Girlfriends…Why We Need Them

Ladies stop saying you don’t need female friends. Stop saying you don’t trust them. Your guy friends are great but your female friends are more important and beneficial to you. There are a ton of reasons us as women need a great group of women friends.

First they wear tampons and pads just like we do. They understand the hormonal and emotional ups and down when our “special visitor arrive.”

They inspire us to be great and go after our dreams. Our girlfriends allow us to vent but then they pick us up and make us push forward.

Good girlfriends influence our creativity and we bounce ideas off of each other. Therefore expanding our mind to explore outside of our comfort zone and boundaries.

Motivating each other on the regular boost both self esteem and confidence. Inspires you to be great, help others be great and reach their potential, and all around better person.

Having great girlfriends encourages us to eat healthier, exercise, and take care of our selves. Our mental and emotional health is in great condition. We’re able to be vulnerable and release any negative energy instead holding on to it for days, weeks, or even months.

We travel with our girlfriends, learn new cultures, and experience the world together. We learn how to connect with people who are different from us and make them feel good. In return we receive love, support, and a balance in our life.

Think of our lives as a pie chart, having a good group of friends is a slice of the pie. Yes our husbands, boyfriend, and partners may be our friends but they can’t give us the emotional support and laughter our girlfriends do. Each person in our life provides something different and is needed for different reasons.

Good girlfriends gives us great conversations that no one else can understand. We can hold one another accountable. Having great friends keeps us on the right track and steer us back on when we fall off.

We can be completely honest with our girlfriends without judgement or bias.

If you find yourself as a woman who don’t have female friends or prefer guy friends take a survey of yourself. Think about what you want in a great girlfriend and offer those qualities. What you attract you will get back. But don’t discount or sell your self short thinking you can get by without having great female relationships.

Now the older we get the smaller our friend circle become. All you need is a hand full of core, solid, faith filled, loving, understanding, and stable groups of girlfriends.


Be you so you can be free.

Notes I Would Give To My Younger Self

For the last year or so I’ve really come into an understanding of who I am, where I want to go, and live the life I want. As I become more comfortable on this journey and actually see my vision come to pass, there are so many things I wish I had done in my younger years. Below are just a few things I would tell my younger self.

Little Rosalyn

Live In the Moment

In my younger years I always dreamed about my future and what it would look like. When you’re young the only thing you can think about is getting out your mothers house and living the life you want. But I now know literally enjoy each day and what that day has to bring. Yesterday was old news and anything that happened can’t be changed and tomorrow simply isn’t promised. Worrying about what could happen will rob you of the laughter you could have today. Stressing about yesterday keeps you stuck in the past. Most of the time what we’re worrying about is a made up scenario that we’ve created and typically situations always pan out the complete opposite of what we thought.

Always Go with Your Gut

When you’re younger the only goal you have is to make your family proud. That means we make decisions that go against our true desires. While its good to value their opinion and want their support, living the life that’s fulfilling to you would make them more proud to support you. Sacrificing our happiness to please others will fill us with a sense of resentment, anger, and emptiness. That creates another situation because we begin to blame them for “putting” us in that situation.

Whatever Other’s Think About You, Let Them Think It

I’ve come to understand what other’s criticisms of me are has nothing to do with me and is none of my business. With knowing that, it makes it easy to not take it personally. If we focus on what people say about how we should live our lives we would be a ball of mess. The most important thing to remember here is everyone is going to have an opinion. And yes, of course, it’s easier said than done to ignore some harsh criticisms, but remembering they’re projecting their own insecurities will help you brush it off every time. “I walk my journey and take the paths I want, if you want to go a certain path then you can take it on your own journey.”

Don’t Be Afraid to Try Something New

One of the best pieces advice I carry with me is “never fit in, always stand out.” I firmly believe in expanding my horizons, trying something that is out of the ordinary, or taking risks that aren’t common. I love taking a risk because I learn something new about myself each time. Challenging myself and taking a risk increase my confidence, self esteem, and courage to know even if I fall I know I’m going to get back up. It doesn’t have to be something big. You can start small. If I see everyone is buying the same shoes or everyone is going for a certain color, I purposely choose the one color no one wants. It’s scary to put yourself out there on a limb but remember you already starting off strong by having the courage to stand alone.

Let the Chips Fall How They May

Trying to control everything in every situation does nothing but raise your blood pressure. Its impossible to try to control everything and we really shouldn’t. Some situations are better left to pan out how they are suppose to not how we want them to. Often times we work ourselves into a frenzy when how we thought a situation would go, it completely went in the opposite direction. Most often worked out better than we thought.

Don’t Do Anything If You Don’t Want To

If Ros don’t want to do it, then Ros don’t have to.” My father told me that when I was a teenager and that has stuck with me since. So often we do things and make decisions because we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings or we are guilted into something. We then resent and harvest anger at a person when all because we didn’t have the courage to say “No”. We can easily eliminate putting ourselves in uncomfortable positions by saying no thank you.

I’m pretty sure there are many more notes I would give to my younger self but these are the points I use daily on my walk.


Be free so you can be free.

Stop Being the Go-To Person With These 5 Tips

Are you the go to person that family and friends call on? Does anyone ever checkup on you? No matter how much you help or money you give it just doesn’t seem like its ever enough. Someone is always asking you to do more. After a while you begin to feel dehydrated, drained, and exhausted. Please remember the following.

First we are responsible for our happiness and no one else’s. If we aren’t healthy mentally and emotionally we can’t be of service to anyone else. Making sure we are whole is the best gift we can give to our family and friends.

Secondly, whatever we have that is extra goes to others who may need. There seems to be a misconception that we have to give up everything to be of service or help. But if you give up everything you have, eventually you won’t have anything to pull from for yourself or anyone else.

Thirdly, lets think about this, if you are the one person that everyone turns to, when you are in a time of lack or in need who can you turn to? Most of the time who’ll have to find a way to pull something out of yourself with no help. So often as the strong one you’ll find yourself alone when you are going through your storm.

The fourth thing to remember is to set boundaries. Having boundaries sets expectations and demands others to respect you, your time, money, and space. So often in families and friendships we fail to set boundaries because its sometimes thought as an obligation instead of an assist to get one back on its feet.

Lastly, how is someone going to get upset with you because you won’t do for them what they can’t do for themselves. Does that make sense? No one should ever make you feel guilty for not helping or assisting them.

I know it’s always better to give than receive, however you must have something to give in order to help someone. It is important to remember not to take someone’s problems and fix them. We can listen and be a support system but allow them to fix their own problem.


Be you so you can be free.