Most of us use the weekend for relaxation, reset, and rest. Throughout the week I had some light bulb moments, great conversations, and read some really great passages that I’d like to pass on. As you prepare for your weekend here are some self care reminders to get you jump started.

”Sleeping in on a Saturday always feels like a little bit of heaven. “-Carla Kringer

peaceful young ethnic lady resting near window and knitting
  1. It’s ok to have nothing to say. If you’re in a group or having a conversation, it’s ok to listen and not have a response to everything that is said. One piece of advice I received long ago, was to only answer the question that is asked. How many times do we answer and then give some extra sauce. Another thing I noticed is when it’s a silent moment or dead air, someone will say something to fill that silence. No need for that. Enjoy the mood and company. The conversation will naturally flow.
  2. Live in the now. Stop postponing your happiness. No I’m not talking about starting your business or moving. But how often have you or someone you know postpone everyday life things. When I get the money, then I’ll go to the doctor. I can’t do this until I finish this. When I finally get over this hump then I’ll be able to. Make your appointments. Do what you need to do. Once you get over one hump the next is waiting. My husband and I joke all the time about when we were little how often our parents must have said, “wait until next time.” Chile that next time never came. What are you actually waiting for? WEEKEND SELF CARE TO DO LIST
  3. Ask for what you need or want. This year for my birthday when my husband asked me what I wanted I gave him a list. Usually I’ll say it doesn’t matter, whatever you feel in your heart, or I’ll say nothing. Well, when my birthday arrived, I received what was on my list. In turn I was very happy and grateful. Which sparked another light bulb reminder. Don’t ever feel guilty for what you want. It’s perfectly ok to want things or to go somewhere. Especially when someone asks, tell them.

Those are my 3 self care reminders for the weekend. As you enjoy your time off remember to enjoy being in the moment, make sure what you say is meaningful and has a perspective, live for the now. You don’t have to wait for anything to be happy. Choose happiness now. Lastly, be clear on what you want, who you want, and what you need. Have a great weekend!!!!!


Be you so you can be free.