“Confidence makes us beautiful, and it comes from accepting yourself. The moment you accept yourself, it makes everything better.” -Diane Von Furstenberg, The Woman I Want To Be

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There are two ways I gained confidence in myself and continue to use on a daily. First I tackled my insecurities, bad habits, and personality traits I didn’t care for. I would ask myself why does certain comments hurt my feelings. After being honest with myself and figuring out why certain things hurt my feelings, I dug deeper to figure out where that insercurity came from. Once I figured that out, I was able to acknowledge, recognize, and resolve it. The next way I gained confidence is in giving myself grace. It’s still a challenge, but not being too hard on myself and celebrating my wins has been a huge confidence booster. If you don’t celebrate yourself, then no one will. What’s a win for you isn’t a win for everyone else. 6 THINGS TO STOP WORRYING ABOUT Each of our wins look different, feel different, and comes different. Confidence is a muscle. Dig deeper and clean up those dark places you don’t want to go. I guarantee you, your confidence will sky rocket. Have a great rest of your day!!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.

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