Let go of any doubts that may have held you back and step into this season with confidence. Release any fear or negative doubts preventing you from watering the garden of you. The world is full of possibilities, and March is the perfect time to seize them. 2022 SPRING SELF CARE CHECKLIST

Embrace the energy of this colorful, warm, windy, and fresh season. Allow the blooming flowers and the budding leaves to symbolize your own growth and resilience. March forward with determination, knowing that every step you take is a step towards your goals.

Remember, just as March marks the end of winter, it can also mark the end of any stagnation in your life. Embrace the changes, embrace the challenges, and embrace the opportunities that come your way.

This is your season to shine, to blossom, and to flourish. Happy March, and may this spring be the beginning of something beautiful in your life!


If I’ve learned nothing else along the way, I know exercising the mind daily is essential to a healthy lifestyle. Weekly or daily mental reminders are needed. Life is going to take us on a winding road, with curves, bumps, ditches, peaks, and mountains. Prioritizing our mental health will give us the stamina needed to trudge through each day.

pink sticky notes on glass mirror

Weekly Reminders:

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We all need support, love, and encouragement. When you need help ask for it. Don’t hurt yourself trying to do things alone. Seeking support is a sign of strength not weakness.
  2. Take a break. Give yourself time to rest. Not just for your body, but your mental as well. https://amzn.to/3HnrlqW Slow down and if it doesn’t get done, it’s not the end of the world. WELLNESS: EVEN THE STRONGEST NEEDS A BREAK
  3. Be good to yourself. Tell yourself good things. Stop pointing out the negative. Your flaws are your strengths.
  4. Find healthy outlets for your emotional well being. https://amzn.to/48T8PTd Do what soothes you. Journal, pray, meditate, gardening, coloring, binge watching a show, exercise , cooking, or whatever calms you.
  5. No is a complete sentence. You have the right to say no. Boundaries are good for your mental health and protects your relationships. https://amzn.to/3vLBjjh
  6. Pay attention to those who make you feel safe, calm, and you can be yourself. Listen to your body when it’s uneasy.
  7. Find activities to challenge your mind, motivate you, and make you feel full. Tap into your creative spirit. https://amzn.to/48X7oTC
  8. The smallest thing brings the most joy. Focus on the simple daily things that make you smile and comfort you. https://amzn.to/48Vwn9T
  9. Remember there will be days you’ll not be ok. Own it. Do what you need on that day to replenish.
  10. Worrying isn’t going to make things move faster. Change outcomes or stop something from happening. Be mindful and use your time to focus on the now.

Those are 10 mental health reminders to help you through the week. We don’t know what each week or day will bring, but we can be prepared mentally to not let anything over take our joy.


Be you so you can be free.


In the last couple of months and my goal for the new year is to be patient. Not just to be patient but in good spirits, positive energy, and anxiety free. We all know that feeling. When we’re anticipating something or wanting something to happen quickly, the universe has a way of putting you on pause. I’ve learned to patiently wait with a good mindset.

clear glass with red sand grainer

The anxiousness in us is pushing for an outcome and most of the time the outcome we want isn’t the right one. Life has a way of working itself out. I’ve always said, “It may not work out how you want or thought it would, but it worked out how it was suppose to.” When it’s your time you will know. Many times what we’re wanting or expecting we’re not ready for.

While waiting do the right thing. Continue to expect good news and things to happen. Be positive. Motivating. Encouraging. Give your time, lend an ear, and give back what you can. Have faith that it’s going to work out. https://amzn.to/3RMWgSs Meditate, pray ,and journal for the strength to handle the outcome even it’s not your desired one. TIME AND PATIENCE ARE TWO IMPORTANT FACTORS FOR GROWTH

Mantra For Patience:

”I embrace the journey, knowing that the right things will come to me at the right time. I release the need to rush and trust in the timing of my life.”

When we release the need to rush the process, we open doors for unexpected blessings, miracles, and joys to enter. Therefore, we create a space for us to enjoy every moment as they come and not feel guilt, shame, or worry. Thank you for peace and clarity.

Take a mental note and remind yourself you are exactly where you need to be. You have exactly what you need each day. Your path is specially designed for you. Every twist, turn, peak, and valley is necessary for your personal growth, journey, and fulfillment.

As you go through each day remember to let the universe guide you. Don’t rush or worry. Embrace the moment you are in presently. https://amzn.to/47BXPZg Practice self love, self care, and gratitude. Lastly, reflect back on a time when things worked out perfectly and it wasn’t what you expected. How did you feel? What did you learn about yourself?


Be you so you can be free.


We live in a fast paced digital world where sharing every aspect of our lives have become the norm. However, there is an immense power in keeping your life private. Protecting your mental health and emotional wellbeing while being intentional can lead to your personal growth on levels you couldn’t possibly imagine.

close up shot of keyboard buttons

Boundaries and seeking validation from others can be exhausting and draining to ones mental health. I had to learn the hard way that even sharing something as profound as a promotion will lead to others counting your money and making assumptions about you. Setting boundaries and keeping certain things private allowed me to focus on my happiness and success without worrying about the opinions of others.

Another thing I noticed about keeping certain things private or only sharing certain things is I get to have some control over my narrative. I told my mom on Christmas Day, if someone says something about me it is completely made up because I don’t share anything. Therefore, if someone says anything your feelings won’t be hurt because you know they pulled it out of thin air.

”Solitude sometimes is best society.”-John Milton

Not sharing your personal business keeps your from looking at what others are doing. Which we all know getting caught up in the comparison validation is detrimental to our mental and emotional well being. One of my good friends recommended “I Hope You Fail: Ten Hater Statements Holding You Back From Getting Everything You Want.” https://amzn.to/3vkJLpB Please read this book if you’re needing more advice on how to stay productive and private.

As the new year approaches do some reflections to see if you need to pull the curtain back on some things. Are there any areas where you feel you need to set some boundaries. Always start small and build as your confidence builds. Once you begin to see personal growth, self esteem, and self improvement you’ll have the motivation to continue pressing on. FRIENDLY REMINDERS I TELL MYSELF

Lastly, being private isn’t about being secretive or keeping secrets. But about protecting your peace, energy, and mind. Setting boundaries and embracing privacy helps us create a safe space for ourselves and others around us. Happy New Year!!!


Be you so you can be free.


One of the most impactful lessons I learned this year was to trust my instincts, follow my heart, and listen to my inner voice. Even when I was terrified and unsure. I had to make one of the most difficult decisions this year and going through the process was dark. But once I trusted myself and listened to me, it was the best decision I ever made. JOURNAL WRITING: BRAIN DUMP FOR MENTAL CLARITY

a person writing on a notebook

As this year come to a close and you begin to reflect, use these journal prompts to help guide you through.

1.What was the most impactful lesson you learned this year and how did it change you?
2. Write about a moment of joy that you didn’t expect? Where were you? How did you feel?
3. What’s the biggest challenge you faced this year? How did you over come it?
4. Write about a time you were proud of yourself?
5. If you could do it all over again, what one day you’d relive and why?
6. What are three things you did this year that you’ve never done?
7. What new habit did you pick up? Why?
8. What are some emotional milestones you achieved this year?
9. What did you regret? Why? How have you learned from it?
10. How did you take care of your mental health this year?
11. What’s the one person who motivated and helped you this year? What would you tell them?
12. What random act of kindness did you witness this year?
13. What were you able to let go of this year? How did it feel to release it?
14. What investments did you make into your personal development this year?
15. What’s your biggest accomplishment this year? How did you celebrate yourself?
16. Sum up this past year in three words.
17. What did you learn about yourself this year?
18. How did you nurture your relationships this year?
19. What are your expectations for the upcoming year?
20. What would you like to improve for the new year?
21. What are three goals for yourself this new year?
22. What relationships would you like to see grow this year?
23. What does fun look like to you as you grow through this journey?
24. Rate your confidence and self esteem level.
25. What movie are you looking forward to and why?

If you need some inspiration to get going. Check out some links below of great journals to help you jump start.


Self reflection is good for us to see where we’ve been, where we need work, understanding the why, and let us know what we need going forward. As always be as detailed as possible. This will give you your guideline for the new year.


Be you so you can be free.


I saw this video where this girl discussed her pleasure and joy in having a Starbucks drink. How do you find joy in the little things. This young woman explained after having less than $2 in her bank account for a week, she decided on payday to get her a drink at Starbucks. Her Caption: “After surviving a week with $1.23 in my bank I decided to treat myself to a starbies drink.” As she took big gulps you can see the exhale and relief the drink was providing. As she sat in her car, gazing out the window, you can feel her joy and pleasure with the zen moment she was having.

shallow focus photo of coffee in a starbucks cup

5 Little Things I Enjoy

-Sheet Mask
-Going For A Walk
-Watching Football with my husband
-Listening to music
-Having a good cup of coffee

She had a mixed response. Some went the route of saying purchasing that coffee is the reason why she only had a dollar and change. She’s keeping herself broke while buying those kind of drinks. They have lots of calories anyway. While others understood her point, finding joy in the most simple things in life can bring you peace and comfort. It wasn’t about the money. After having an intense emotional rollercoaster of a week, she needed something to pickup herself up. She found it in a drink. It could have been found in something else worse.

But isn’t that what self care is about. When tough times approach you, how do you self soothe. What is the one thing you can do that gives you that instant boost of energy, courage, and motivation to tackle on the next week. The truth is we all have our vices. 10 DAILY SIMPLE SELF CARE ACTIVITIES THAT WORK

So often we look for the big house, Paris vacation, nice car, large diamonds, large closets, and more stuff to bring us joy and peace. When, if we paused for a moment it’s the most simple pleasures in life that brings the greatest amount joy. Finding joy in the smallest things will give you meaning, purpose, encouragement, inspiration, joy, happiness, confidence, and self worth.

Finding joy in the simple things allows you to experience the happiness guilt free. It doesn’t have any attachments. We’re in the month of November. Gratitude is the attitude. What are some simple things in life that brings you joy and happiness?


Be you so you can be free.


Life is going to life!!!!! I can’t control that nor can I control time. As my life and family evolves on this rollercoaster ride, that I do enjoy, it didn’t take me long to realize I had to shift, adjust, and hold on while taking this ride. The biggest reason we get overwhelmed, burnout, and anxiety is because we want to keep the same routine that we’ve had the last 10 years.


It wasn’t easy, but I’ve had to adapt and reprioritize certain duties and aspects of my life. Here are a couple things that helps me keep my sanity.

Simple Self Care Tips

-Don’t worry about money. I know this sounds absolutely ridiculous considering the state of the economy. However, one of my favorite financial gurus “Lynn Richardson” said it best, you make what you make. Until you make more, you have to make the best use of what you have. It’s tough I know. But I have a firm belief no matter what happens I’m going to be ok. Why? Because God never failed me and never will. He’s kept my family and I and he will continue to. FINANCIAL MINDSET: WHICH ONE ARE YOU?

“Do the right thing and everything else will fall into place.”-

-Entertain or engage with those who have their mind made up. It is pointless and a waste of time to speak, have a conversation, or understanding with someone who has their mind made up. Some people are just bent on seeing it how they see it and not opened to another perspective or point of view. In those instances you just have to let them be ok with being closed off and know no matter what you say it won’t make a difference. Save yourself the headache. SELF CARE IS A LIFESTYLE

-Know my limits. After taking a break and coming to some understanding about myself, I know what I am capable of handling. Carrying all those bricks on your shoulders doesn’t get you a Nobel Peace Prize. It tears you down in more ways than one. At home I no longer clean until my back hurts for 3 days. Each day I set a one hour timer. Whatever I get done, that is it until the next day. At work, when I’ve been busy all day, I won’t keep going. I create a stopping point. What can wait til the next day will. That’s not only for my sanity but work output production as well.

Those are my top 3 simple self care tips that keeps me sane. I go through my days based on how I want to feel. Will it require much from me physically, mentally, or emotionally. Depending on what state I’m in, I make my decisions. I don’t want to over extend myself and everyone gets cheated in the process. Take care of you. We live in a world where everything is instant and it’s all about consuming more and more. Be patient and kind to yourself .


Be you so you can be free.


How can you have luxury self care on a budget? Focus on what you do best and nurture it. Listen to your body, mind, and heart to help you focus on what you need to soothe yourself. Any self care you do is a luxury to you. However, here are a couple of tips and tricks I use to mix things up and use my resources.

a woman sitting on the armchair while reading

-Walk. Simple. Easy. Can be done in your neighborhood, treadmill, trail, or park. Lately, as the weather gets cooler and daylight becomes limited, I’ve explored walking the mall. That has been fulfilling, engaging, and fresh. I’ll go the last hour before it closes, and get a 3 mile walk in.

-Word search. One of my favorite hobbies or past times. Word search keeps me engaged, thinking, focused, and off my phone or television. Usually when I go to the dollar store I’ll grab 2 or 3. Again, affordable, great for your brain, concentration, and can be done anywhere. Keep one in your purse so while you’re in a waiting room, you can word search instead of scrolling.

”Caring for your body, mind, and spirit is your greatest and grandest responsibility. It’s about listening to the needs of your soul and then honoring them.”-Kristi Ling

-By Nature Vitamin C +Collagen Face Mask. Whenever I want to spend some extra TLC on my skin I’ll purchase a sheet mask. I love By Nature sheet masks because they fit my entire face including the big forehead. I actually see plumped, moisturized, and smooth skin after the 20 minutes. Because the sheet masks are extra soiled, I have enough serum left in the package to use the next day. One runs $2.49 or 4 pack on Amazon for $7.99. Doesn’t break the bank, have glowing skin, and spent quality time with yourself. SELF CARE IS A LIFESTYLE

-Press On Nails. I’ve always enjoyed doing my own hair and nails. About 2 months ago I decided to give press on nails a try, and never looked back. My manicures weren’t lasting too long. Redoing the mani throughout the week was becoming time consuming with my schedule and kids. Yes, I’ve tried long wearing, gel polish, instant dry, nail dry spray, and no matter what with my daily life it wasn’t lasting. With press ons, they don’t chip, last 2 weeks, give me a boost in my femininity, gives me more creativity, and something my daughter and I do together. Finally they are so good, people think I’ve spent money going to the nail salon. Depending on the brand we spend $10-$15 on a pack. We both get a set for 2 weeks and can rotate them out.

-Creating new recipes. Currently I’m loving my Coffee Mate Cinnamon Vanilla Creamer. Adding a drop of caramel sugar free syrup gives me a great cup of coffee or latte. Couple that with my cream cheese croissants makes my Saturday morning a chefs kiss. Other recipes I’ve been enjoying are homemade bowls. Why Chipotle when I can do that at home. Lastly, Mediterranean salad recipes. This gives me variety, lots of flavor, fulfilling, healthy, and easy meals. It’s literally using what you already have in the kitchen.

Those are a couple of examples of luxury self care. Focus on what you want to experience. How do you want to feel. What aren’t you getting. Expand your idea of self care. It’s yours. Have a great day!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.