” Sometimes happiness looks like staying home, minding your business, telling people no, and doing you.” – Myleik Teele

photo of plants on the table

Please don’t get fooled by social media thinking you have to spend your life savings going on extravagant vacations, wearing expensive clothes, and having the latest IPhone. You can be happy taking a mini vacay to the next town over. Sight seeing, eating good food, and learning something new closer to home. Spending money on the latest trends requires a lot of time and money trying to keep up. No matter what you wear you define the outfit. Find your style and wear it with confidence. Labels doesn’t add value to you. KEY TO HAPPINESS: DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO Create an environment at home to where you don’t ever want to leave.

Cozy Day At Home Essentials:

Not only ensure it’s comfy, inviting, and secure, but make sure your home is safe mentally and emotionally. Declutter, clean, and infuse your home with scents of calm. This will allow for your home to give you a safe space mentally and emotionally. Happiness is being secure in who you are and not worry about what others are doing or what they have. How they live their life isn’t your business. The most freeing feeling is telling someone “no” without giving any explanation. So often we feel we need to explain why we’re declining an invitation, doesn’t want to do a favor, or be bothered. Happiness is simple, calm, and doesn’t require much. Enjoy the rest your day!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


”The silent treatment is a normalized form of emotional abuse. Part of maturing is learning how to communicate, rather than using silence as punishment.” Dr. Nicole Lepera


Just like not forgiving someone, giving someone the silent treatment hurts us worst than the other person. We think we’re hurting them by not talking. But we truly are hurting ourselves more, by not telling them how they made us feel. Thus resulting in repeated behaviors. If they don’t know how they hurt us, then they won’t know how to avoid it or preventing it from happening again. In turn when receiving the silent treatment we hurt ourselves by trying to prove, over compensate, or reverse the silence. When someone gives you the silent treatment and not communicate how you may have hurt them, it has everything to do with their conflict resolution skills. Instead of lashing out, they’ve probably had to cope alone as a child and navigate things on their own. EMOTIONAL HEALING: OPEN YOUR MIND FOR UNDERSTANDING Also the silence can be interpreted as the person or relationship isn’t valued enough to talk it out. Even if you’re so angry that you need to cool off before discussing something, at least inform them of that. Let them know you need to cool before having a sensible conversation. Either way communication skills and conflict resolution is key when having disagreements. Have a great day!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


”I will never fit in.That’s one of my best qualities.”- Terri Willingham

woman in long sleeve shirt holding a paper

I will always go against the grain. I learned in my early teen years when I was going to an all girl high school, that it is better to stand out than fit in. I will never forget that piece of advice. How you dress, talk, where your hair, what you watch and listen to, and everything in between has to be you. Even your view points on life, social, political, and economic issues. It is ok to have a different viewpoint. It is ok to think differently or want different than the masses. Sometimes we give in to the norm in fear of standing alone or seeming out of bounds. But when you stand alone, you are the strongest, toughest, and most courageous. You had the strength to stand firm in who you are, what you believe, and what’s best for you. Because of that, you will unknowingly inspire others. YOU INSPIRE SOMEONE OUT THERE The best thing I heard all week was this woman in a store having a conversation with her coworker about exercising and trying to look good for her newlywed husband. The coworker told her she should want to workout to keep him. She said “I love the fat on my body. It’s in the right places and I don’t care what no one thinks of me. I love my body.” She said it with so much confidence and made her coworker think. No matter what you’re faced with in life it’s important to always think for you, make decisions for you, and live for you. Everything else will fall into place as they should. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Be you so you can be free.


”Things have a miraculous way of working out. Trust that.”- Idil Ahmed

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If I don’t know anything else, the one thing I do know is everything works out just fine. What do I mean by just fine? Well it probably won’t work out how you thought, expected, planned, or wanted but it works out how it supposed to. How the universe aligned it to. How God meant for it to work out for you. Also, it not only work out how it supposed to but when it supposed to. Most often it will come at a time we’ve given up, stop trying, or forgot about it because it didn’t happen when we wanted it to. That’s because we don’t know what’s best. When things doesn’t work out how you wanted or when, don’t get discouraged. Be grateful that you were protected from something you had no idea was around the corner. Sometimes the pain, frustration, and delay in our plans comes from us wanting to be in control so much. Trust the process. Trust yourself. Trust that no matter what, it will work out for the better. MENTAL HEALTH REMINDER: TRUST YOURSELF Embrace what you didn’t see coming and let go of what you thought was best. Too often our expectations let us down and prevent us from realizing the gifts we are given. Trust that everything will work out how it supposed to for your benefit. Enjoy the rest of your day!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


Don’t take criticism from people you wouldn’t take advice from.” -Kyle Freedman

inspirational quote spelled out with board game letter tiles

When we receive criticism or feedback from someone we don’t even know, it effects us more than receiving it from close family and friends. Or taking to heart criticism from someone who hasn’t walked in our shoes, experienced what we’ve experienced, or basically on the same level as us. Just think about how so many people are affected by comments they receive on social media. Before you know it, they slowly change certain things about themselves due to comments. Others people opinion or criticism does not and cannot devalue you. Nothing they say or do holds any kind of weight in your life. What they say, think, or feel doesn’t matter. 6 THINGS THAT DRAINS YOUR ENERGY AND TIME Caring what others think or say means we value them, their wisdom, and expertise. You trust that they’ve experienced something similar, received your desired results, and they have first hand knowledge. Furthermore, those that know our story won’t give criticism in a manner that hurts our feelings or makes us feel less than. So the next time you receive unwanted criticism just remember you didn’t ask them for it and let it roll in one ear and out the other. Enjoy the rest of your day!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


Life itself is a privilege, but to live life to the fullest-well, that is a choice.”- Andy Andrews

life is now neon signage

We all literally have the power to make our life what we want. Who is stopping us. Fear, money, approval from others, embarrassment to make certain choices, and life circumstances are all reasons we don’t fully live the life we want. Then on the other hand I see those that pick up and move to another state because they want to start over or that was always a dream of theirs. Then there is those that quit their secure paying job with benefits to start their business or fulfill their dream. I’ve spoken to clients who says they are buying an RV and just going to travel around and wherever they end up that’s where they’ll be until they are ready to go. I admire those. Because so often we’re told to have our ducks in a row. We can do everything right. Save and have an emergency fund. Plan the right time to buy that home, have a kid, switch careers, and go on vacation. But what I know to be true is, life never stops. There are going to be some things that throws a wrench in our plans. You have every right to live your ONE life how you see fit. There aren’t any do overs here. You can make the choices you want to live the life you want. You only get one life. We can’t even do over a day, hour, or minute. Don’t let fear and other factors stop you from taking that leap of faith. FEAR IS A WASTE OF TIME You can start over as many times as you can. It’s better to try to see how that dream plays out than to always think about the shoulda, coulda, woulda’s. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Be you so you can be free.


“Don’t let the concept of change scare you as much as the concept of staying unhappy.” -Timber Hawkeye

a close up shot of letter dice

Why do we fear change? It’s the unknown of what’s going to happen. We aren’t in control. The fear of failure has us fearing change. We are used to our routine. The comfort zone we’re in, we psych ourselves out to stay in. But is continuing getting the same you’re getting better than trying something new. If we already are unhappy why not channel that energy and try something new. As we try something new and embrace change we are learning and evolving. We weren’t meant to be here and not grow. Change is good. Change is growth. Change is healing. Change is opportunity. Change is freedom. If you’re tired of the same ole same ole, ask yourself “what am I scared of?” Let go of wanting to be in control. Sometimes we have to release that control. So often what we think is best isn’t the best. Letting go and letting the universe guide you, will be more beneficial than you ever thought. The outcome will be greater than you expected. Embrace the unknown. No way we will ever be able to know everything. Going in blindly is the best learning experience mentally and emotionally. CHANGE IS UNCOMFORTABLE Don’t psych yourself out. You are smarter than you think. Braver than you think. Stronger than you think. Tougher than you think. Embrace change and grow through it. Enjoy the rest of your day!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


”If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?”-Maya Angelou

white twist light bulb

It took me years to realize I mattered and I can and should take care of myself. Especially when I was a stay at home mom. I felt like I didn’t deserve anything, I should have anything, or do anything for myself. Every fiber was focused on my home and family. Until a couple times we were leaving for trips and I realized I had nothing to pack. I always made sure everyone has had everything they wanted and needed and never took care of myself. Then a light bulb came on. Me taking care of myself isn’t selfish. Buying myself something and making sure I feel good about myself will help my marriage and my relationship with my kids. To anyone having a hard time putting themselves first, DO IT!!!!! You are not selfish. You of all people are the only one who knows what you need, want, and desire. Furthermore, your loved ones will thank you for it. Taking care of you is letting others know how you want to be loved. We can’t put that burden on someone else to make us feel good and happy. That isn’t fair. But they definitely can encourage you to continue and support you through it. Our happiness isn’t someone else’s responsibility. MENTAL NOTE OF THE DAY In the same breath, we aren’t responsible for anyone else’s happiness. If you don’t take care of you, no one else will have an outline on how to be in relation with you. You owe you. Be good to yourself. Enjoy the rest of the day!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


“Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” -Louise L. Hay

message on paper sheet on light surface

The one thing I know is, what we tell ourselves hurts us more than anything someone else says or does. You wanna know why? We believe everything we tell ourselves. Furthermore, we are very good at talking ourselves out of something. We can think of a scenario and situation in our heads and it never happened. Have you ever played out a conversation or arguement in your head? We’ve all done that at one point, “the next time I see XYZ and they say this, I’m going to say this.” Oh!!!! How many times have you started your day complaining about everything you had to do at work, how you didn’t want to talk to certain people, or how that coworker gets on your last nerves. Then you get to work, and the sheer sight of your coworker turns your smile upside down. Why? Because we’ve already talked ourselves into not wanting to have a good day or interaction. No matter what the situation or circumstance is, what we tell ourselves has a direct impact on how our day and life goes. Sadly, we are very good at talking ourselves into a negative mindset. Don’t you think we can be even better at talking ourselves into a positive mindset. The last two weeks, before I even turn on my computer I write for 1-2 minutes on a notebook of nothing but positive thoughts, affirmations, and prayers. It’s not uniformed or grammatically correct. My intentions are to ensure I’m in the right mindset, positive self talk, and motivation. If you are experiencing too many negative thoughts try turning those into some positives. 10 MENTAL HEALTH REMINDERS

Example of My Morning Notes:

I am fearless
I am brave
I am strong
I am a good mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and worker
I am good at my job
God give me the strength to replace any negative thoughts with positive
God thank you for keeping me so many times, thank you for saving me, thank you for my family and our health
I am in control of my emotions
I give myself grace

That’s what came to mind yesterday morning. Sometimes it’s less and other times it’s more. But every day, moment, and direction of our life depends on how we view it, handle it, and overcome. Most importantly it’s what we say to ourselves quietly that hurts the most. So those things you are saying that no one hears, turn those into positives and tell yourself good things. Have a great day!!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.


”Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time. -John Maxwell

postit scrabble to do todo

The one thing that I’ve come to know and understand is consistency. You hear it often when reading self help books, listening to podcast, and every motivational speaker has spoken about being consistent. Well I get it now. And it’s not so much of being consistent in just practicing mental health. But in every day life and in every aspect of life. Something as simple as, being consistent on flossing your teeth every day leads to better oral health. Thus preventing diseases and long term effects on your teeth and gums. We hear it all the time in skin care. Having a consistent regimen is key to healthy, glowing, youthful looking skin. Maintaining good eating habits and exercising regularly are always constant with being consistent. When at work, you have to be consistent to perform and produce. 8 FEEL GOOD SELF CARE ACTIVITIES No matter what component of life it is, remaining consistent in the small habits builds character, stamina, results, health, and wealth. Yes, we all will stumble. But when you get back on both feet and are stable, remain consistent. Just because we stumble or see something is working for someone else, doesn’t mean we should try it or not continue to do what has worked for us. You know what works for you and what you’re good at. Stay consistent in your daily routine lifestyle habits. The fruits of your labor will pay off. Have a great day!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.