As a mom of two teenagers I’m constantly trying to figure out ways to encourage, inspire, and motivate them. So I use our morning car ride to drop “mommy gems”. Today’s mommy gem was “you control your own destiny”. Especially for teens it’s important to remind them of the ole saying, “always be a leader, never a follower.” Remember they are teenagers so I have to be quick and to the point. I thought I share todays gem as we all can use it no matter our age.

Today’s Mommy Gem:

“Never let anyone pressure you into doing something you don’t want to. When I say anyone, that goes for teacher, coach, friend, family, and anyone who is in an adult leadership role over you. If it doesn’t feel right in your heart, mind, spirit, or soul then don’t do it. Never let someone else make you feel a certain way because you’re not doing what they think you should. You control your own destiny. God created you the way He wanted you and He has given you what you needed to live the life He set forth. Therefore, no one else can control you unless you allow them. In the same token, no one can take what God has placed in you and for you. An Open Letter To Anyone You are enough

Also when you make your decision to stand in who you are don’t feel bad if you find yourself out there on a limb alone sometimes. No one else can push us better than we push ourselves. That’s when we find our greatest strength. So go have a great day and be great.”

As I was driving I thought someone out there need to hear this, this morning. Go be great today. Be the person God created you to be with no regrets. You control your own destiny in life.


Be you so you can be free.

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