The More You Grow…

Conversations that aren’t meaningful or add value to your life, you won’t engage in. The more you grow sitting around the table listening to people gossip just gets under your skin.

You begin to pay more attention to what others are saying and doing. Are the actions and words aligned with your values? How they show up in the world and to you is well noted. You begin to value character and integrity more.

Aren’t afraid to ask for help or say you don’t know. You’ve come to a point in life to know and understand you don’t know everything and that’s ok, but you aren’t going to act like it either.I WAS GROWN BEFORE, BUT LIFE CALLED ME

Respectfully speak up for yourself. Turning the other cheek and letting things slide isn’t going to continue to happen.

The more you grow you understand the importance of getting ahead of situations and problems. Having a proactive mindset as opposed to a reactive mindset.

Stand firm in your position and will not put yourself in uncomfortable situations. Saying yes to get it over with or not to hurt others feelings isn’t something you’re willing to do.

Taking time for yourself, self reflection, and constantly wanting to be a better person is a priority.

Prefer small intimate gatherings inside opposed to going out to large venues with crowds.

The well-being of others are important to you.

The small stuff doesn’t get to you and shift your mood.

No longer feel guilty about taking a day off or taking time out to take care of yourself. You understand that taking care of yourself isn’t up for negotiations.

Don’t worry about trying to impress others with “what” you have. The labels on clothes and shoes doesn’t mean a thing to you. As long as you are comfortable you’re happy. Just not interested in keeping up with the Jones’s.

Sleep is important, essential, and a priority.

What you watch on television, music you listen to, and what you give your time to is well intentional.

The desire to learn and attain knowledge is what you become.


Be you so you can be free.

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