DIY…Starbucks Medicine Ball

Ok, I have a guilty pleasure of going to Starbucks. DIY…Starbucks medicine ball is my current recipe to replicate. However, I do know it can be an expensive habit and I get a rush on figuring out ways to make my favorite drink at home. One of my favorite drinks is the Honey Citrus Mint Tea aka the medicine ball.

This is advertised as an high in vitamin c drink that supposed to boost your immune system through the cold and flu season. Does it help with boosting your immune system or get over a cold, that remains to be proven. However, the only thing I do know, is this drink on a brisk fall morning or an evening night cap drink is a must try.

The ingredients are very simple. The recipe for a Grande, which is 16oz, calls for half hot water and half steamed lemonade. So 8oz of hot water to 8oz of steamed lemonade. Then two flavors of tea are Jade Citrus Mint and Peach Tranquility and a packet of honey which measures about 1 teaspoon.

The blend of the citrus and mint along with the honey is very soothing to the throat even if you don’t have a sore throat. Late in the evening before bed, it opens your sinuses while giving you a relaxed calming energy.

The last two weeks I have divulged in tea while creating many recipes of my own with a twist. My at home recipe consists of the following:

DIY…Starbucks Medicine Ball

-1 Cup of the Simply Lemonade (I’ve experimented with regular and light and they both taste amazing.) (
-1 Cup of hot water not boiling
-1 Tea Bag of Peppermint tea
-1 Tea Bag of the Citrus Sunrise
-1 Tea spoon of honey (


Start by placing the one cup of water and one cup of lemonade into a small pot and bring to a steam. Just as soon as it begins to come to a boil take it off.

Next, pour mixture into mug with both tea bags. Let it steep for about 2-3 minutes. Add one teaspoon of honey, stir , and its ready to sip.

Total prep and cook time, 10 minutes.
I have loved and enjoyed my evening with this drink. The most fun though, has been playing around with different mixtures and flavors of tea.

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Some others mixtures I’ve tried for the DIY…Starbucks Medicine Ball is:
-Mint Honey and Lemon Ginseng Tea ( – one peppermint and one honey lemon ginseng tea bag each
-Citrus Honey and Lemon Ginseng Tea-one citrus sunrise tea bag and one honey lemon ginseng tea bag
-Double Mint Lemondage tea-2 peppermint tea bags
-Black Citrus ( tea in the morning- one black tea bag and one citrus sunrise tea bag
-Black Mint Awakening tea- one black tea bag and one peppermint tea bag.
All mixtures are made with the same one cup of hot water and one cup of lemonade with the teaspoon of honey.

As you can see I have experimented quite a bit and found some great soothing indulgence for morning, noon, and night. Any of the above mentioned mixtures can be enjoyed anytime of the day.


Be you so you can be free.

RosalynLynn: Everyone deserves to live in who they authentically are and have the most fulfilling journey through life.

View Comments (3)

  • Nice! It's always been a good idea to make your own version at home whenever possible...
    Honey has a lot of health benefits to offer in our body, they are great food substance💞

    • Yes honey 🍯 does and you explained that wonderfully in your post. Thanks so much for your thoughts ❣️

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