Being vulnerable is like disease to some. However, what we all shall know is being vulnerable takes strength, courage, and confidence. Not only does it help release any negative energy, but it encourages others to do the same.

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  1. You Become Your Most Authentic Self
    When you show vulnerability in any sense, you are being honest with your truest self. In that moment or moments you’ve chose you. The decision to choose self eliminates the disease to please. It shows character, self awareness, and comfort.
  2. Promotes Compassion and Sympathy
    Because of your self awareness, the ability to process and feel emotions are easier. Even the negative emotions that come, they don’t startle you like before. In turn, your awareness and understanding for others become greater and more clear. We have the ability to feel for others, show love, understanding, and compassion. EMOTIONAL HEALING: OPEN YOUR MIND FOR UNDERSTANDING
  3. Step To The Front
    Being vulnerable give us the strength to be proactive instead of reactive. We step into situations and grow through them. The need or want to run from them or ignore them is no longer. Our confidence and awareness gives us inner strength and power to conquer and not let problems consume us. Vulnerability allows us freedom to exercise good mental and emotional wellness.
  4. Exercise Muscles
    Vulnerability requires us to take risks. Therefore, our muscles of courage, confidence, and self esteem are being exercised. With each wave, we get stronger, wiser, and better. We heal and grow through. Taking the risk builds stamina, get out our comfort zone, and expand our emotional horizon.
  5. Build Relationships
    When you choose to be vulnerable it give others confidence in you and their relationship with you. It builds trust, compassion, and communication. The more communication the better our relationships become. The better communication we have the more fulfilling our lives will be.

Those are 5 reasons showing vulnerability is strength. It takes a huge leap of faith to begin. But once you do, it will get easier each time. Do yourself a favor and let your guard down just a little bit. You’ll feel free, lighter, and better instantly.

Be Well!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.

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