Create Plans, Systems, and Habits For The New Year

It’s that time of year where people are talking about their new year’s resolutions. Instead of resolutions create plans, systems, and habits for the new year. I’ve never like this idea or really been able to answer the question “what’s your New Years resolution?”

Instead of a New Years resolution I think its more important and/or effective to create a lifestyle with systems and daily habits. Have a plan for your life in year. Break that plan down into half year goals, seasonal or quarterly goals, and then monthly goals. If needed you can even break it down into weekly goals until it has become habit. Setting goals, making plans, and listing somethings you’d like to accomplish in a year is more realistic and obtainable.

So often when we set resolutions they barely last a month or even a week sometimes. That’s because it hasn’t been thoroughly thought out, made with intention, and done at the spare of the moment.

Before creating a system or change you must ask yourself what is my end goal here? How long will it take me to reach my end game? What do I need in the process? If I have to make a detour what is my course of action to get back on track? What do I need to put into place to begin? What are the steps of this goal?

To make anything sustainable we have to be patient, persistent, and consistent. Yes there will be road blocks but we will overcome them. The systems set by our daily habits will allow us to get back into to gear when something happens. Life is going to continue but its how we push through that makes us strong.When we push through obstacles that gives us the confidence and motivation to continue on with our goals. Now we won’t give up or lose sight on what we sought out to achieve.

When you have an outline of your goal you’re able to track progress. You can adjust the goal if necessary. Increase or decrease your course of action, add or delete some steps in the process, and have a visual.

For example, if you have a weight loss goal, make a plan to lose 5lbs in the first month or two. Because you have a goal you know you have to eat a balanced diet and exercise to achieve that goal. Look at your work week, schedule of things to do with the kids or family in the week, and figure when it will be best to work out for at least 30 minutes 4 times a week. Anyone can say “I want to get fit” but what does that mean without a plan and goals behind it.

Along with setting goals and creating an action plan, having a system in place will assist you in achieving the goals you want. Having systems in place with daily habits that are pushing you toward your goal allows you to remain present in the moment. The systems of daily habits become the lifestyle change you are striving for. You can’t have one without the other. Create plans, systems, and habits to set you up for success this year.

Back to the weight loss example, you will need a system of when and how often I need to go to the grocery store to ensure I have what I need before, during, and after workout. Along with what will my daily meals and snacks look like. Waking up to making sure you don’t skip breakfast is a great daily habit to begin with. What am I going to have for lunch, what is my snack for the day, or what is the plan for dinner.

No matter what it is, you want to accomplish, create a plan for it. Vacation, remodeling the home, purchasing a new car, or whatever make an intentional plan. I know it may seem like a lot or it can be overwhelming in the beginning but once it becomes habit and who you are it won’t phase you one bit. Living the life you envisioned, deserve, and sought for is the best reward.

We have to make it a lifestyle and part of who we are. It has to be about us, for us, and by us otherwise it’s just empty words of hopes of what we’d like to do and accomplish.


Be you so you can be free.

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