C-Compassion allows us to connect with others and have meaningful relationships. The greatest act of courage is to show or have compassion for someone who have wronged you.

O-Offer your authentic self no matter who you’re around and where you are. The greatest gift we can give is our true authentic self. It takes courage to say “this is me”. Some people will love you and some won’t. That is perfectly ok.

U-Understand the source of the anger, hurt, or pain for yourself and others for that matter. Knowing the why will lead to the healing.

R-Rest. Take a break from time to time. Recharge and reset. We are human, we will get burned out at some point. It takes courage to say, “I need a break right now.”

A-Accept where you are and embrace it. We all want more, to reach higher places, and to grow. However, we have to be able to appreciate what we have now and where we are. Love that 2 bedroom apartment and appreciate it, so when you’re blessed with that 3 bedroom house, your gratitude will beam through the windows.

G-Goodness is in you. Share it with the world. You have a special gift and something to offer. Once again, it doesn’t have to be grand, the smallest gesture has the greatest good.

E-Energy is contagious. Be the energy you want to receive. When you smile at someone they smile back. Someone is having a bad day or moment, compliment them, encourage them, and make them smile.


Be you so you can be free.