This week was all about getting as much work done as I can on a short week. My weekly blog intentions have been amazing and I’m learning so much about myself. My goal and intentions this week were to submit as many proposals as possible and land as many contracts as I could. I knew I had to take advantage of the short work week with Monday being a holiday and Friday was my daughters birthday.

Sunday: My week started busy with work, cleaning, and enjoying time with the family. I was still finishing up on a previous contract and I was very excited on how well it went. With each new freelance contract I get, the more confident and excited I get about how far I can go. Of course it was Sunday, so naturally football is always a focal point. All around I felt good going into the week.

Monday: I decided to split my day working from home and going to my day job. My husband took off to be with the kids to allow me to balance both. I knew I wanted to get work done from home and at my day job. I’m more than grateful that we have the flexibility in both our jobs to do so. I was able to hit my goal on submitting as many proposals as I can. In my head, if I submit proposals at the beginning of the week, that will set me up to have contracts by the end of the week. Leading into each week I already have work set up.

Tuesday: Back to business as usual. Routine, school, kids, and bitterly cold at that. Today was the day I wanted to wrap up my daughters birthday plans for Friday. I needed to make sure I had her gift and everything ready to go for dinner on Friday. Though the last two days I’ve been grappling with not wanting to go to the office. I’ve been having this urge to stay home and get more work done at home as to it’s picking up. All while things at my day job have been very slow. But I quickly gathered myself and reminded myself of how blessed and grateful I am to have the ability to create my own schedule.

Wednesday: Was hump day realness. Today I was in tidy up mode. My midweek clean up is the best thing I could’ve done for myself. It gives me a moment to recoup, gather myself and the family, and get through the rest of the week. However, we did have moment of adjustment when we received notification that the kids would be out of school on Friday due to staffing shortages. So thank God first, that I wrapped up my daughters birthday earlier in the week. But now I had to make sure she felt extra special since she was going to be home and not school during the day. This interruption is the reason why I began my journey and setting intentions weekly. Change is going to happen and you have to be able to adapt quickly and take advantage of the positive.

anonymous woman reading magazine in cafe

Thursday: There was another quick interruption as a coworker of mine fell ill, and I had to fill in longer than expected. Once again my husband and I made some adjustments at home for the unexpected day out of school. Today was actually my rest day. I decided to order out and just enjoy my evening. That was my self care moment for myself. TGIF: SELF CARE IS ALL AROUND YOU

Friday: My daughters birthday. So because of my coworker being out I had to go into the office. However, my husband decided to take off. Before I left we had a good breakfast as a family for my daughters birthday and I was able to watch her open her gifts. My mommy guilt of going to work quickly went away because I knew she’d be occupied with her gift and wouldn’t be thinking about me. (Yes, I can’t help it, I still get mommy guilt.) I was able to have a great day at work and then come home and enjoy the birthday plans we had made.

Saturday: Of course I’m going to sleep in. This was a busy day as I had errands and finishing up a contract. The only thing that I didn’t get done was repotting my plant and I’ll probably do that tomorrow. I was able do everything I needed to do plus relax and sit down early.

Once again this week has taught me life is going to throw curve balls, its all about how you catch them. If I don’t handle the ever changing days of life then my children won’t be able to adapt either. I’m very aware of how I respond because I know they are watching me.

Setting my weekly intentions, staying on track, and allowing room for adjustment has helped me stay calm and work through everything. If you’re struggling week to week on keeping up or not handling situations that arrive, I encourage you to set intentions at the beginning of the week. You don’t have to be a CEO of a large company to set intentions, goals, or an agenda. You are the CEO of your life and you need to manage it.

Have a great week everyone!!!!!

Be well on your journey.


Be you so you can be free.