Journaling For Mental Health, TRY IT

I used to be one of those who thought journaling or writing things down was useless or ineffective. I’ve learned journaling for my mental health is essential to my wellness journey. A few months ago I decided to go and purchase a journal. Even after I purchased the notebook, it sat on my table a while before I put the pen to paper. Boy, I’ll tell you when I did it was like drinking a cold glass of cucumber lemon water on a hot summer day. It was so liberating and I can feel every brick that was on my shoulder being lifted. Every worry, negative thought, and bad feeling just left my mind, but most importantly my body and spirit.

I wasn’t going to make a specific commitment or had any idea of what my process was going to be.

The first thing I noticed in keeping a journal is I’m more aware. I can specifically point out why I got upset or why something hurt my feelings. In turn I am able to let it go and not steal my joy. The more I journaled, I noticed how I was able to communicate better not just with my husband but with my children and family.

Coupled with being more aware I noticed I’m more sympathetic to others and express empathy more. Being in tuned and having my emotional health stable allows me to be of great service to others. I can connect with others more and encourage them through their journeys . Using my journaling therapy to help others has given me a new sense passion to motivate others to be the most fulfilled.

Journaling for mental health doesn’t have to make sense. For so long I thought when you journal you had to have correct spelling and grammar as if an English professor is grading it. Many times just jotting down my thoughts or feelings at the moment is more therapeutic than writing two pages. Sometimes its not a whole book that we need to read to get the message, in the same token a couple of random words may be the only thing that needs to be released.

Never say there isn’t anything to write about. I used to always think “what is there to write about”. Well guess what, there is plenty. Just picking up the pen and writing down the first thing that comes to mind is the best. Before you know it you may have several pages of purging.

I’m happier and doesn’t let things weigh on me. I’m not going to say things doesn’t bother me anymore but boy do I let it go quickly now. I don’t let people throw their trash to me and I keep it. Honey I’ll either let that trash fall and keep walking or simply laugh and keep walking.

You don’t have to do it everyday. I let my journal writing come natural to me. In doing this I noticed how much more relaxed I am and its ok if there is a shuffle in the schedule.

These are just a few things I’ve noticed in a couple of months. Journaling for mental health is something that is personal to you. If you are not in a good space, feeling depressed, having anxiety, or worried about what’s going to happen next I encourage you to begin journaling. Writing your thoughts down, being as angry as you want, as honest as you want, and completely vulnerable is the best free therapy you can have. It doesn’t have to be perfect or make sense. Just release the negative energy to make room for the positive.


Be you so you can be free.