Have you ever looked up one day and asked yourself ”what am I doing?” Or have anyone ever asked you a serious question to which you should have had an meaningful answer, and your response was ”I have no idea.” Well most likely, you may just be going through the motions of life.

What is going through the motions of life? It’s when you wake up everyday and do what is necessary to make it to the next. There isn’t any thought, purpose, intention, or meaning behind what you’re doing. It’s almost like you’re doing it because you have to, there is no other choice in your mind, and this is your idea of getting things done or taking care of business. You go to work to pay bills. Take your kids to school. Cook dinner and bathe. All to do it over again the next day.

You know you are going through the motions of life when you do the same thing every single day, without blinking. It’s like an automatic robot.

Each movement or thought you have doesn’t have a purpose, meaning, or enjoyment. Nothing you do throughout the day is intentional for your mental wellbeing. The actions you do throughout the day doesn’t add value to your life. It may appear that everything is for survival. You probably don’t enjoy your job but it pays the bills. Most likely the same meals get cooked weekly. Your weekends have no fun, variety, spontaneity, or life to it. It’s all about getting ready to start your work week. What Self Care Is NOT

Another way you may realize you going through the motions of life is you don’t question anything. Meaning, do I enjoy my job? If not, what am I doing in my spare time to get closer to the job of my dreams. When was the last time I did something for myself? Do I have a hobby or interest that take my mind off of things? Have I taken care of my mental health today? Is there a moment in the day where I smiled, laughed, felt good, made someone else feel good, or had a moment to myself. Did I give myself time to breathe, think about nothing, think about what’s next, pray or meditate?

It’s perfectly ok to question.

Why am I going here? How is doing “XYZ” going to make me better, happier, or more money? What is the alternative to ”XYZ?” Do I have another option? How much time will this take of mine? Will this have long term effects on my financial stability? No matter what is required or asked you have the right to ask questions. The more knowledge you have, the better informed decision you can make.

We all have fallen into a slump of just keeping the wheel turning. But at some point, you have to stop and make sure there is intention and purpose behind everything you do.

If you feel like you’re walking around like a zombie and have no idea where you are, then you’re probably just going through the motions of life. Give yourself a break and recoup.


Be you so you can be free.

RosalynLynn: Everyone deserves to live in who they authentically are and have the most fulfilling journey through life.

View Comments (3)

  • Thank you for sharing these insights! I completely agree with you! Up until recently, I found myself going through the motions of each day… I realized I wasn’t doing anything with purpose in mind, nothing that was truly serving me or allowing me to be my authentic self. It was the wake up call I needed to make a change. Change can be scary, but it is often what our soul needs most… Especially when we’re feeling stuck. Thank you again for the read… So relatable…

    • You are welcome 💖 Thank you for your kind words. You are right, change is very scary. I've learned if it scares me to death, then I should run to it full speed ahead. Continue to grow in your purpose unapologetically and be the best version of yourself.♥️

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