Feeling down on yourself, I’ve been there. Boost your self esteem with these simple tips. They are free and simple. The transformation starts on the inside and then moves to the outside. Our mental and emotional is very important. However, the outside must match the inside. The insecurities we face about our looks can heavily effect our mental and emotional health.

The first thing to do is not compare yourself to what you see on television, internet, print, and every other place that is filtered. No one body is perfect. Nor is their skin perfect. Accept every ounce of weight, stretch marks, cellulite, wrinkle, pimple, and big toe. Side note: The big toe was for me. My second toe is bigger than my first toe. And, I have a six head not a forehead. But who cares. The key here is, our flaws is what makes us unique and stand out from the rest. I know for me, I want to look like me.

Once you’re able to love all of you, you can then dress and style yourself to your body. There are many clothing brands out there. Find the right style, comfort, and fit for you. If you are worried about your shirts, start with having the right bra. Sometimes having a bra with full coverage makes a world of difference. It’s the simple things that we can correct that will make a huge difference. If you’re worried about your mid section, don’t buy low rise nothing. That only makes you accentuate areas you don’t want. The point is to learn your curves and work with them.

After that, boost your self esteem with a hair cut, color, or style. Sometimes we can hold on to a style and it will make us look more worn out that we are. Refresh with new hair to give yourself a new attitude. My philosophy is ”it’s only hair, it will grow back.” My hair is usually the first thing to change when I need a shift change or mood booster. Short, long, curly, straight, black or highlighted I’ve done it all. Recreate yourself and see yourself into a new light. How To Boost Your Confidence With Daily Self Care

Get out of a funk and boost your mood by just window shopping. Get out of the house. Go to a mall or store and just browse. Walk around and get outfit ideas. Figure new ways to decorate your home. Look at different foods for new recipes. And what do you know, you’ll see someone you know. Have a great conversation and forget why you were in a funk in the first place. On the other hand, you just might find a stranger and have a conversation. Either way you have opened your mind and heart to receive some good energy. I’ve done this many times to boost myself up.

Feeling down on your luck, get dressed up and dolled up to do nothing. This is the easiest self esteem boost tip you can do. Unconsciously, I’ve done this and didn’t realize it. I’ll wake up and before you know it I’m walking around on Sunday morning in a face full of makeup. But the rest of the day, I’m happy. Every time you walk pass a mirror you enjoy looking at yourself and that instantly boosts your self esteem.

Lastly, if you’re not in a good mood accept an invite. We get so used to making excuses and not accepting invites that we’ve forced ourselves into loneliness. Just because you’ve never been to an event like the one you were invited to doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy it. You never know who you’ll meet. I received job opportunities by having lunch with someone.

I know the best thing to do is to get up, get out, and move. Make yourself look good, so you can feel good, and then be able to receive good. When our self esteem is low, we aren’t able to see good in anything. When in actuality, the good is there. There are many more ways to boost your self esteem. But start with what you have to boost your self esteem and then build up. We have to shift our mind to focus on the positive.


Be you so you can be free.