F-Freshen yourself up. It’s amazing what a new haircut, outfit, new makeup, or facial will do. When we spend time on ourselves, it gives us a new look and confidence that we need to put some spunk in us.

A-Attract what you want. We are what we attract. That is in friendships, romantic relationships, finances, positive vibes, and in your spirit.

I-Increase the love you give yourself and others. FORGIVE For Your Mental Health

T-Talk and tell others how you feel. If we don’t express how we feel then our loved ones won’t know we need their ear, heart, conversation, and love.

H-Hope fuels faith. Always hope for the best. Even when things don’t pan out how you wanted them to or right away, having hope leaves us with the expectation that everything is going to be alright.


Be you so you can be free.

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