As we approach the end of the year, it’s the perfect time to reflect and set our intentions for the future. Affirmations are powerful as they help us build self belief, enhance our positive mindset, and manifest our days. I too, thought they were useless. Until, I began affirming myself every morning or night, when I’m doing my hair, makeup, or skincare routine. Speak into existence. Believe the good you tell yourself.

Here are 23 affirmations to close out 2023. Let’s Go!!!!

  1. I am capable of reaching my goals. Believe in your abilities and know that have been equipped to achieve whatever you put your mind to.
  2. Every day I grow stronger and more courageous. Embrace the challenges and opportunities life brings you. Each challenge and opportunity is a lesson for growth.
  3. I am grateful for the opportunities that come my way. Express gratitude for the opportunities that come into your life.
  4. I choose to focus on the positive aspects of life. What you feed will come back. What you water will grow. Make sure to entertain the happy thoughts. When negative thoughts come, redirect to positivity.
  5. My potential is endless. Know that you are limitless and you have the world at your disposal. You can achieve whatever you dream of.
  6. I am worthy of achieving my dreams. Believe in you that whatever you desire to do, be, or create you deserve. You are deserving of all the happiness and joy life has to offer.
  7. I am enough, just as I am. The way God created you was how He wanted. Which means you are perfectly created in the most high image. Embrace self acceptance and love yourself unconditionally.
  8. I choose to surround myself with positivity. Be mindful of what you consume. What your family and friends brings to your attention or phone. Choose to be around motivating and encouraging people.
  9. I am proud of how far I’ve come. Progress is good no matter how small the step. Celebrate your accomplishments and achievements to build confidence along your journey.
  10. I am open to new ideas and change. Embrace change. We don’t know everything and never will. Just because something has worked for so long doesn’t mean there isn’t a newer, better, more efficient way of doing. CHANGE IS UNCOMFORTABLE
  11. I own my happiness. You are in control of your own happiness.No matter what anyone has said or done, you are responsible for reconciling your emotions and feelings.
  12. I am confident in my abilities. Trust yourself to conquer whatever obstacles and opportunities come to you. Believe in your knowledge, power, and experience.
  13. I am a magnet for success. Believe you deserve to be successful. Have an abundance mindset.
  14. I am committed to my personal growth. Make it a priority to continually learn, grow, and improve yourself.
  15. I am in charge of my future. You have the power to redirect your life on whatever path you envision. Only you can hold you back.
  16. I trust my journey. Trust your path is specially yours. Nothing happens by accident. Your journey is unique to you. Every thing is there to teach you a life lesson.
  17. I am learning and improving everyday. We can learn from the least person we expect. Embrace the differences and have a mindset of understanding the purpose behind it.
  18. I am patient with myself and the process. Patience is also a teacher. We’ll move to the next step when we have mastered the one we’re on. If you want more money, get great at managing what you have now.
  19. I am brave. Face challenges head on. Be proactive instead of reactive. Ignoring challenges only makes things worse. Facing adversity let’s us know where we’re strong at and where we need work.
  20. I treat others with kindness. Kindness is free. Kindness is simple. Kindness is loving. Kindness is comforting. Kindness is contagious.
  21. I radiate love and positivity. However, you want to feel, be.
  22. I release negativity. Stop limiting beliefs. Stop entertaining negative thoughts. Have hope and live with expectations of goodness daily.
  23. I am the author of my own story. Each day you are writing a page in your book. Make sure it’s your words and not someone else’s.

Check out the links below for inspiration to help cultivate a positive mindset.

End 2023 on a positive high. Stop these affirmations daily. Even if it’s only one. Watch your mind shift. Your confidence boost. Your shoulders are back. Believe in yourself, embrace the good and bad, and live for you. Happy New Year!!!


Be you so you can be free.

RosalynLynn: Everyone deserves to live in who they authentically are and have the most fulfilling journey through life.

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