Before we say “Happy New Year” I wanted to remind everyone of how strong and resilient they are. Remember back at the beginning of this year or further back, you were going through the most difficult time. In the dark shadows of this time you couldn’t breathe, think, eat, walk, or even talk at times. You came out the dark shadows more brave and wiser.

You Are Stronger Than You Think

While in this dark time you felt alone, scared, angry, sad, and worthless. There was no end in sight. The idea of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel was laughable. You absolutely had no idea how you were going to make it the next moment, day, hour, or week.

Well, well, well!!!! You made it. You are here living, breathing, walking, and talking. Whatever had a hold on you, didn’t break you. Guess what that means? You are powerful, strong, and courageous. Give yourself some credit, you are stronger than you think.

As we approach this new year, I want you to have the mindset of Why Mindset Is Everything strength. No matter what is thrown at you, you can over come. There isn’t anything that could hold you down. You did it before, and you definitely can do it again. Darkness doesn’t last forever.

We will have obstacles. But remember you’ve overcame what you thought was the worst. So in the new year, when a bump in the road comes, that is minor. You will leap over that bump with speed, knowledge, and confidence. Each time you will conquer and be happier than ever.

We don’t want to relive the past, but we can draw strength from it. Positive mindset going into the new year, will set you off right.

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.