As the end of the year approaches many people are making their visions boards, setting goals, and making their new year resolutions. All of those are great to have and implement, however there are 10 self care habits that I do behind the scenes.

In no particular order, here are 10 self care habits I do before the start of the year. These habits help me clear my mind, spirit, and home for a fresh start.

  1. Laundry Clear Out
    This is something we did growing up. At the start of the new year we couldn’t have any dirty clothes in the home. On New Years Eve, all laundry was to be washed, folded, and put away. As a bonus tip, as you are washing clothes, throw out any items that are too little, old, or you haven’t worn in the last couple of months. It makes no sense to carry baggage into the new year. If you haven’t worn it in the last 3 months then you probably won’t be wearing it anytime soon. If the clothes are too little, we don’t save it for when we lose weight. Once you’ve lost weight it’s time to get some fresh new clothes that fits your new body.
  2. Rearrange Furniture
    To give you a new perspective visually rearrange your furniture. If you are able to do as many rooms as possible. This will give you a new spunk about starting the new year with a fresh outlook. Start in your living room, move to the bedrooms, and if you can do your kitchen or dining table. This also forces you to take a different route when walking through your home.
  3. Organize and Declutter
    When you begin to clean up those Christmas Decorations make sure everything has a place and there is a place for everything. When putting your home back together if there are some items that you don’t use or have a space for get rid of it. You can donate it, sell it, or trash the item. Decluttering is great way to get your mental into a space for new ideas, energy, and make room for something new.
  4. A Day of Good Hygiene
    Before the new year do a good day of self care. A nice long bath or shower. Wash and condition hair. Get a hair trim if you can. Don’t forget to shave, wax, or laser. Have yourself a good simple mani and pedi. The goal is from head to toe make sure you are clean, fresh, groomed, and feeling good to start the new year.
  5. Spring Clean Your Home
    Yeah, it seems weird to spring clean your home in the winter. But self care is taking care of your home. Before rearranging furniture, wash windows, vacuum, mop floors, wipe down everything, and add some fresh scent to your home. Open the windows, curtains, and blinds for some fresh air and sun light. Even if its cold where you live. Just for a few or as long as you can stand it, let some fresh air in and filter out all the bad.
  6. Keep $1 In Your Pocket
    This goes back to when I was a little kid. My family always stressed everyone having at least $1 in their pocket, savings, or bank account. The thought process was to never ring in the new year broke. Even if you had $1, you can turn that $1 into more through out the year.
  7. Get A New Plant
    Starting the new year with a new plant, gives you something to focus on. Even if you don’t have a green thumb. You have to repot it, water it, and keep it healthy through the year. As you learn and grow your plant, you have to refresh your soil throughout the year. So every time you walk past your plant think of yourself and take care of yourself through the year.
  8. Shred Old Mail
    This is apart of my weekend self care tips SELF CARE HABITS: 6 WEEKEND HABITS FOR A GOOD WEEK but go through your home and get rid of any old mail. Clear out your purse and wallet to make room for new blessings to come.
  9. Clean Fridge & Cabinets
    Start fresh by cleaning out your fridge and cabinets. So many have weight loss goals for the first of the year, however decluttering the fridge gets rid of temptations. Make room for the healthy food. You won’t feel like you can’t start your weight loss journey until that food has been eaten.
  10. Pray, Meditate, Cleanse Your Spirit
    Before we can start any kind of new journey we shall pray and meditate. Get your spirit ready to start fresh and anew. If we aren’t centered and have clear mental space then anything we try will seem difficult. Get into a space, vibe, and energy. That way your physical and emotional being will begin to align with whatever you are trying to do.

These are 10 self care habits that I do starting the week of New Years. I know it may seem like a lot. But starting at the beginning of the week prepares me mentally, emotionally, and physically. That way by the time the 31st rolls around I’m ready to continue. The process takes time, so after having 5-7 days of being in a new mental space it will be easier for me to continue. So often we make the mistake of starting on the 1st.

The goal is to get you prepared mentally, emotionally, and spiritually before you begin your goals. Having a good thorough cleanse makes us ready to receive new. Out with the old, and in with new.

Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!! Be Safe!!!!! Be Well!!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.