Holiday Season 2020: Make This Holiday Season A Meaningful One

There is no doubt the best time of the year has approached us, ‘tis the season. We already see Christmas decorations in the stores as well as Thanksgiving. In a normal year, holiday season can be stressful for some, but in this trying year of 2020 the stress, anxiety, and pressure can be even more suffocating.

Now more than ever is all the more reason to remember what the holiday season is about and to remember we all can still have an amazing, loving, joyful, and meaningful holiday season.

There is no room for self doubt, pity, anger, frustration, depression, anxiety, and darkness this holiday season. Do not let this season fly by and not use the opportunity to divulge in gratitude, joy, appreciation, togetherness, laughter, and love.

Being grateful for just making it to another holiday season is reason enough to get up and smile. There are many families this year that have experienced some unthinkable pain and loss. When I was growing up we were taught that holiday season is important because there are some people that aren’t here this year that was here last year.

Use this time to get together with family, if its safe of course, and enjoy just being together. There isn’t anything else in this world that’s more important than laughing together, taking photos, hugging one another, and breathing in the same air. Just think back almost nine months ago when we had no idea how we would make it through this year.

In my family, we use holidays as a way to gas our tanks and fuel up to get through the year. Sometimes we just need those couple of days to not think about work, finances, troubles, schedules, meetings, school, relationships, or whatever else is weighing heavy on us. Being around loved ones allows us to remember who we are, that we are loved, and we’re not fighting this fight alone. As long as we have a meal and everyone arrived safely, we could careless about a gift . That is our gift.

Yes this year many people are out of work, experiencing financial difficulties like no other, children are home schooling, some don’t know how they are going to pay bills, or where the next meal is coming from but guess what you still can have a faithfilled, enjoyable, and happy holiday season.

It isn’t about how much you spend on a gift or even if you gift at all. The gift is the joy of being together. It is so much truth and value in the saying “eat, drink, and be merry”. Start by creating an atmospheric presence in the home. Make your home inviting with decorations and scents of the season. Set a mood of calmness, peace, and relaxation for everyone.

We are in the time where DIY is the best decor. Have the kids and the whole family for that matter get creative and put some personal touches of gratitude throughout the home. Years ago at my office we came up with a chain of gratitude. We cut strips of construction paper about 2 inches in width, in holiday colors and passed them around to every employee including the CEO. The instructions were to write down things we were grateful and happy for. Next we would link them together to see how long the chain could grow and for the entire holiday season we hung it around the office. It was amazing to say the least and to walk in everyday and just see what others were grateful for and how far they’ve come through the year was inspiring.

Candles are always a great way to set the mood. Get some hot chocolate and whipped cream, Netflix and chill, and take photos. Document the journey.

Use the technology that’s available to you. Have family Zoom meetings. Talk about what each other is cooking, how was school or work, and connect. Staying connected in some way will keep everyone spirits high.

Don’t stress about gifts. Give what your heart desire. Give what’s in your budget. And guess what, if thats nothing more than a phone call to say I love you and I miss you, then thats worth a million. Give a gift of commitment to engage with the family more.

Fill your heart by volunteering, donating time, money if you have the means, or serve a meal in your community. Trust me, this is a gift. In the end you’ll be filled with so much gratitude.

Remember to be thankful, you’re alive, breathing, appreciate this moment, there is a lesson that 2020 has given us, and live in your truth. Don’t worry about what others are doing this holiday season.

Laugh, Smile, Eat, and enjoy each other.


Be you so you can be free.


I always knew I was an introverted person. There are some facts about introverts that you should know. Due to so many misunderstandings, as introverts we are often interpreted incorrectly. Here are some facts that I thought I’d share.

As an introvert

-We actually do like people and socializing. Just so happen we prefer a small select few to socialize with.

-We are very observant.

-Some great qualities introverts possess are great listening skills, they have a great respect for self, and they allow themselves to freely think.

-We truly do enjoy being alone and spending time with ourselves. Matter of factly, that will be our first choice is to do something in solitude.

-If we open up to you, know that we truly do value the relationship and you are special to us.

-Introverts like to process things in their head, in peace, and yes can be over thinkers.

-We absolutely don’t care for the small talk. A meaningful conversation with substance is more fulfilling.

-Chances of us having or wanting a lot of friends is very slim. We’d prefer a small circle of people to keep close.

-We aren’t shy, timid, or fearful. More on the reserved side.

-We aren’t stuck up or anti social.

-Most often introverts aren’t one to be attached to their phone. We just don’t see the need to constantly wonder what others are doing. Nor, do we care to post what we are doing.

-We won’t speak unless we have something to say. Not going to say anything just to fill the silence or be apart of a conversation.

-We enjoy going out, vacations, beach, walking, and being outdoorsy.

-There isn’t anything wrong with us we don’t need to be fixed.

-We aren’t rude.

-Introverts are not depressed, have anxiety, or low self esteem.

-Asking us “why you so quiet” isn’t something we respond to very well.

I’ve totally embraced and love being an introvert. I am me and it feels good. Embrace and love who you are. Don’t let the outside world make you feel like there is something wrong with you because you aren’t doing what the mass majority is doing.

There are many facts about introverts that you should know. We are all think, feel, and respond differently to certain situations.

BE YOU!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.

Why Material Things Can’t Make Us Happy

Do you have a closet full of clothes with tags on them? Shoe boxes with shoes in them lined for days that you haven’t worn or worn only once? Makeup drawer overflowing, drawers won’t close because clothes is falling out of them, and more handbags than days, and you still aren’t fulfilled and living happily, thats because no matter how much material things we buy, it won’t make us happy.

First the gratification we receive from a new purchase is short lived. Hence, the reason we sometimes don’t use or wear the specific item. We’ve all heard of the term retail therapy. The shopping temporarily fulfills us to get our mind off what really has us bothered.

Unfortunately, there is always going to be something we want or think we have to buy. There is this fictional idea that we’ve created and trying to chase. Have you ever wanted something really bad and finally got it, but no sooner than you turned the corner you were looking for something else.

Most often when we purchase something new it isn’t for ourselves. The new clothes, shoes, home decor, furniture, or whatever else is purchased to get a reaction from others. We’re looking for their reaction to fulfill or validate the emptiness. New flash, people really don’t care about all the material things. In fact, most people don’t like being around someone always bragging and boasting.

The more material things we have, the more our homes are cluttered, the more “stuff” we have to maintain, and the more we are likely to become stressed. Another reason material things won’t make us happy, is because we can’t enjoy it all. The more that is purchased the more the reality becomes physical that we need to dig a little deeper and say “what do I really want?”

Save yourself time, money, frustration, and anger when the next time you get ready to purchase something ask yourself:

If it’s a need or want?

What purpose does it serve?

Everything has a place and there’s a place for everything, does it have a place?

Will it make me better?

Can I afford it?

This will begin the process of you making well thought out decisions that will lead you to self fulfillment and saving money. Create memories and experiences that you can hold on to and pass down.


Be you so you can be free.

Handle Your Business…Go To The Doctor

How does going to the doctor relate to self care? Well it has everything to do with self care.

Knowledge is power. Getting regular checkups and examinations allows us to detect any early signs of disease or infections. We’ll know if we are borderline and need to watch something more closely. With regular visits to the doctor we learn important information on how and why our bodies are changing and reacting in a certain manner.

The earlier we know about a diagnosis the better equipped we are with options of treatments and cures. The more options available the better we’ll be able to maintain a good bill of health.

Even though its a pain and we really don’t like going to the doctor it gives us a peace of mind and a sense of relief. Therefore providing less stress on our mental health.

Just because we feel fine or doesn’t see any physical signs of worry, doens’t mean we don’t need to see a physician. Routine blood work and examinations are needed to let us know what’s going on with risks we may not be aware of.

Keeping regular doctor and dentist appointments are an act of self care and self love. You are showing interest in your physical health and investing in prolonging your life. It shows we want to be here to live a fulfilling, healthy, and productive life. In result increasing our mind, spirits, and confidence.

Exercising preventative care saves us money, time, and pain. Giving us the freedom to use those resources in other areas of our life. Handle Your Business…Get Your Finances Together

Health is Wealth

You’re worth it. Invest in your physical health to help promote your mental and emotional health.

When you’re healthy you’re wealthy.


Be you so you can be free.


It can be overwhelming when it comes to setting and maintaining goals. Part of self care is setting personal goals. If we set them too high then its easily discouraging when we hit a bump in the road. For me what I’ve learned and what works for me is to set small goals.That will set me up and motivate me to continue on to my larger goal.

Because I have so many ideas and so much I want to do I figured its best for me to begin setting small goals for myself to keep me on track and organized. What Self Care Is NOT

I’ve been slacking on my water intake and my body, skin, and energy has been telling me to get back to drinking more water. To do so I’ve made sure to have a bottle of water beside the bed so in the morning before I do anything. Also on the drive to dropping off my children and picking them up in the afternoon I make sure I have a bottle of water. Side note: having a bottle of water in the car on the ride to and from school eliminates me wanting to stop at Starbucks.

My next goal for the week was to finish the paper work needed to start a project that I’ve been wanting to do. I’ve researched for the last several months and now its time for me to take the next steps and do the legwork. This goal seems simple yet its going to keep me line and make sure I not get side tracked and jump all over the place, because lets face it that can happen.

Working out is an essential part of my self care. I must workout at least 4-5 days a week. At this point my workout is mostly for my mental sometimes. The ability to clear my head and refocus is the best therapy for me sometimes. Now when I say schedule, no I don’t write it down, but its me staying in my routine. Typically for me I workout maybe three days straight then take a day off and then go another two days. I do a mix of aerobics, strength training, and of course walking.

The last and most important is an ongoing goal, personally, staying positive no matter what. My everyday corporate job can be mentally draining and stressful sometimes, I have three children in elementary, middle, and high school, and helping my mother is quite a feast I have to eat weekly. However, I wouldn’t change a thing. Staying positive, motivated, staying in the moment, releasing my tension when I have to, and not losing myself is my goal.

I love taking care of my family and being able to have my sense of self. It’s something I believe I can handle and have at the same time.

Setting and maintaining goals is something personal to you. Figure out what your ultimate goal is. Write it down. Set small goals to get you to where you want to go. This give a visual and won’t overwhelm you. Some of us can’t set a big goal and stick to it. We get side tracked, and discouraged.

Finally, its ok to not have a big goal like starting a business or writing a book. It can be as simple as drinking more water. Whatever it is that will get you to where you want to be set the goal.


Be you so you can be free.